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  1. I made a large Eccle today, turned out pretty decent. I think I was kind of skimpy on the filling, or…I just made it to large….
  2. It looks like Kerry wasn’t to happy with me in one of Bob’s pictures….
  3. We have Amazing sponsors. One of our first is Renee Drolet of Chocolat-chocolat. not only has she supported us every year, but, she is one awesome, friendly and generous woman!! She brought enough molds to allow a drawing where every participant received a mold but she also brought several for us to use during the workshop. Now that my friends is Amazing. thank You Renee
  4. A little behind - dinner last night was in NOTL at a little place owned by Twin Sisters winery ribs with broccoli….
  5. Some of you who have been to several previous Workshops may recognize this place. It’s where we are hanging our hats for the night. It’s here, in the lobby, where Kerry and I met the inimitable, wonderful Ruth, who became a close, lifelong friend…. but, i digress. We hit the road and enjoyed several (I stopped counting) glasses of wine from various NOTL vineyards. (We were sent on a mission to bring Icewine home for several friends) of course, we had to sample other varietals as well….
  6. Breakfast in Johnstown, PA….aka Flood City. We had breakfast at a small diner next to the ACE Hardware, supposedly run by a fellow who retired, left Johnstown, but came back and was so bored (but, then, who would not be bored there?) so he opened up Jax’s diner…. the food was quick, hot, and quite tasty… Really not to bad for $7.99….itmwould have been better if they had real Vermont maple syrup instead of Maple Syrup flavored Karo
  7. In Johnstown, PA (known for their floods) to see family - dinner was a mishmash of Chinese and Pizza - no picture of the Pierogi Pizza (?????)
  8. Forgot our libations From yesterday Doug had a local dark beer; I decided on a Meiomi Pinot Noir and Barb had a Pinot Gris … yes; we are also paying homage to our other group D3 -
  9. Today we start our journey further North with a stop at a local landmark Bob and Edith’s”. I had two eggs over easy and Barb (as you can see) was hungry….scrambled eggs; bacon; hash browns and toast
  10. I began this journey 2 days ago; thought it might be fun to document the journey up to see some of my favorite people. left Orlando at 5:00 p.m. on Mother’s Day on the AutoTrain. sadly I totally forgot to photograph dinner on the train; but my visual is a cello wrapped Hot Dog microwaved inside the wrapper and a Diet Coke…. arrived in Lorton, VA at 9:00 a.m. Monday and hit up Wegmans first thing. met up with a friend for drinks and the had Dinner last night at a lovely restaurant Patsy’s American i had a Chicken salad with pecans; crasins; avocado and a buttermilk dressing. Barb had a goat cheese salad; our daughter had the Rockfish and son-in-law had Jambalaya
  11. To late for everyone….I spoke up for them…..
  12. Kerry, I’d love to have the replacement insert for the Melanger.
  13. Reservation made. I hope I get the suite again this year…
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