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    Ottawa, Ontario

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  1. What a wonderful idea. Kudos to you!
  2. When I met my husband, spicy food meant putting black pepper on something. I now make him spicy red pepper sauce made with Scotch Bonnet peppers.
  3. Thank you for bringing us along. I have to say - you're one adventurous eater!
  4. From Scratch by Michael Ruhlman, Kindle edition, on sale today for $1.99 https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07NYZ31TJ?_bbid=222022345&tag=bookbubemailca-20&ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=4f612f40-eced-4a93-a7e9-44169388d520
  5. I'm with @blue_dolphinon this. I had the same thing happen to me. Before I found out it was out-of-warranty, they offered to send me the new 500 series Creami along with a couple of pints. Here is a picture of mine. Please let us know what happens.
  6. I save mine as well. I keep full jars in the freezer as i cook a lot of bacon in the summer (BLTs) but not so much in winter. I also think of it as liquid gold.
  7. ElsieD

    Center Cut Bacon

    Centre cut bacon is regular bacon with the fatty ends cut off. So says America's Test Kitchen.
  8. Can you please tell me what the manual has to say about the top, bottom and full settings? I'm particularly interested in the bottom and top ones.
  9. I'm going to be making a mango yogurt, possibly tomorrow. It'll be the first time I've tried yogurt. I'll post the result.
  10. @blue_dolphin. Thanks for that info. I have been speaking with a Ninja Canada customer service rep and you may well be right - that they don't know what causes the issue. I am calling them again when I can check the last couple of batches for gouges . It's really hard eating all that ice cream (snicker) but we should manage within the next couple of days. Depending on the state of my pints, I'll decide how I want to approach them. I'll post my result.
  11. I have been back and forth with Ninja about the gouged pint. In the first instance, I was told that if it was still under warranty, they would send me the newest version and two extra pints. Unfortunately, I discovered it was way past it's warranty date, so so much for the upgrade. I'm now at the point where they have offered two new pints for half price and in another conversation a new bowl at half price. The downer is that I have to pay for shipping. If they are offering both, it may be worthwhile. I need to talk to them again. Since that happened, I have made blueberry and chocolate but we haven't eaten enough of either to be able to tell if those pints have been damaged. Meanwhile, I'm no closer to understanding why that happened, which is what I really want.
  12. I made a recipe the other day from one of CKBK's books. The recipe was total failure and I rated it as such and in the review stated what I did to remedy the second half of the cookie dough before I baked the rest of it. Imagine my surprise when the author responded to my coment. This is what she said: "Thank you for noting this errata. The recipe was added by the publisher after I turned in the manuscript without my consent. I am sorry I can't give you the fix, though I'd say that 3/4 cup flour would be the correct ratio. For a less crispy cookie, I recommend using 1/2 cup white sugar and 1/2 cup brown sugar. I have contacted the publisher regarding this issue. Thanks again for calling it to my attention." Interesting, no?
  13. @weinoo. The ice cream mix was perfectly level as I freeze it directly on the freezer shelf. It had not been touched. The spun product was exactly as is should be except i did notice a bit of a hard layer of mix after it was spun. @blue_dolphin. I remembered you saying something to the effect that smaller batches could be made which is why I tried the 200ml. batch. From your quote it says that smaller batches will not hurt the machine but doesn't say anything about the pints. Your suggestion to contact them is a good one which i will do. I'm not keen to eat plastic with my ice cream.
  14. @Sid Post. I have been wondering if you were affected by the power outages. I recently froze 200ml (7 ounces?) of ice cream mix to see if that was enough for 2 servings when accompanying pie. The answer is yes, but after I washed the Creami pint I noticed that the blades had gouged the container. You can see them near the top of the picture of the container. Did this happen because the machine didn't have enough mix to work with? Or is there some other reason?
  15. Welcome to the forum! You've come to the right place as there are some very knowledgeable chocolate people of this forum.
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