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The Club House Sandwich: Is there a standard?

Beth Wilson

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I cover off lunch breaks in the cafeteria at the hospital I work in, among many other duties.


I find the clubhouse sandwich is always popular but when I work with certain people they INSIST this is the way to make the sandwich right....and they both do it differently.


One insists the order is toast, turkey, lettuce,  toast,  bacon, tomato,toast


The other insists it is toast, lettuce, tomato , toast,  bacon, turkey, toast.


It doesn't matter to me either way, I just have to remember what way the sandwich is made depending on who I am working with that day.


But it has gotten me wondering, is there a set standard that I should be following?  I just find it funny how insistent they are on the placement of the ingredients and yet they are both doing it differently.  Anyone have Clubhouse Sandwich advice?

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I think if I ordered a club sandwich and didn't have some meat between both slices I'd be surprised. The first one sounds more right to me. I haven't had one in years, though, so my memory may be faulty.

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I'd say that they are both correct....the club sandwich has changed a lot and in different ways..locale to locale... from what it originally was.


A couple early recipes....




Source: The Standard Domestic Science Cook Book, 1908.


Personally, I absolutely hate lettuce next to the toast...I cringe at the thought of it...LOL



Edited by DiggingDogFarm (log)
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~Martin :)

I just don't want to look back and think "I could have eaten that."

Unsupervised, rebellious, radical agrarian experimenter, minimalist penny-pincher, and adventurous cook. Crotchety, cantankerous, terse curmudgeon, non-conformist, and contrarian who questions everything!

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I never much thought about whether there is a 'standard' (although when I think about it, I would make a club sandwich more like the first way you mentioned) however, to address your question about whether there is a set standard YOU should be following, I would say that is up to management. If they feel they want to standardize how certain things are made in the cafeteria, I am sure they will outline it for all staff (thus those who disagree could argue with the boss, not tell you to do it a certain way they like).


Since it sounds as though there is no such standard you can refer to, it will be up to you if you want to deal with the particular staff member's method and criticism on a given day or not. If It were me, I would probably be a bit defiant and put both turkey and bacon on both layers.

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I'm no expert, but I always thought that a club sandwich contained chicken...never turkey.  Is this a change?

And is the turkey white or dark meat?

I can stand turkey twice a year only, Thanksgiving (in October in Canada) and Christmas.  And only as plain sliced turkey, none of this sandwich or even worse, soup thing.  :raz:

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Cannot imagine the Club Sandwhich which is one of my favorites with that damn turkey in it! Sacrilege.

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Well, they use turkey cold cut slices....it is a cafeteria after all....some days when we have an abundance of roast turkey breast we will use the real stuff.


I just go by who is working that day but I thought there must be a set standard out there for the sandwich...I personally can not eat that much food on a plate at once so I have always gone for a BLT if I must eat in a diner type of place so making clubs is new to me.

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In my area the turkey club rules, turkey and bacon...two layers...3 pieces of toast with crust.

~Martin :)

I just don't want to look back and think "I could have eaten that."

Unsupervised, rebellious, radical agrarian experimenter, minimalist penny-pincher, and adventurous cook. Crotchety, cantankerous, terse curmudgeon, non-conformist, and contrarian who questions everything!

The best thing about a vegetable garden is all the meat you can hunt and trap out of it!


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I cover off lunch breaks in the cafeteria at the hospital I work in, among many other duties.


I find the clubhouse sandwich is always popular but when I work with certain people they INSIST this is the way to make the sandwich right....and they both do it differently.


One insists the order is toast, turkey, lettuce,  toast,  bacon, tomato,toast


The other insists it is toast, lettuce, tomato , toast,  bacon, turkey, toast.


It doesn't matter to me either way, I just have to remember what way the sandwich is made depending on who I am working with that day.


But it has gotten me wondering, is there a set standard that I should be following?  I just find it funny how insistent they are on the placement of the ingredients and yet they are both doing it differently.  Anyone have Clubhouse Sandwich advice?

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I also agree that a club sandwich to me generally contains 'chicken', not turkey. I didn't mention that in my first comment however because without further information, it appeared that 'turkey' must be the meat used where Beth works - and perhaps they just call it a turkey club (which seems to be more and more common these days).


If the sandwich is what I would call a club worth paying for, it would include thick slices of real freshly cooked meat too. But, more and more these days, what I see are deli-style 'cold cuts' being used. I will keep making my own at home and stacking it any way I want - but that doesn't help Beth.

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