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    Ottawa, Ontario

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  1. Bean lovers might be interested in Heirloom Beans by Steve Sando and Vanessa Barrington. Currently on sale for $1.99 on Amazon. Sorry, I couldn't get the link to work.
  2. I ordered 2 sets, the second set will go in my sister's Christmas "bag".
  3. Thank you @MaryIsobel. I just put these in my cart. https://www.amazon.ca/Spatula-Reusable-Double-ended-Silicone-Kitchen/dp/B093SMXB91/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1AHYS35IEC1NP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FJhqCW5rqttneUfLABdD-yvQxrZRJ8CznYzH1rVU3UPn5zjKaFgGPc-Drf5-vkjjJJl8Kh1iMTYh7JPJ8F0PrXMAnpsbCfm1OiOIkkFW_BTfL0fzSr1CbKqXMGe9aurdkrD0tQ_HvuEdXSuZDVrlEZplYHCjbEZwZAyqiGGLtHKXsUvhN9mv2zwdzqeCO8VscNLsTiGGdlPpJX-pkRInWtRi06MlkGmlPUlWN2UNb2hL88Gp4z4rcH2lMPV4_NC_TB_1IoorLbi05HFxuX47_VY4YFwDW5YqT-mshJ30m9g.pQ7FzfGQt_cIOEvX7MmYneOhFSYlBckJU15TXZ-hix0&dib_tag=se&keywords=Hagbou%2Bscraper&qid=1727820631&sprefix=hagbou%2Bscraper%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-6&th=1
  4. I'm a scraper, probably because growing up, my parents were scrapers, having lived through the depression and occupied Holland in WW2 when food was, to put it mildly, scarce. I like to get every. last. bit. out.
  5. Our humidity right now is 56% so I guess I'd expect it to take a few hours longer?
  6. Thank you. Can you tell me how long and at what temperature?
  7. I am going to dehydrate some plum tomatoes. The couple of books I have suggest cutting them in wedges to dry. Should I, after cutting them, also take the seeds out? TIA. So far, I have dehydrated peaches, blueberries (not a fan), apple slices, strawberries and some red, green and orange bell peppers. Other than the blueberries, I haven't used any of the other dried products.
  8. I sometimes thaw a frozen vac packed hunk of whatever in a bowl with cold water which also works to thaw whatever quicker. Never thought of using sous vide. I'll try it next time. I don't have a divided sink but I'll just use a suitably sized pot.
  9. @Darienne If you feel up to replying, was there any one particular thing that sparked your interest? (Glad to see your post.)
  10. Not sure if this should go here or in the non-culinary one. I will never again sign up to take a day course at Le Cordon Bleu and forget to show up.
  11. We have the Breville "The Smart Grill" and are happy with it. I am a big fan of Breville products, I haven't needed to replace any of them.
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