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Dinner 2021


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1 hour ago, weinoo said:

A few nights ago:




Scallops, duck-fat and chicken stock "broasted" creamer potatoes, Belgian endive in the style of puntarelle, with anchovies and vinaigrette. My food stylist sucks.


I jogged walked over to Chinatown (wait, I live in Chinatown, I walked west on Grand Street to Ken Hing (by the way @KennethT - they don't have that refrigerated curry paste you mentioned)), to buy some stuff for dinner.


Though this stuff was in inventory, and pickled the day before:




Cucumber pickle, Szechuan style. Cabbage and carrot sweet and sour pickle (Cantonese style?).


In the freshly cleaned and seasoned wok...




Shanghai bok choy. Simple stir-fry.




Lo mein, with chicken, shitake, cabbage, snow peas, scallions, etc. Very good.

The cabbage/carrot pickle reminds me of someof the pickles I saw in Vietnam - they pickle everythnig there and basically serve it with every meal.

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Hi everyone, I've been quiet as I got extremely ill for a long time and wasn't much cooking. (Nothing Covid related.) Things started to get a little better. Here are some recent mostly repeats. Because of my illness, I need to keep it pretty light and because I'm not feeling great, I like to keep the kitchen time to a minimum. :(  I have a list as long as my arm of recipes I can't wait to make. 


Some whole roasted Orata the way I always make it, with potatoes, cherry tomatoes, olives and pine nuts.



Whole roasted Branzino with capers, olives and parsley and sautéed cime di rapa.



Then there were some puntarelle with the typical dressing of anchovies, garlic, oil etc. This is heaven on a plate. I had a whole head of the puntarelle and wanted to hide in the kitchen so I  wouldn't have to share. 😈 Alas, the guilt sets in. 




Then there were carrots with orange, pistachio and pomegranate and a tahini dressing, from a random recipe a friend sent me because she thought I'd like it. it was delicious.IMG_1042.jpg.e2cdf1aca9deeb6e09105d05c03da4e6.jpg


Then a rice bowl with shrimp and other non-traditional ingredients like avocado and other stuff  liked sautéed greens, raw carrots (cut too big) edamame, mixed sautéed mushrooms, green onion. And the fried egg (errr, overeasy anyway)  that brings it all together. 




An appetizer plate of hummus, which might not look so appetizing since the food processor gave out before I was done. :( with roasted and marinated peppers, a lone cariofo alla romana (not the classic artichoke but still worth it) and roasted cauliflower with oil, vinegar, honey, pine nuts, raisins and capers. 



Lots of fish because my weekly CSA added fish that you can specially order. The only ones they have that are worth the price are Orata and Branzino.


And a couple of months ago, we received 8 5-liter cans of new olive oil shipped to us, thank goodness, because we paid so much less than what we would have paid up in Northern Italy for oil half as good. In both cases, we personally know both the purveyors. 


The one from Siena is very peppery, with more bitter notes, (possibly due to more leaves) the one from Lucignano (30 minutes towards Arezzo from Siena) is milder, with citrusy notes and pepper on the finish. Someone might remember (or not) from years back that I have a slight olive oil obsession. :) The one from Siena is also filtered, while Luci was not. 



Boring in my convalescence. But have this extremely rigid diet to stick to until I figure out what's going on. :( 

Edited by ambra (log)
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Sorry to hear you were ill, happy you're feeling better.

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“Who loves a garden, loves a greenhouse too.” - William Cowper, The Task, Book Three


"Not knowing the scope of your own ignorance is part of the human condition...The first rule of the Dunning-Kruger club is you don’t know you’re a member of the Dunning-Kruger club.” - psychologist David Dunning


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@shain – are your little burekas brushed with egg?  They have such a nice color.


@ambra  - I’m so sorry that you’ve been ill and hope you are truly on the mend.  I think that your appetite and wish to cook sounds good!


@Eatmywords – your fish and your empanadas look amazing.  I’ve got fish and chips on the menu plan this week and I hope mine is half as good as yours looks!


The 27th was Jessica’s BD and she decided to postpone the big dinner out until it is safe to eat in a restaurant, so we just got take out that night.  She and Mr. Kim wanted Thai, which is usually too hot for me, so I got a Pu-Pu platter from our favorite Chinese place:



Their feast included shrimp and pineapple fried rice and tempura shrimp:




Both of which were delicious and things I would happily eat. 


They also got something called Crying Tiger:


Grilled beef with a chili-pepper and lime juice sauce.  Jessica got her usual Massamun Curry:



Mr. Kim got the green curry:


I confess that this looks completely unappetizing to me.  I told him that I was glad he enjoyed it, but that I couldn’t imagine looking at that and saying, “Oh, goody!  Dinner!”.  LOL


For dinner last night, I jumped on the eG Katsu bandwagon:


Chicken thigh katsu, leftover shrimp and pineapple fried rice, sauteed snow peas. 



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2 hours ago, Kim Shook said:


@Eatmywords – your fish and your empanadas look amazing.  I’ve got fish and chips on the menu plan this week and I hope mine is half as good as yours looks!


thanks Kim! they were one of the better versions we've made using cod (w I prefer over haddock, halibut, etc).  A big, flavorful beer in the batter certainly adds dimension but It's really about oil temp and maintaining it.  Gd Luck. 



That wasn't chicken

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Spicy, stir-fried pork kidney with shallots, shiitake, scallions and chilli. Served (unusually) with coriander / cilantro laced couscous.




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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
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1 hour ago, liuzhou said:

spicy, stir-fried pork kidney with shallots shiitake, scallions and chilli. Served (unusually) with coriander / cilantro laced couscous.




I am jealous that you have easy access to offal.  Love your food.

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18 minutes ago, chefmd said:

I am jealous that you have easy access to offal.  Love your.


They're definitely not offal-shy round here. I fact, I actually made two offal dishes tonight. Dinner as above and a bowl of chicken liver pâté, which is in the fridge to set.

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain


The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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Tonight Green Chicken Curry with the green curry paste recipe from Kasma Loha-Unchits It rains fishes ...


Had to use coriander stems, as I couldn’t find it with roots attached, even at my preferred asia market in Heidelberg. Upped the amount, and toned down the heat for the little one.






Served with Jasmine rice, shrimp crackers, some pork sate to make a meal ...








And a passion fruit Old Fashioned, enjoyed in the final steps of preparation and finished after dinner 🤗



Glutinous rice boiled in coconut milk, served cold with mango sorbet to finish ...



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some wonderful dinners for me start like this :




these are items I have.  All are C-19 free as they have been here for some time


some from TJ's  ( the Phigment dry-ish


table wine , better opened and refrigerated for over night )


some from Penzy's


DintyMore Stew  comes from Target 


w my RedCard 


well there it is




first ones needs to crush  the Penzeys' 


dry items indicated  : Rosemary and Tiyme FR in this case


the granulated garlic , for information purposed only


is not powdered  and that's a dig difference as I see it


I have not shown you


my various Fond-Less pans that I work with now


I use them to  essentially reduce the table wine , w added crushed Penzeys


items to hydrate


the DintyMoore , then goes into that Fond-less pan to heat up


but this is the pan I use for the Pasta




I now prefer this sort of pasta 


as it fits in the pan


and I can control the water lever


to get it to ' Al dente ' for me


and leave the residual pasta water in the pan , and avoid draining


very very very fine pan


for this result :




Exceptionally tasty for Me


these days 


no Crusty Bread 


but after a few Vacc'd 


Illl look into finding 


local Crusty Bread , w good crumb




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