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Dinner 2018


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Green peppers, in their raw state, are somewhat tolerable, albeit bland and fairly one dimensional. 


Cooked green peppers however are horrid, vile beasts and should be fed solely to animals and compost piles.

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Baked a small pork tenderloin last night.  Steamed local green beans, boiled potatoes and then used the juices from the pork and a bit of the steaming water made vegetable bisto gravy.  I thinly sliced the pork and chopped it a bit then added some bbq sauce and piled it on a slice of Dave's killer bread I got on sale.  Nice.....

Used some of the potatoes with some of the beans and shallot to make a potato salad for today with a vinaigrette.


I love red, yellow and orange peppers....green bells not so much.  Edited to add:  and peppadews, I love peppadews.


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Nothing is better than frying in lard.

Nothing.  Do not quote me on this.


Linda Ellerbee

Take Big Bites

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Hughies was a renowned local restaurant, opened in the seventies by a retired local boxing legend, Hugh Devlin. It was a mecca for garlic lovers. The boxing glove shaped menus had a note at the bottom of the first page: "All our dishes contain garlic, unless requested otherwise". Hughies was famous for it's Love Salad, a pretty simple salad that consisted of cubed iceberg lettuce dressed in a garlic laden Italian dressing with chunks of tomato, strips of cooked salami, provolone cheese, topped with a copious amount of grated parmesan cheese and served in a wooden bowl. One of the favorite dinners there for a garlic lover would be a Love Salad with garlic bread and shrimp scampi. I had forgotten about that salad. It has been years since they closed, due to a controversial eminent domain land dispute.

On a recent visit to my local brewery for growler fills, Deb got a "Hughie's Love Salad" to go from a newly opened pizza place next door. We took it home, transferred it to a wooden bowl, of course, and a door to history suddenly opened. I had forgotten how much I loved that simple salad and knew I would be putting it back on our menu at home. Last night we had Love Salads with pappardelle Bolognese and both loved the meal. I remembered the garlic bread in the oven after putting the camera away.




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Salad of squid and pre-cooked orzo with baby bok choy. Tomato salad with basil and enoki mushrooms. Dressed with a lemon/OO dressing


The only thing freshly cooked was the squid which I merely blanched for a minute in boiling salted water. Dressed with a white rice wine/OO dressing.


Both liberally sprinkled with black pepper.











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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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12 hours ago, Okanagancook said:

How did you do them in the air fryer.  I love sweet potato fries but find them soggy.


I did them in the Breville Smart Oven, air dryer setting 400F on the Breville supplied air fryer rack.  They took about 15 minutes.  These potatoes were labeled "plank cut".  

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Bulgur mujadara, with lentils, caramelized onion, yogurt and baharat.

Stew of tiny okra, cow peas, peppers and tomatoes.

Baked cauliflower with a coating of turmeric spiced bechamel and a cover of dukkah (cumin, coriander, sesame, peanuts - all toasted).


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~ Shai N.

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After a visit to the dentist that was close to a market I do enjoy, I paid said market a visit. They have the freshest shrimp in the area, I think, and Deb does love her baked, stuffed shrimp and I am just the guy to make it for her. That is how it went down tonight.





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Last night's dinner that I totally flaked on posting: Joe Carcione Special- sauteed shredded cabbage with onion, garlic, tomato sauce, and assorted veggies (peppers and yellow squash this time)


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Yesterday was doyo-no-ushi-no-hi, or the midsummer day of the ox in Japan, on which tradionally Unagi is consumed. Last year I enjoyed a fantastic Unagi meal in Chiba, this year I had to make it myself ...


Unagi don, umeboshi, edamame, tsukemono, mushroom-based miso soup. And a bottle of junmai sake. Not pictured: a tasty, yes surface-impaired chawan mushy with mentaiko, chicken and edamame & carrot. This day could be more often ...



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Picked up some kohlrabi and beets the other day.  Used the kohlrabi tops the day before but needed to get to the beets.   

Made a beet salad with chick peas, celery and carrots.  Of course everything is colored pink but tasty.   Served with grilled chicken thighs 


Dessert was chocolate mousse and berries 





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2 hours ago, Duvel said:

Not pictured: a tasty, yes surface-impaired chawan mushy with mentaiko, chicken and edamame & carrot. This day could be more often ...

 So I searched and searched for your chawanmushi in the photograph until the caffeine finally kicked in and I realized you didn’t post a photograph of it. Duh!   Lovely meal nevertheless. I am quite jealous.  

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Anna Nielsen aka "Anna N"

...I just let people know about something I made for supper that they might enjoy, too. That's all it is. (Nigel Slater)

"Cooking is about doing the best with what you have . . . and succeeding." John Thorne

Our 2012 (Kerry Beal and me) Blog

My 2004 eG Blog

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Staggered home at around 5:30 pm in the 38ºC/100ºF evening and en route swung past the only one of two bakeries which do baguettes which was anywhere near me. I say they do baguettes, but with 50% French heritage and genes, I consider myself qualified to say they are a pale imitation,  baked by someone who has never actually tasted one, but once saw a photograph.

