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Your Daily Sweets: What Are You Making and Baking? (2017 – )


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A recent meal I attended concluded with caillé, which, I've since discovered, is what we anglais call junket (caillé translates as milk curds (n); curdled (v)). I loved the texture: delicately creamy, silky, and wobbly. She'd acquired the milk the day before straight from a neighbour's cow (!), added a few drops of rennet and left it to set overnight. It's quite common here to have little pots of fromage frais sprinkled with a bit of sugar for dessert, but this stuff was next level.


I've made curds before by adding an acid to milk, but that seemed to result in a different texture. So I got myself some raw milk (from a shop, not a teat next door, sadly) and some rennet...






I can definitely see more of this ambrosia in my future.


And with a bunch of curds lying around, I took the opportunity to revisit the old country and made a Yorkshire curd tart...





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