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Fasta Pasta


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thinking about  gfweb's comments


re: handles 


the Fasta is not a simple rectangle


it has two outcroppings done its side.  after seeing the picture showing how to drain it


your thumbs naturally grip the lid and the bottom here.  the bottom also has these outcroppings.


see the pic above

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Well I just pulled mine out of the garbage. The base is heavy enough and sturdy enough to make a food/water trough for my four-legged houseguests. Still food related just not to humankind!

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Anna Nielsen aka "Anna N"

...I just let people know about something I made for supper that they might enjoy, too. That's all it is. (Nigel Slater)

"Cooking is about doing the best with what you have . . . and succeeding." John Thorne

Our 2012 (Kerry Beal and me) Blog

My 2004 eG Blog

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When I plan on making pasta for a meal, I pre-soak the pasta in water for an hour or longer. Cooking pre-soaked pasta is much faster than any regular method. 


Pre-soaked spaghetti is also pliable to allow any shaped pot to be used.


I don't see a need for me to have a microwave pasta cooker.



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""  the lid is floppy and there is nothing to keep it in place. If you turn it upside down while it is full of water and pasta everything will come tumbling out. ""


the Test Kitchen  mentioned this for this model or one very similar and though it was dangerous   or words to that effect.


the Fasta lid is the same sturdy rigid material as the bottom.  it fits snugly on the top but does not 'snap' on.


this might be for ease of removal after draining...




Test Kitchen quotes:


It’s time-consuming to bring a big pot of water to a boil, but it’s not exactly hard to prepare pasta. Despite our skepticism, we tested three different microwave pasta cookers, priced from $12.95 to $35. We simply added pasta to each oblong plastic box, poured in enough cold water to cover, microwaved until done (no stirring), and then flipped to drain through the lid. Every model cooked both strand and shaped pasta properly in almost half of the time it took to cook the same amount in the traditional stovetop method from start to finish. Draining through one model’s floppy lid was problematic: Its draining holes let small noodles slip through and it exposed our hands to steam and water burns. But the other two models won favor for sturdy, quick-cooling plastic handles and lids, with narrow slits that strained water away from our hands. Of the two, our winner got the edge for its low price. Foolproof for cooking up to four servings, it makes fast pasta dinners even faster.


and comments on Fasta Pasta:




Fasta Pasta Microwave Cooker

It’s not much to look at, but this microwave pasta cooker makes light work of preparing pasta. Our panel detected no difference in taste or texture between strands cooked in the microwave and those boiled on the stovetop. Wide handles clip the lid firmly in place for safe, secure straining.

  • DESIGN★★★
  • COOKING★★★




"...I don't see a need for me to have a microwave pasta cooker."


Some do, some don't



btw Anna, your model was not recommended for exactly the reasons you gave.


Edited by palo (log)
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Test Kitchen quotes:


It’s time-consuming to bring a big pot of water to a boil, but it’s not exactly hard to prepare pasta. Despite our skepticism, we tested three different microwave pasta cookers, priced from $12.95 to $35. We simply added pasta to each oblong plastic box, poured in enough cold water to cover, microwaved until done (no stirring), and then flipped to drain through the lid. Every model cooked both strand and shaped pasta properly in almost half of the time it took to cook the same amount in the traditional stovetop method from start to finish. Draining through one model’s floppy lid was problematic: Its draining holes let small noodles slip through and it exposed our hands to steam and water burns. But the other two models won favor for sturdy, quick-cooling plastic handles and lids, with narrow slits that strained water away from our hands. Of the two, our winner got the edge for its low price. Foolproof for cooking up to four servings, it makes fast pasta dinners even faster.


and comments on Fasta Pasta:




Fasta Pasta Microwave Cooker

It’s not much to look at, but this microwave pasta cooker makes light work of preparing pasta. Our panel detected no difference in taste or texture between strands cooked in the microwave and those boiled on the stovetop. Wide handles clip the lid firmly in place for safe, secure straining.

  • DESIGN★★★
  • COOKING★★★



"...I don't see a need for me to have a microwave pasta cooker."


Some do, some don't



btw Anna, your model was not recommended for exactly the reasons you gave.


Perhaps Amazon will be seeing the colour of my credit card again fairly soon.

Anna Nielsen aka "Anna N"

...I just let people know about something I made for supper that they might enjoy, too. That's all it is. (Nigel Slater)

"Cooking is about doing the best with what you have . . . and succeeding." John Thorne

Our 2012 (Kerry Beal and me) Blog

My 2004 eG Blog

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after I posted my pics this AM,


im a bit pleased I did not open the FP's box at the same time i started to study the InstaPot.  they came at the same time from 


the Amazonians.


looking this over this early AM, I had some ideas for a First Test Run.


I was going to do it right then.  just after the Mortadella Breakfast Sandwich.


then,  well,  personal measurement issues raised their Ugly Head


as with the InstaPot


this also needs the maximum FDA health warning :


" WILL cause Excessive Weight Gain "


I personally applaud 





he's planned ahead


that hour pre-soak  allows a lot of Gym Time.

