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Chinese Cookbooks


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That's strange, Fuchsia Dunlop was one of their English advisers.


Her use of Chinese is a bit , what can I say, idiosyncratic at times. Also, Chinese translators often ignore their advisers.

...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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  • 1 month later...

Came across this today.




The title is 念念不忘的面食 (niàn niàn bù wàng de miàn shí) which means 'never to be forgotten cooked wheat foodstuffs' Catchy huh? I'm just going to call it "Wheat"


It is beautifully illustrated and the recipes seem clear with accurate measurements (by weight!) and sensible instructions. Here is a random double page spread. In fact, all recipes are given a double page.




It covers the full range from noodles through buns and dumplings to breads, cakes, pancakes and more.


Section 1 is titled

1. 家用面食工具和原料        Family Wheat Foods Methods and Materials

This is what it says. An introduction to the basic equipment needed. Measuring devices (scales!), pans, rolling pins etc. Then coverage of the various wheat flours  and other ingredients (eggs, water etc.) Yes. It even shows a picture of water in case you're unfamiliar with the stuff. This is followed by a step-by-step guide to making dough.

Section 2:

2。汤面,凉面, 炒面         Soup Noodles, Cold Noodles, Fried Noodles

This starts by explaining how to convert that dough you made into noodles - by rolling flat and (usually) cutting. No sign of pasta makers or the like. Then how to cook the noodles. Then finally we get some real recipes.

  1. 阳春面                        Spring Noodles  (noodles in a simple sauce)
  2. 家常手擀面                Family Style Hand Rolled Noodles
  3. 榨菜肉丝面                Hot Pickled Mustard Tuber and Pork Shred Noodles
  4. 羊肉氽面                    Mutton Fried Noodles
  5. 红烧牛肉面                Red-Cooked Beef Noodles
  6. 猫耳朵                        Cat’s Ear Noodles
  7. 咖喱鲜虾乌枣            Curried Fresh Shrimp and Black Jujube Noodles
  8. 酱香小排翡翠扯面    Sauced Short Ribs Jadeite Torn Noodles
  9. 炸酱面                        Noodles with Fried Bean Sauce
  10. 茄子焖面                    Eggplant Braised Noodles
  11. 芸豆蒸面                    Green Bean Steamed Noodles
  12. 香椿酱拌面                Chinese Toon Sauced Noodles
  13. 耗油三丝炒面            Oyster Sauce Three Thread Noodles
  14. 臊子抻拌面                Shy Child Pulled Noodles with Soy Sauce
  15. 甘蓝杂粮打卤            Gailan Mixed Grain Noodles Stewed with Soy Sauce

The next section is dumplings (jiaozi), wontons and buns. Coming soon.

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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29 minutes ago, Lisa Shock said:

oooh...Cat's Ear Noodles.... ok, sorry, what are those?




That's funny. First thing that caught my eye too.   I picture a small, delicate noodle but likely I am far off the real meaning. 

Anna Nielsen aka "Anna N"

...I just let people know about something I made for supper that they might enjoy, too. That's all it is. (Nigel Slater)

"Cooking is about doing the best with what you have . . . and succeeding." John Thorne

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1 hour ago, Lisa Shock said:

oooh...Cat's Ear Noodles.... ok, sorry, what are those?


That's the cat's Ear Noodles in the photo of the open book. It refers to the shape of the noodles.

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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Section 3


3。饺子, 馄饨, 包子 Dumplings, Wontons, Buns


This section begins with a lengthy treatise on preparing dumpling wrappers, bun doughs etc, then more on stuffing and shaping / folding them etc. Then the recipes.


  1. 白菜鲜肉饺子                        Cabbage And Pork Dumplings
  2. 三鲜饺子                                Three Flavour Dumplings
  3. 西葫芦鸡蛋饺                        Pumpkin and Egg Dumplings
  4. 芥菜饺子                                Leaf Mustard Dumplings
  5. 金银元宝饺                            Gold and Silver Ingot Dumplings
  6. 卷心菜饺子                            Cabbage Dumplings
  7. 翡翠牛肉饺子                        Jadeite Beef Dumplings    
  8. 胡萝卜麦穗饺子                    Carrot Wheat Ear Dumplings
  9. 冰花煎饺                                Ice Flower Fried Dumplings
  10. 素蒸饺                                    Simple Steamed Dumplings
  11. 柳叶蒸饺                                Willow Leaf Steamed Dumplings
  12. 翡翠蒸饺                                Jadeite Steamed Dumplings
  13. 水晶虾饺                                Crystal Shrimp Dumplings
  14. 鸡汤鲜虾馄钝                        Chicken Broth Fresh Shrimp Wontons
  15. 紫甘蓝小馄饨                        Purple Kailan Small Wontons
  16. 香煎水晶馄饨                        Fried Crystal Wontons       
  17. 大葱酱肉包                            Green Onion Sauce Pork Buns
  18. 木耳虾皮青菜包                    Wood-ear, Dried Shrimp (Xiapi) and Green Veg Buns
  19. 鲜笋青菜肉包                        Bamboo Shot, Green Vegetable, Pork Buns
  20. 鲜肉汤包                                Pork Soup Dumplings
  21. 黄金水煎包                            Golden Steamed and Fried Buns
  22. 烫面菠菜肉包                        Spinach and Pork Hot –Water Dough Buns
  23. 全麦双菇大包                        Whole-wheat Two  Mushroom Buns
  24. 海虹苔菜包                            Mussel and Mount Jelly Vegetable Buns
  25. 抹茶豆沙包                            Matcha and Sweet Bean Buns

