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    Grand Rapids, Michigan

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  1. Alex

    Food Funnies

    According to Professor Google, this is the only time "lasagna" and "anomaly" have appeared together on a web page—and I couldn't think of a better example. The sordid story
  2. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Boneless is Skeletal.
  3. Stock (unroasted), then remove the meat (it's easy to get rid of the veins, etc.) and make a big, big batch of chicken salad. My current favorite ingredients are toasted almond batons (for lack of a better word) and unsweetened dried cherries. Celery is good, too, if you can locate a non-bitter one. Dressing is mayo (Duke's nowadays), Dijon mustard (Maille), and dried dill.
  4. How about a gift chicken? Wait, they don't have any teeth. Never mind.
  5. Not yet. I've known about this for all of nine minutes. :-} So thank you
  6. Alex

    Food Funnies

    I found this extremely funny, although my sense of humor tilts toward the Monty Python variety, so: 1) absurdly non-matching skill sets; 2) unlikely to ever be requested together; 3) opening clams might endanger one's fingers. What also made this funny was that both jobs can exist at the same establishment. It wouldn't as funny, imo, if the posting was for, say, assembly line worker and opera singer.
  7. Yes, that's mentioned in the linked article.
  8. I also learned this: Full article in the Washington Post
  9. Wow. I had no idea. Texas's AG I knew about, but this has been under the radar. I'm glad the national media finally will be covering it.
  10. Alex

    Real Wasabi

    The Spice House: ½ oz (~14.2 g) for $13.99
  11. I'm pleased that I've actually been to a few of these (not Katz's; 2nd Avenue Deli was my go-to, back in the day) -- although my order was something other than what was in the article.
  12. Wonderful photos, as always. I especially like the one of the abandoned cottage. Oh, and the most recent one of your father. In case anyone is wondering, your son's sweatshirt says "Play Station" in Japanese katakana writing.
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