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Dinner 2020


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Bried chicken breast cooked 1-10-10 then finished with an olive oil, black garlic, chilli and Chinese chive sauce. Served with orzo and a side salad which I neglected to  photograph. Just a simple green salad. You know. Green stuff.






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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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3 hours ago, Anna N said:

I am not much of a fan of pulled pork but when you put a fried egg on top of it in the breakfast thread you won me over. 

I know you are a fan of mushrooms, see my 'faux' pulled pork dinner up-thread, I bet you would enjoy (as I also know we share a love for caramelized onions!)



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Got the lasagna pan that @JoNorvelleWalker and @rotuts and others were talking about and I've been wanting to use it.  Had some homemade pasta dough in the fridge so I did a venison lasagna last night.  





Pan worked perfect.  I really like the size.

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dinner a few weeks ago :




one of my favorites :


ravioli / tortelli    in Turkey Broth , scrambled eggs dribbled in and


Tj's  chopped  " Bag of Shrubbery "


I discovered that Tj's  " greens ' keep way longer than baby spinach


i have enough for two more Units of this , so one will tonight


( some leftover for tomorrow breakfast )  one one tomorrow


Im freezing the other ravioli / tortillini I have



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15 minutes ago, rotuts said:

dinner a few weeks ago :




one of my favorites :


ravioli / tortelli    in Turkey Broth , scrambled eggs dribbled in and


Tj's  chopped  " Bag of Shrubbery "


I discovered that Tj's  " greens ' keep way longer than baby spinach


i have enough for two more Units of this , so one will tonight


( some leftover for tomorrow breakfast )  one one tomorrow


Im freezing the other ravioli / tortillini I have




I also use boxed sauteing greens.   I usually cook up the entire box for the two of us, but have started rationing us to half a box.    Husband made a fast shopping run yesterday and not one boxed green was available.   I need to do "grow dances" in front of the chard plant in the backyard.

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eGullet member #80.

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46 minutes ago, rotuts said:

@Margaret Pilgrim


these are ht ones , from TJ's 


( posted in the Tj's thread a while back )




I just chop them up and add them to the finished hot soup.


tehy wilt a little and add a pleasant texture.

Be cautious with those 'pre-washed' salad bags.


There is often pieces of rotten salad hidden within - my wife once got sick from a box of baby arugula - ever since we diligently wash and pick through them.

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Made turkey chili last night, and found that I miscalculated my canned bean supply, only had one can of pintos. Lots of chickpeas, though...we are good for hummous.

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"Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast" - Oscar Wilde

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1 hour ago, TicTac said:

Be cautious with those 'pre-washed' salad bags.


There is often pieces of rotten salad hidden within - my wife once got sick from a box of baby arugula - ever since we diligently wash and pick through them.

Rotten salad is  gross, but probably didn't make her sick.

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17 minutes ago, rotuts said:



that looks so good.


I plan to try SV burgers some day.


what are your temps and times ?


1" thick burger, from frozen, 133F, 45 minutes.  This is basic burger from the Joule app.

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23 minutes ago, TdeV said:


Mark, looks good. Do you make your burgers and then freeze them or buy the burgers frozen?


I make them and freeze them (when ground beef goes on a deep sale). I also do this because my wife likes a 1/4 lb burger and I like a 1/2 lb burger.  I used to shape them, freeze them on a cookie sheet with parchment paper, then vacuum seal them.  This was to allow them to keep their shape when the bag compresses them.  But lately I have just been sealing them then freezing as the shape isn't altered that much.



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my dinner tonight :




this is 1/2 of what I made


its very similar to what I made a few weeks ago


but had some Fz generic veg Ive had in my Fz   for some time


i rehydrate them , and give them a few more minutes in the


stock before the


Mighty Fine Three Bridges  Ravioli


plunge in


and I used 1/2 of the TJ's Shrubbery   I still have 


the other  1/2   for tomorrow


and  eggs scrambled  in the soup


each day


some for tomorrow


however , what's a bit new


Im enjoying this , as its just me and MC


with the current ep of BetrerCallSaul


and that's fine here for me 


its not BCS  or anything like that


as Im a student of texture in movies and etc


this has it ,  and so many other Vids I have do too.



P.S.:  looking forward to BCS  next tuesday.

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We had company for dinner tonight.  Charlie told me they were invited yesterday.  They came early and I forgot to take before pictures.  These are some leftovers.  I had taken a brisket point and brined it for three weeks, but it was so big, fatty and thick that it could have uses another couple of weeks.  The flat coned beef we had was bought from Heritage foods. It was from Wagyu  cattle imported in from Japan and raised in Texas.  It was good but next year I'll go back to brining my own flat.  We had with it some scones, cabbage, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas, strawberries with whipped cream and angel food cake.  I made a Guinness mustard sauce and an Bushmills horseradish sauce too.



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Dinner was leftover maccheroni quadrifoglio with walnut sauce.



Even better because the sauce was hot from not trying to take a photograph.  To reheat the butter-tossed quadrifoglio I steamed it in the CSO for 20 minutes.  Then mixed with warmed walnut sauce.  Excellent.


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