Next up - steamed breads.

Edited by liuzhou
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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Section 4


4。馒头, 花卷, 发糕  Steamed Bread (Mantou), Steamed Twisted Rolls, Steamed Sponge Cake


A short lesson on kneading dough and shaping and filling buns then


  1. 白馒头                        White Steamed Bread (Mantou)
  2. 玉米馒头                    Corn Meal Mantou
  3. 黑芝麻馒头                Black Sesame Mantou
  4. 全麦胚芽馒头            Whole Wheat Wheat Germ Mantou
  5. 葱油花卷                    Onion Oil Steamed Twisted Roll
  6. 黄金如意卷                Golden Good Luck Roll
  7. 腊肠卷                        Sausage Roll
  8. 金丝卷                        Golden Thread Roll
  9. 香煎椒盐卷                Fried Salt and Pepper Roll
  10. 脆底玉米卷                Crisp Bottom Corn Roll
  11. 南瓜红枣发糕            Pumpkin and Red Jujube Steamed Sponge Cake
  12. 玉米蜜豆发糕            Corn and Sweet Bean Steamed Sponge Cake
  13. 柯杞子核挑紫薯发糕 Goji Berry and Purple Sweet Potato Steamed Sponge Cake
  14. 黑香米葡萄干发糕    Black Rice and Raisin Steamed Sponge Cake

Next: More cakes 


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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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4 hours ago, KennethT said:

Very interesting.  Are the recipes from a specific region, or do they roam around China as a whole?


Most are originally from northern China, the wheat producing and, so, more traditionally wheat eating part. Down here in the south rice noodles are more common.


That said, most of the breads and cakes are now available pretty much everywhere.


Edited by liuzhou (log)

...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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5。饼, 盒子, 锅贴      Cakes, Pies, Fried Dumplings (Potstickers)

A short selection


  1. 家常葱油饼                            Family Style Fried Onion Cake    
  2. 白芝麻酥饼                            Crisp White Sesame Seed Cake
  3. 舂饼                                        Pancakes
  4. 奶香玉米煎饼                        Milky Corn Pancakes
  5. 肉夹馍                                    Rou Jia Mo (Xi’an Hamburger)
  6. 油酥发面饼                            Flaky Pastry Cake
  7. 香煎韭菜盒                            Fried Chinese Chive Pies
  8. 发面白菜盒子                        Chinese Cabbage Pies
  9. 青椒牛肉锅贴                        Green Chili and Beef Potstickers

Next: Nutritious Wheat Recipes for Children

...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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6。 为孩子制作可爱营养的面食   Nutritious Wheat Recipes for Children


Actually, I'm not sure what is meant to be especially nutritious about these. They are mainly just regular buns and dumplings given pretty colours or shaped to look like flowers or animals


  1. 豆沙猪宝宝                Sweet Bean Paste Baby Pigs
  2. 蝴蝶馒头                    Butterfly Steamed Bread (Mantou)
  3. 嫘旋彩纹馒头            Spiral Colours Mantou
  4. 胡萝卜蛋饼                Carrot Egg Cake
  5. 豆球                            Bean Ball
  6. 玫瑰馒头                    Rose Mantou
  7. 花朵紫米饭蒸饺        Flower-Shaped Purple Rice Dumplings
  8. 奶黄包                        Milky Yellow Bun
  9. 多彩小水饺花朵        Small  Multi-coloured Boiled Dumplings


Next: The final part - High Fibre, Low Sugar, Low Far Wheaten Foods

...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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and finally...


