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  1. funny thing happened on the way to this thread . . . . my grandparents - born 1898/1899 - lived thru 'the depression' with a family of 2+five. my grandfather raised/bred/slaughtered rabbits to keep the family in meat (and a little trading . . .) repeated that again, during WW2 rationing (and a little trading . . .) he was a welder, building two Liberty ships per day, exempt from the draft.... altho,,, at 40+ . . . . fast forward to 1986 - my parents+grandmother visiting us in Germany, at a resto with "Wild" dishes, my grandmother ordered rabbit. stating, she had not eaten rabbit since 194x - as she got real tired of it . . . it was a good tasty dish and she enjoyed it! history makes for odd things . . .
  2. keep in mind . . . spices/herbs come in all shapes and sizes of 'containers' many McCormick items come in short jars . . . if you stack two shorts in the rack, it may well transpire that the top shortie is above the wire retainer - and falls out on a door swing type mounting. I have my "shelves" divided into "shorts" and "talls" - all the "short" shelves have a vacant 'spot' so I can move a top short and get the the bottom short without turning the whole world upside down.... new, not so neat anymore . . .
  3. . . . . Oh. Waiter . . . why is my breakfast taking so long?
  4. PSA for those using non-stick bake ware . . . . every spray product mentioned that I've tracked . . . has lecithin as an ingredient. it is an 'emulsifier' - used to ensure all the other spray ingredients 'behave as one' if you have encountered a brownish unremovable coating - turning your non-stick into to stickware, , , , it's likely the lecithin component. not even pure Teflon 'sheds' lecithin. fwiw
  5. AlaMoi

    Celery Root/Celeriac

    I've always enjoyed it in German "salads" - the 'tossed green salad' ala the common USA dish of lettuce/onion/tomato/cuke/etc... is essentially unknown instead, two options: "Feld salad" - "field salad" "Krautsalat" / "Unkrautsalat" / "Kraeutersalat" - weed/non-weed/herbal salad, sorta' most of these include shavings/slice of celery root/celeriac - adds a touch of licorice flavor. good stuff . . .
  6. if it works so well, why do you desire knowledge of 'options?'
  7. I pour some oil into the pan/form/whatever and smear it round with a finger. for really heavy duty, softened butter.
  8. hmm, haven't tried that . . .
  9. AlaMoi

    Beacon Ware

    sigh.... found this pot with a bottom stamp - much info has been obliterated. however comma and so forth, it cites "National Sanitation Foundation" . . . enlarge enlarge enlarge . . . which may could possibly sorta' provide some help on the company . . . nsf.org
  10. the commercial culture of mushrooms is done in sterilized medium - typically horse manure&straw. so the 'dirt&stuff' is highly unlikely to be an issue. 'oh but companies cheat!' - true, however when mushroom companies cheat and don't thoroughly sterilize the growing medium . . . they lose the whole crop to diseases/<whatevers> I use varieties of dried mushrooms - simmered/steeped/wrung out for the 'mushroom liquor' - used in gravies/sauces. not a fan of the mushy rubbery texture of reconstituted dried 'schrooms . . .
  11. bay leaves are akin to hoagies. what they are depends on where you live . . .
  12. this works with whole wheat flour or buckwheat flour. there's no shortcuts for time - takes a week. all measures in grams
  13. AlaMoi

    Brussels Sprouts

    we're fond of them - but on the kinda'ish plain side. fresh is good: cut in half, boiled in salted water ~10 mins; sauted in butter, cut side down. optional add: sliced leek/scallions the browning really adds flavor
  14. my market has a very decent selection of Goya dry beans. Goya is without question a nadda' question brand for quality. got piles and bags and heaps of their beans. none which survive more than ~year in my pantry/menu rotation / sked.
  15. I have the large and the medium size - since ages - actually since the first year they Bella Copper was in business. I use them daily. bought same for our youngest as a housewarming gift two Christmasi back. copper is the second best heat conductor - silver is #1, but kinda' pricey . . .
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