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Details about my Pasta Boat.


My Pasta Boat holds 9 cups of water without pasta.  When pasta is in the bottom, it holds less - maximum amount - less than 8 cups of water.


The handles are removable - but I have mine permanently attached - used Gorilla super glue - the thick gel type.
The handles do get hot so I use my non-slip gloves.

The overall length is a smidge under 12 inches - the depth overall is 5 inches - not quite 4 inches to the maximum fill line.



The perforated end of the lid, which is not left on during cooking, has a LIP which slides over the end of the boat and then the back part folds down to secure it so THE TOP WILL NOT COME OFF AND DUMP THE PAST IN THE SINK!
Which was the problem I had with the Fasta Pasta twice!




This is the back end of the top folded down after the perforated end has been affixed to the other end.


There is a "well" around the outside of the bottom which facilitates keeping the pasta from sticking together in clumps - or so it has worked for me, you can see it in the photos.

I used it this morning to cook some small elbow mac for a salad and took it out of the dishwasher to take these photos, which is why it looks a bit grungy.  

Even with the arthritis in my hands and a bit of tennis elbow, I can handle this safely because I can move it from the MW to the counter and slide it along the counter to the sink, fit the lid on and drain.  

Edited by andiesenji (log)
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"There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!" Terry Pratchett


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and the ref.below


sistema pasta cooker


is so driving me in the " weighty "  direction


but that's good


Its Over.


as Things Come in Three


Ive got the InsaPoit


the FastaPasta


and Ill select something Red and Round from the above


and that FDA stuff about Abnormal Weight Gain 


will be a thing of the Past !




I do like the thing-ey's thats are round and Mico-ish


and RED


they have to do something Good and Quick

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I really like your ruler.


you can't get'm that way any more !

The Westcott wood rulers with metal edge are available at Staples.  I have both 18" and 24" and they are also available at Amazon.

Most art supply stores carry them and Michael's craft stores also had them but since the Michael's here in Lancaster closed, I haven't been in one of their stores.

"There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!" Terry Pratchett


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Oh god i saw you asked me something Rotuts and i need a ritalin to catch up and answer...wow. There are so many posts already is there a controversy brewing? Kidding i will read.

if it was already amswered? Sorry I am way over my head in this house and garden now.

Edited by hummingbirdkiss (log)
why am I always at the bottom and why is everything so high? 

why must there be so little me and so much sky?


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Perhaps Amazon will be seeing the colour of my credit card again fairly soon.

 Check the price @ Amazon vs their website - figure in the cost of the dollar and shipping, do the math, at the time their website was cheaper



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This thread has been making me crazy trying to figure out what I did with this thing as I'd sort of like to give it another try.  I recall (and Amazon confirms) that I bought the Fasta Pasta back in early 2009.  At the time, my stove was very underpowered and it took forever to boil a pot of water so I thought this might be handy.  


My recollection is that it worked OK however my microwave was as underpowered as the stove and it took a lot longer than the time estimated.  The bigger issue was that I found it much more cumbersome to open the microwave, get the thing out, fish out a piece of pasta to taste and repeat those steps until it's right than it is to do the same on the stovetop.  I'm sure if I was willing to go through the learning curve (and record my data in an appropriate laboratory notebook :laugh: ), I'd find times that would work for some common shapes and develop enough familiarity to get the time right without as much trial and error.  However, I really enjoy trying different brands and shapes and found a lot of variability in cooking times so this seemed like too much of a nuisance.  


Also, when preparing a pasta dish, I often use the microwave to steam vegetables, defrost a cube of pesto or sun dried tomato paste, etc. so having it occupied by the pasta wasn't helpful.


I'm now living in a different house, with a different microwave and would consider giving it another go…..if only I could find it  :blush: .  I suspect I utilized the handy rectangular shape and it's being used as a drawer organizer somewhere!  


Edited to add:  My microwave was one of the above the stove units so the above pasta testing steps involved reaching up to remove and replace a steaming and boiling water-filled unit from almost above my head so that contributed to my opinion.  That said, I can certainly understand it being worth the time investment to become comfortable with its use in better ergonomic situations like the one that Andie described.

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Having used them both, and with not so good results with the Fasta Pasta, I am a big fan of the Pasta Boat.  In fact, I just ordered another to put away as a "backup" in case they stop making them.  And in case this one suffers a fatal accident.  So far it seems to be fairly indestructible. Goes thru the dishwasher just fine.


 (I have several of these "just-in-case" items and some have been extremely pertinent - like the TWO extra Perfect Pod sealers I bought - because they stopped making them and my first died a year or so ago.) And I am still making pods for my Senseo machines - of which I also have backups.

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"There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!" Terry Pratchett


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Thanks, Andie for the comparison. I was leaning towards the Pasta Boat anyway, mainly due to the handles, but it is good to hear from someone who has experience with both.

