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Food sayings

Dinah Sarah

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I was having a discussion about nautical terms becoming common day language - got me thinking how many food terms/words were used to describe people or their behavior - thought it would be fun - (no sexism intended - could work for either)


She's not the crispiest crouton

He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer

The bubbles went out of her champagne a long time ago

He thinks he's meat but he's only mashed potatoes

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He's digging his grave with his spoon. :blink:

I am fatter than a tick on a coon dog. :unsure:

I'm ready for dinner on the dirt. (refers to a picnic) :laugh:

It would be better to dress him than to feed him. :hmmm:

My eyes were bigger than my stomach. :huh:

Take an old cold 'tater an' wait. (be patient, dinner will be ready soon) :wink:

Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. :unsure:

Melissa Goodman aka "Gifted Gourmet"

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It would be better to dress him than to feed him.  :hmmm:

Women tell me this a lot, Melissa. :raz:

A woman on a trading floor once called me "Studmuffin." And in "Some Like it Hot," Jack Lemmon observes Marilyn Monroe's sexy walk and declares, "Will you look at that! Look at how she moves! It's like Jell-O on springs!"

There are two sides to every story and one side to a Möbius band.


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Lâche pas la patate.

It literally means (in Cajun French) "don't let go of the potato," but the expression is a way of saying "hang in there," or "don't give up."

Dear Food: I hate myself for loving you.

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"who p***ed in your Cheerios???"

Now there's a descriptive, evocative expression. :wink:

Judy Jones aka "moosnsqrl"

Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly.

M.F.K. Fisher

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"When I arrived at the party everybody was baked..."

I must be going to the wrong parties (or maybe the right ones!) because, when I first read this, it appeared as "When I arrived at the party everybody was naked..."

Jen Jensen

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there's the always-useful "tasty," as in Liam Neeson, Colin Firth and Ralph Fiennes.

Basil endive parmesan shrimp live

Lobster hamster worchester muenster

Caviar radicchio snow pea scampi

Roquefort meat squirt blue beef red alert

Pork hocs side flank cantaloupe sheep shanks

Provolone flatbread goat's head soup

Gruyere cheese angelhair please

And a vichyssoise and a cabbage and a crawfish claws.

--"Johnny Saucep'n," by Moxy Früvous

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there's the always-useful "tasty," as in Liam Neeson, Colin Firth and Ralph Fiennes.

and that brings up the whole cheesecake/beefcake thing: cheesecake, yes, it exists. but beefcake?! what the hey is that?! :laugh:

"The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the ocean."

--Isak Dinesen

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edit to add: X is all over Y like a fat kid onto a Smartie.

Or, X is all over Y like a slug on a strawberry.

I'm all over it like white on rice.

Joie Alvaro Kent

"I like rice. Rice is great if you're hungry and want 2,000 of something." ~ Mitch Hedberg

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