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Breakfast! 2013


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C. sapidus, your spaghetti breakfast looks marvelous and very tasty. I'd like that.

Heh, yes, my breakfasts encompass any kind of food that I might feel like having. I personally don't feel the need to have some form of an egg dish to be involved for it to be "breakfast". It is simply a meal (of any kind of food) in the early part of the day, after "breaking the fast" of sleeping away those intervening hours, or even not as the case may be if one has been up all night.

ETA: In fact, I've had yummy breakfasts of leftover pasta w/ "meat sauce" in the morning before on many occasions. "Meat sauce" might be something with a vague inspiration of "Bolognese" or not as the case may be; it might involve a "meat sauce" redolent with cinnamon and cloves and star anise; or oregano and thyme; or etc etc... Certainly in many parts of the world "breakfast" would encompass LOTS of foods that would be frowned upon by folks that consider the meal to require only certain preparations involving eggs and that stuff involving said non-delicate-egg-stuff are NOT palatable for their tastes. Heh.

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percyn – gorgeous breakfasts! We are actually not eating breakfast as much lately. I’m cooking less (just busy) and we are just ‘grabbing’ and going more! Plus, I’m trying to diet a bit and breakfast for me lately has been a cup of yogurt or a banana!

Ashen – mmmmm, beans on toast!

Ann - !!!!!! so good to see you! Great idea using the fish cakes as a base to those amazing poached eggs!

Easter breakfast was my MIL, Jo’s Hot Cross Buns:


(We know that you’re supposed to eat these on Good Friday, but we always forget.)

With scrambled eggs and link sausage:


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A traditional breakfast of bacon, sausage, egg, mushroom and buttered toast - but using some odd Chinese ingredients.

Soy sauce cured bacon (酱腊培根)

Harbin Red Sausage (哈尔滨红肠)

Shimeji Mushrooms (真姬菇)

Poached Duck Egg

Toasted bread and butter. The butter came from New Zealand.


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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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This morning was something simple and fast: a bowl of fruit from TJ's Cherry Berry blend and a diced apple plus some Boreal blueberries.

 ... Shel


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I have not paired mango with yogurt before so will give this a shot tomorrow with a nice ripe one on the counter. Maybe a sprinkle of Vietnamese cinnamon

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not sure what breakfast will be today.. heading out to the Elmira Maple syrup festival but we won't be doing the pancakes this year just walking the main street and trying things from the different food vendors.

"Why is the rum always gone?"

Captain Jack Sparrow

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I forgot the camera , so no pictures from the maple syrup festival.. we ended up having lamb kofta.. soo good,, there was a flavour it took me a few mins to identify. sumac. I need to buy some again. Also had some homemade perogies , the dough was very different from anything I have had before.. it had almost a flakiness to it after being sauteed in butter. served with fried onions and sour cream. donuts from a mennonite bake shop were taken home. Canadian maple just to make sure I had something maple and apple fritters.

we also stocked up on 7 yr old cheddar and a whole cloth bag summer sausage. I picked up some of the cheddar for Shane (Mr Holloway) as well , he is going to cold smoke it for both of us. Yay! :D

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"Why is the rum always gone?"

Captain Jack Sparrow

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Scrambled eggs with fried onions, jalapenos, wilted spinach, cilantro, S&P. Multigrain toast. I like taking a day off work! Even managed to replace the spark control module on our stove, so now all six burners work for the first time in, um, longer than I care to admit.


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Scrambled eggs with fried onions, jalapenos, wilted spinach, cilantro, S&P. Multigrain toast. I like taking a day off work! Even managed to replace the spark control module on our stove, so now all six burners work for the first time in, um, longer than I care to admit.


That would go well with plain steamed white rice, too, for dinner or lunch or anytime else. (Sans the bread)

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Hi all, on the spur of the moment I fired up the oven for a spot of baking this morning. I do not normally bake much - I leave it to my nearly 14 year old daughter. Banana bread and castagnaccio (see http://forums.egullet.org/topic/144823-chestnuts/?p=1915458 for the chestnut provenance) are on the menu.

Just as the banana bread came out of the oven, No 1 son (nearly 17 and always hungry) came into the kitchen and raided it as I was getting my iPhone for photos.


Lunch will be the castagnaccio with antipasto


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huiray – Thanks! Rice would be nice.

Simon – Now I’m craving warm, buttered banana bread. And yes, we are also familiar with the depredations of ever-hungry teenagers.

Liuzhou – Bacon, eggs, and toast with a Chinese twist. Nice!

Leftover scallops a la pimienta on warm flour tortillas


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Hi, our chooks (chickens to foreigners) lay eggs with the most beautiful orange yolks. They are free range, feeding on bugs and weeds in the back yard and get some grain as well.

Cannot beat fresh eggs that are less than 1 hour old fried in real butter for breakfast!


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Myojo Chukazanmai (中華三昧) "Noodles served with chili oil and soy sauce" (辣油醬油味辛麵), with some chopped scallions scattered in. Not fiery at all, just a nice gentle slight chili flavor. Not for those expecting to have their mouth and tongue fire-bombed.

I think the above brand (with various "tastes"/versions) is one of the best "instant" ramen around.

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Good morning, today's breakfast is black sesame souffle. In my country (China), black sesame is considered to be very good for brain and hair. I'm losing hairs these days, so....


Life is beautiful.

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Poached farm egg, Moroccan spring carrot salad.

Moroccan spring carrot salad -- freshly dug carrots, minced carrot tops, "quick" preserved lemon, cayenne pepper, Castelvetrano olives, oil-cured olives with rosemary, sea salt, lemon juice.


So you've heard of shad roe, yes? This is it's lesser known cousin (though it's just as delicious and not as expensive).

Pan-fried flounder roe, chickweed salad.

The roe was seasoned with sea salt and black pepper, then dipped in flour, then milk, then flour again, and fried in unsalted butter.

Chickweed salad -- chickweed, hazelnut oil, lemon juice, sea salt, black pepper.

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