When I ordered my second one, I noticed Amazon has a much more expensive one - blue and opaque, which to me is a bit of overkill.  I can't imagine paying $37. for something that sells for half that.

Edited by andiesenji (log)

"There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!" Terry Pratchett


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time , lots of time , in the garden is better than working out my Q's


they can keep.


Sooooo  Keep Gardening.


pics might be nice of the Garden


just saying




I really think my head is going to explode and I thought being retired would be "easier" holy shit what a lie ..I am going to go take photos now and post them in the gardening section I can do that I figured out how to get picture up there…I need to just look at my garden and not do shit to it I think I am just too mental right now

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why am I always at the bottom and why is everything so high? 

why must there be so little me and so much sky?


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I just typed for 15 minutes and suddenly this reverted to the main page and I lost everything I had types.  This has happened several times lately and it is most annoying.  I am going to type my post on TextEdit, where I know I won't lose it, and then copy and paste it into this post.


I've been doing further experiments with cooking pasta in the microwave, different types.


ORZO was problematic, it cooks so rapidly once the water gets hot and I had some clumping problems with the regular method.

So, I put the orzo and some salt in the Pasta Boat, added HOT tap water and put it in the microwave set for 2 1/2 minutes at full power (1000 wt).  It came out perfect.


I cooked some long ziti - the uncut tubes that are the same length as regular spaghetti.  It cooked perfectly in the microwave - I use it in a sort of "pie" - something like a quiche with pasta (and tomatoes) and the preferred pasta of the lady who gave me the recipe was this type.


I am thus anxious to try some more of the "different" shapes and types but sadly we no longer have an Italian market in the Antelope Valley, the nearest is nearly an hour away in Valencia.

The market that was here for years carried a huge variety of imported pastas, some I had never seen before: the leaf-shaped spighe and the long, tapered shells called castellano.  They also had about ten varieties of tortellini.  Other oddities were regional specialties like strozzapreti and the ones that look like little trumpets, three sizes of bow ties and every size of spaghetti and linguini and macaroni. Sigh!


Anyway, in this morning's email there is one from ChefShop  with this "new" pasta.


So I ordered some.  

Edited by andiesenji (log)
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"There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!" Terry Pratchett


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I just typed for 15 minutes and suddenly this reverted to the main page and I lost everything I had types.  This has happened several times lately and it is most annoying.  I am going to type my post on TextEdit, where I know I won't lose it, and then copy and paste it into this post.


I've been doing further experiments with cooking pasta in the microwave, different types.


ORZO was problematic, it cooks so rapidly once the water gets hot and I had some clumping problems with the regular method.

So, I put the orzo and some salt in the Pasta Boat, added HOT tap water and put it in the microwave set for 2 1/2 minutes at full power (1000 wt).  It came out perfect.


I cooked some long ziti - the uncut tubes that are the same length as regular spaghetti.  It cooked perfectly in the microwave - I use it in a sort of "pie" - something like a quiche with pasta (and tomatoes) and the preferred pasta of the lady who gave me the recipe was this type.


I am thus anxious to try some more of the "different" shapes and types but sadly we no longer have an Italian market in the Antelope Valley, the nearest is nearly an hour away in Valencia.

The market that was here for years carried a huge variety of imported pastas, some I had never seen before: the leaf-shaped spighe and the long, tapered shells called castellano.  They also had about ten varieties of tortellini.  Other oddities were regional specialties like strozzapreti and the ones that look like little trumpets, three sizes of bow ties and every size of spaghetti and linguini and macaroni. Sigh!


Anyway, in this morning's email there is one from ChefShop  with this "new" pasta.


So I ordered some.

Interesting. I cook a lot of orzo on the stovetop and rarely have issues with it. Still it is nice to know you have tested it in the microwave.

Anna Nielsen aka "Anna N"

...I just let people know about something I made for supper that they might enjoy, too. That's all it is. (Nigel Slater)

"Cooking is about doing the best with what you have . . . and succeeding." John Thorne

Our 2012 (Kerry Beal and me) Blog

My 2004 eG Blog

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Would have been nice if it turned  :sad: , but it should still work  :unsure: .


I'm guessing that because your microwave is small physically, it might be also be lower in power than a "full-size" microwave, so you may have to use longer times  :sad:



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  • 1 year later...

After reading this thread I picked up a Pasta boat for similar reasons...very limited use of one of my arms due to traumatic injury...I can kind of guide things with the bad arm but, lifting or reaching is a big problem.....  I don't see any instructions in timing for asian fresh  lo mein noodles or for fresh ramen noodles.  I would normally cook them about three minutes in boiling water.  Anyone have any experience using those or similar noodles in the Pasta boat or Pasta Fasta?

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  • 7 years later...

In my quest to avoid ordering take out, but make the least amount of effort and mess possible, the Fasta Pasta arrived at my door today. Orzo and pastina are generally my go to pastas and straining them is messy, so I will be trying this thing out (despite it lacking cooking info for tiny pasta). 

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