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Lunch 2024


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I’ve also had pecans in burlap bags but the nut cracker has a slightly medieval torture instrument look to it, I would imagine it would work with walnuts as well.

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growing up


we had a walnut tree and an almond tree .


my father planted them in 1948 


before my time


I rememv=ber walnuts and almonds , still in their covers , over the shells underneath.


eventually , the squirrels beat my father to most of them

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@blue_dolphin – I love the coating on the fish in your fish taco.  It actually looks like what the best restaurants in the south coat their catfish with.  I can hear the crunch!


I made a batch of pimento cheese sausage balls for a reception at church last Sunday:


I found out that you can reheat these from frozen or refrigerated in a slow cooker.  It worked really well. 


Lunch one day was bits and pieces from Mr. Kim’s charcuterie and cheese Father’s Day meal:



Last Friday’s lunch was mostly from Publix – their tuna salad on a sandwich and some really good watermelon:



Since this is what I ate in the middle of the day a couple of days ago, I guess this counts as lunch:


This was a common childhood dessert.  Momma wasn’t a baker and neither one of us had much of a sweet tooth, but there was usually some kind of ice cream in the freezer and there was always a can of Hershey’s syrup and salted peanuts.  Could have used some dulce de leche, but itt was still delicious.  Really cold things make me cough if I eat too much of them and I ate this until I coughed.  😄

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Lunch over the last couple of days saw me making mushroom risotto as I had some left over white wine from a lunch last Saturday. 






I made quite a large batch of the risotto, so turned the last of it into Arancini balls with a Cheddar cheese cube in the centre. Oven baked not deep fried. 



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On 7/3/2024 at 8:25 AM, Neely said:

I made quite a large batch of the risotto, so turned the last of it into Arancini balls with a Cheddar cheese cube in the centre.

Arancini are one of the best reasons I know to make risotto and those look great!


Two holiday appropriate lunches.  Yesterday, I had a spiral-cut kimchi dog with cabbage and watermelon radish slaw dressed with yuzu koshu mayo and Homesteader's New England Baked Beans from Cool Beans.



Today, I pulled out a foil packet that I thought was pulled pork but turned out to be pork belly burnt ends. I could only make out ZEF BBQ Pork on the label 🙃 No matter, I sliced and crisped them up and they made for a fine sandwich.  Same slaw as yesterday on the sandwich but with Southern Baked Beans, also from Cool Beans, instead of the New England style.



I was curious to try both vegan baked bean recipes as I usually put some sort of pork into baked beans.  The New England style were a bit sweet and very mushy (baking 8 hrs after they're already very tender will do that).  The Southern Baked beans were good texture-wise but could have used a touch of the sweetness and vinegar in the first recipe.  They have now been combined and we'll see how that works tomorrow!





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驴肉手工水饺 (lǘ ròu shǒu gōng shuǐ jiǎo)


Boiled hand-made donkey meat dumplings. With a chilli oil dip.







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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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@blue_dolphin love having arancini in the fridge to have one even cold as a quick snack. 

A country drive saw us stop and have a delicious lunch of chestnut soup. Some cheeses and bread on the side. 



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Lunch today was sliced chicken breast with a mayo/sour cream/fresh herbs dressing. Yukon gold potato salad with finely minced olive salad and some vinaigrette.  Prior to the dressing, the warm potatoes were sprinkled with white wine and white wine vinegar.


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I rarely go on holidays in the summer. If I go away it's for a week, not a whole month. This time I came home to the middle of new season of Matjes.


Half way through making Matjes tartare when I realised I had no more capers and some other things.


Eggs, pickles and soured cream.


Made gravlax for one in my household who doesn't eat Matjes. On left are air-dried Mettwurst (a type of sausage) and liver slices. And Butter From The Sea (new Matjes).


A type of sourdough rye bread. Chewy, very dense and firm. Took us a long time to eat this bread.


Another meal:


Hong Kong-style chewy flat noodles with prawn roe.


Dashi-poached okra with red miso sauce.


Roasted pork shoulder ("char siu"), Chinese shop, made on the premises.



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I envy your Matjes.  


plump.  proper sides.


would love to try that bread 


w Matjes and all the rest.


you and @Duvel  have clearly understood what Matjes is all about


Bob Apettit 


and than k you for sharing.

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late lunch // early dinner :




TJ's skinless sardines ,' blue can '  cold 


Aldi mayo w kimchi jus and sliced  window green onion,  able to add gr onion garnish


just barely  


Hot .  Humid .  that'd it for tonight 


would have been nice w cold , previously steamed iPot'd new potato , cod avocado chunks.


no iPot'ing for 10 days or so.


but very tasty 


Ice cold Hoponius Union for Hors' D's 


so hot and humid  


MC did not race into the kitchen for his portion.


will look for him soon.  10 more days.of weather where it does not cool off t night.

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Poached salmon with a mayo/yogurt dressing containing sorrel, tarragon and mint; some diced Grillo pickles on top.  Little Gem lettuce vinaigrette and FM tomatoes, balsamic glaze.

Dessert was a 3 Clementine olive oil cake with sour cream on the side.



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This is from one of Kris Yenbamroong's recipes in Night + Market: Canned tuna (or other meat or fish) yum.


I got swordfish in this week's fish share so I grilled some to use in place of the canned tuna.  The fish, sweet onion, tomato and herbs are tossed in a dressing of fish sauce, lime juice, garlic and Thai chiles so it's not your typical tuna salad!

I had this with steamed jasmine rice and sliced cucumber per the recipe plus sliced radish and snap peas for crunch. 

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10 minutes ago, johnnyd said:

Summer plate. I find myself doing this three days a week




Perfect summer lunch plate in my opinion - I often do something similar.

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Salad with anchovy/garlic vinaigrette, pork tenderloin, mini peppers were the main fare.

Dessert was a peach/blackberry/almond tart with strawberry ice cream.




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I need to come for lunch at yours. My lunch was some leftover sweet potatoes, a couple of pieces of Cranberry Wensleydale cheese, a few grapes and a few cherries. Was perfectly fine but yours looks so much better. Your lunches seem quite heary - do you have a full dinner as well or is lunch your main meal?

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It varies actually as to dinner.  Lunch is pretty much our main meal but at that, the portions are not large. I’m probably making a Swiss chard tart for supper tonight and hopefully have leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch.  The fruit tart  above is a 6” tart, so a slice is modest in size.

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Swordfish brochettes with basil and harissa from Melissa Clark's Dinner in French over polenta


After marinating the swordfish chunks in a mix of toasted fennel seeds, harissa, garlic, olive oil, lemon & lime zest, this recipe includes a very messy step of stuffing a large basil leaf, dipped in the marinade into a slit in the swordfish cubes before they go on the skewers and get grilled. 


I can't really say that was worth the effort but it gave me something to do while the polenta was cooking!

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“I can't really say that was worth the effort but it gave me something to do while the polenta was cooking!” @blue_dolphin

Had a chuckle at this anyway the finished result looks delicious. 

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Yesterday's harissa grilled swordfish joined today's Caesar for lunch:



I was wary of drying out the fish but a quick CSO steam bake warm-up at 250°F for 4 min did the trick and they tasted just as good, if not better than yesterday.

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