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4th of July


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We are having pizza tonight, but lobster is on sale and we're hoping to do stuffed lobsters on the grill tomorrow. Aldi's has fresh pork spare ribs this week for $1.79 pp and I am hoping to do my first SV + the smoker later in the week with some fresh coleslaw. It's a week long thing with me!


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We're visiting family and helping them settle into their new place.  Food always flows in flavorful excess with this gang. Given the ham, potatoes (cheesy and otherwise), shrimp dip, fruit, burgers, fresh bread, and colossal pans of cookies, bars and cupcakes we've already consumed this weekend, it looks like it's staying simple: brats, beans and beer so we won't be tired to waddle up the hill to watch fireworks.

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Nancy Smith, aka "Smithy"
HosteG Forumsnsmith@egstaff.org

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"Every day should be filled with something delicious, because life is too short not to spoil yourself. " -- Ling (with permission)
"There comes a time in every project when you have to shoot the engineer and start production." -- author unknown

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8 minutes ago, Shelby said:

After watching Joey Chestnut eat 70 Nathan's hotdogs I have a craving.......

I would like one hot dog, but 70 O.o?  I wouldn't even want to watch!


I went to a family holiday celebration over the weekend with grilled burgers and all the fixins.  Neighborhood little kids parade this morning, followed by a pancake breakfast that I skipped.  

I'm thinking I might try my hand at some of these frozen gin & tonics later......

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We have our son and his family visiting with us from Japan this year, so we will be doing our traditional cook-out of burgers and hot dogs with potato salad, corn on the cob, pork and beans, and watermelon. Sparklers and snakes to follow!



Edited by robirdstx (log)
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5 minutes ago, robirdstx said:

We have our son and his family visiting with us from Japan this year, so we will be doing our traditional cook-out of burgers and hot dogs with potato salad, corn on the cob, pork and beans, and watermelon. Sparklers and snakes to follow!




How great!  I know you are having a ball.  I had forgotten all about snakes.  Loved those.


I've made tater salad.  Gonna have ribs, too.  And, I'm making ramen noodle salad.  Had a craving for that.   Oh and baked beans.  And homemade ice cream and strawberries.


And wine.

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  • 11 months later...

Just finished 5 lbs of both potato and macaroni salad.  Am headed into our local military installation where I have been a volunteer for 20+ years while Johnnybird worked there.  We are also making sure that any DOD workers and all military officers working have a bit to eat.


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Nothing is better than frying in lard.

Nothing.  Do not quote me on this.


Linda Ellerbee

Take Big Bites

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43 minutes ago, suzilightning said:

Just finished 5 lbs of both potato and macaroni salad.  Am headed into our local military installation where I have been a volunteer for 20+ years while Johnnybird worked there.  We are also making sure that any DOD workers and all military officers working have a bit to eat.





I've had a prime rib resting in the fridge for a few days that has been salted.  Probably not traditional 4th food, but who can turn down prime rib???

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Sous vide ribs finished in the oven because it was pouring rain. Potato salad. Slaw with a light viniagrette.


Quiet day. Lazy day. Good day.


The local constabulary must have threatened the city residents and visitors with lengthy terms at hard labor for violations of the fireworks ordinances. I've yet to hear the first firecracker. These were last night at the baseball game.



Edited by kayb (log)
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Don't ask. Eat it.


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I had tossed a 5 lb chuck roast on the smoker this morning.   After it had reached 190f I wrapped it in foil and then a thick towel and stashed it in a cooler to rest.  2-3 hours later it was still hot.   Gloved up, cleaned  and pulled it.  


Served with potato salad and a tossed salad.  The local grocery had bags of mini potatoes bogo.  Red, white and blue varieties which are standard year round.  This made for a patriotic potato salad 

Edited by scubadoo97 (log)
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"Local" pork burgers (home-ground locally raised tenderloin + bacon, with salt, pepper, and Penzey's lamb rub) on locally made gluten-free sandwich rolls. Mustardy cole slaw (farmers market cabbage and carrots) on the side (and occasionally on the burger). Washed down with Château Puech-Haut 2009 (and La Croix flavored sparkling water).

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"There is no sincerer love than the love of food."  -George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman, Act 1


"Imagine all the food you have eaten in your life and consider that you are simply some of that food, rearranged."  -Max Tegmark, physicist


Gene Weingarten, writing in the Washington Post about online news stories and the accompanying readers' comments: "I basically like 'comments,' though they can seem a little jarring: spit-flecked rants that are appended to a product that at least tries for a measure of objectivity and dignity. It's as though when you order a sirloin steak, it comes with a side of maggots."


"A sense of humor is a measurement of the extent to which you realize that you are trapped in a world almost entirely devoid of reason. Laughter is how you release the anxiety you feel at this knowledge." -Dave Barry, humorist


Read to children. Vote. And never buy anything from a man who's selling fear. -Mary Doria Russell, science-fiction writer

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  • 11 months later...

Going to a minor league ballgame with a massive fireworks show afterward, so the before-the-game meal is down the street from the park at Flying Fish, a casual restaurant that does several different seafood preparations. Casual in that you walk through the l, ine, order, pay, and get one of those coasters that lights up and buzzes when your order is ready, and you go swap your coaster for your food.


They do a pound of boiled shrimp with a potato and corn for $15. A bargain, and excellent. That and a pitcher of cold Yuengling will set us up nicely for the game, where more Yuengling will be consumed.


So no cooking for me. I have a rack of ribs I sous vided a while back in the freezer; may thaw them out Tuesday, run them in the smoker for a bit, and make some potato salad and have my dinner on Tuesday.



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Don't ask. Eat it.


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No earthly idea...we will be on the ferry from Channel Port aux Basques, NL and New Sydney, NS.  Back on the mainland about 630 ADT.  Not sure if we will try to push on a bit or find some place to stay.

I NEVER thought I would EVER say this but I am going to miss the rock.  






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Nothing is better than frying in lard.

Nothing.  Do not quote me on this.


Linda Ellerbee

Take Big Bites

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I've decided to make hamburgers and potato salad this year. 


It's my first time making a hamburger. Most recipes call for pan-frying but we'll probably broil ours, mostly because our smoke alarm is sensitive. Even then, we'll probably have to open the windows just to be safe.


Pix later.

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I don't have many friends and no one thinks to include me in any festivities, so I'll be on my own again.  I'm heading to the a mountain to do some day hiking and that's it.  The only special food I am contemplating is a pressed sandwich to take in my pack.  Other than that, normal day.

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disconnect your smoke alarm , temporarily.


pan '-fry-saute '


broiled burgers are about as bad as you can get


not enough heat to get a crust and a fairly rare interior 


should you broil as an only option


you will never make a burger again


so there is that to think about , good or bad.

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