Anyway, I picked up a couple (beggars / choosers) and toddled home. I did drop one on the way and didn't notice until this woman came rattling up the sidewalk behind me on an electric scooter yelling "Foreigner! Foreigner! You dropped your... something!" in Chinese. She had no idea what it was. I thanked her profusely, crossed the road, bought a six-pack of beers and within minutes was home-sweet-homed again.


I had earlier procured some pork tenderloin and diced it. Retrieved said pig meat from fridge and slathered it with sriracha sauce and garlic. (There was a moment of hesitation while I decided between red and yellow sriracha, but I went for the red. Hey, it's communist round here!) Left it for a bit while I checked out that the six pack beer was of a suitable quality and temperature for my fine-tuned requirements. The first can passed muster, but I thought that might be a fluke so tested another as a control sample, just in case.


By this time, I was getting peckish, so I fried the marinated pork along with its marinade until it seemed cooked through. Didn't take long in a hot wok. Sliced a tomato. Dropped cooked pork onto halved baguette (un-buttered) and topped with tomato slices. 


Placed in mouth. Chewed and swallowed. Repeated twice.


Then drank the remainder of the beer just in case it became too cold in the fridge or went off. Routine disaster prevention procedure.





My dietary advisor would probably be having seizures, if I had ever employed such a thing, but it filled me up, made my mouth happy, and didn't involve the kitchen being a furnace for more than a minute. And I still have half a baguette for breakfast tomorrow. Genius!

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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Last night was a 7 week aged Rib Eye from Cumbrae's (deckle end)


Tempura Zucchini flowers w young garlic


Pickled beet greens/stems


Cucumber / Dill salad


Williams Selyem Sonoma Coast Pinot



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Lamb chops, garden spuds and carrots (done in the CSO and posted over on that thread) drizzled with Guava Nectar and minced ginger.  A nice refreshing yogurt/herb dish from Heart of the Choke and a green salad with shaved Romano.  Eaten in the TV room watching the Tour de France.



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On 7/15/2018 at 2:30 PM, gfweb said:

In What kind of shape does it show up?  I always imagine a doggy bag -looking affair


I made the discovery that GrubHub and BeyondMenu will deliver to a hospital room.


I have spent  considerable time in the hospital over the last few years.  Last year I spent most of Spring summer and fall waiting for a heart transplant and since the transplant I have had issues with my kidneys and low blood pressure.


I was going crazy on the food from the hospital kitchen. (The hospitals cardiac transplant program is the best in the northeast,  the kitchen is outclassed by a 1960s vintage elementary school cafeteria.)  I will admit I was envious of patients with local family bringing in care packages every day.


Two months ago I discovered to my surprise that GrubHub would deliver to my hospital room.


I saved up my allowed salt (days of eating mostly fruit) and would get a really good bag of food which lasts for a few days.  Then it was back to fruit (the kitchen puts strawberries in a cup very well).


In the last two months I have had 4 deliveries.   I can show you the packaging from the remains of my last order.


The Nan was wrapped in foil and the other dishes were packaged in plastic containers.


Shown in the photos is Nan, basmati rice,  Lamb Biryani,  Lamb shank curry.    These photos are right out of the refrigerator.   The food looked much better when delivered warm and will look better after reheating.


These pictures and this food  does not compare to the plated meal pictures on this forum but it is welcome relief from an over grilled chicken breast which could be used to resole a shoe.  (One of the hospital kitchen's best dishes.)












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Had a recipe for Chili-Lime Clams, but clams were scarce in our little city this week. However, the mussels were freshly installed in the fish tank, so I went with the 2 lb bag plus a dozen little little clams.

As I have an abundance of fresh Thai lime leaves these days from my own little tree, I threw a few in with the shallots, garlic, cherry tomatoes, etc. Had some large shrimp on hand. Peeled the ones for hubby and simmered the shells for broth instead of the cup of beer called for in the recipe.  Didn't have any chickpeas, so I added diced taters. It worked. Shrimp were seasoned then sauteed in butter. All eaten with toasted baguette and corn-on-the-cob.   Broth was amazing!



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When I was younger, I was petrified of the Tube. So whenever I had to do anything in London, my Dad would meet me at Waterloo and take me to where I needed to be. 

I was always early and always bought a baguette from one of the vendors, they cost £a kidney, for either egg mayo and Bacon or Pork Sausage. 

I didn't have the Cress to really take me back. 


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I salute all you PhotograPosters - I have yet to find a 'stream-less' method to upload shots taken on my D600 - so sadly, my 'contributions' will be limited to text, for the moment (or perhaps until my 3 kids exceed the average age of 2.5 ;) )


Last night was a repeat of a successful experimentation:


Pizza w / Garlic Scape paste (as the base)

Young 'hay aged' Pecorino

Garden baby roasted potatoes

First of the year quartered orange cherry tomatoes


Fantastic meals, folks.  A great source of inspiration, is EG, to be sure.

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