7 高纤维, 低糖, 少脂的健康面食 High Fibre, Low Sugar, Low Fat Wheaten Foods


  1. 黑香米杂粮饼            Black Fragrant Rice Cake
  2. 三合面烀饼                Three Grain Flour Cake
  3. 豆渣馒头                    Bean Dregs Steamed Bread
  4. 黑豆面馒头                Black Bean Flour Steamed Bread
  5. 素酱荞麦面                Simple Sauce Buckwheat Noodles
  6. 榆钱儿窝窝                Corn Nests

Then, to my intense surprise, the book ends with an index. The first I have ever seen in a Chinese book!

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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On 12/15/2015 at 4:31 AM, liuzhou said:


That's the cat's Ear Noodles in the photo of the open book. It refers to the shape of the noodles.

I guess more properly called Cat's Ear Canal Noodles then!

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1 minute ago, Kerry Beal said:

I guess more properly called Cat's Ear Canal Noodles then!




Chinese culture often sees things I don't see in shapes.


We have lots of mountains (hills really) called things like "Two Elephants Dancing" or "Lovers Part", based on some perceived  visual evidence which I can never detect.  There is a hill here in town called "Horse Saddle Hill". I can just about make out a horse saddle shape if I seriously squint (it gets clearer after a gallon or so of rice wine!). The nearby "Fish Leaping Hill" totally escapes my understanding.

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought this as a gift for my dearest friend, a young Chinese woman who likes to experiment. She spent a year in the USA and, although she missed Chinese cooking, now likes the occasional western style meal.


I'm sure she won't mind me sharing it with you before I hand it over.




The English name is actually a loose translation of the Chinese subtitle. In Chinese the book is called 西餐大师 (xī cān dà shī) which means "Western Food Master). It is written by two non-western cooks from Taiwan.


The book begins with what it calls an introduction to western food, but actually only briefly covers French and Italian cuisine, cramming in every cliché they can think of.


It then goes on to chapter two - "Main Ingredients and Flavors".


It begins with a diagram of a cow, showing the location of the various cuts. This follows the American model rather than the French or British or ... It also gives a short description of various cuts.


The the same again for pigs.


Lamb, poultry and game get a short paragraph each.


Bizarrely, the attempt the same diagram technique with a useless depiction of a fish, pointing out that it is a fish, where its eyes are, where its skin might be found and the general direction to look if you want to see its tail. The only possibly useful information is the gills for those who are very ignorant of fish.


A bit on general seafood, then eggs.


This is followed by Herbs and Spices where they list and illustrate several examples, the vast majority of which are unavailable in China.


Then dairy and fat. Milk, butter etc. It also helpfully lists 21 cheeses none of which I've ever found in China.


Chapter three is more sensible. Knives and cutting skills. It introduces the range of western knives, how to grip a knife and how to slice, dice, julienne etc. It also covers jointing a chicken and filleting fish.


Given that most Chinese home cooks (and pros) only have their Chinese cleavers, this is quite useful.


Chapter 4 lists and explains the various cooking techniques: blanching, boiling, steaming, sautéeing, deep frying, braising, stewing, roasting, grilling.


Also here is a little bit on tenderising meat. (For some reason, they translate this as "softeding".)


Chapter 5 finally gets to cooking. We start with some basic stocks: Vegetable, chicken, fish, white and brown veal stocks. The only actual soup recipe is for a shrimp bisque.


Chapter 6 is Sauces. Brown Veal Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Beef Gravy, White Chicken Sauce, Chicken Gravy. That's all the sauces there are.


Then salad dressings: Mayonnaise, Dutch Mayonnaise, Thousand Island Dressing,  Tartar Sauce, French Dressing, Italian Vinaigrette, Blue Cheese Dressing, Caesar Salad Dressing.


Chapter 7 is Selected Recipes. Coming soon.

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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Chapter 7 - Selected Recipes




(Note: dish names are their translation, not mine. The only English in the book is these titles.



  1. Chicken Roulade with Raspberry Sauce
  2. Fish Mousse with Blueberry Yogurt Sauce
  3. Salmon Pie
  4. Pork Fillet Stuffed with Wild Mushrooms



  1. Hungarian Goulash Soup
  2. Chicken Consommé with Diced Vegetable
  3. Minestrone
  4. Cream and Button Mushroom Soup
  5. Potato and Leek Chilled Soup


Sandwich and Salad

  1. Waldorf Salad
  2. Caesar Salad
  3. Salad Niçoise
  4. Chef’s Salad
  5. BLT Sandwich
  6. Club Sandwich


Main Courses

  1. Beef Stewed in Red Wine
  2. Provençe Roasted Lamb Chops
  3. Braised Veal Shank in Tomato Sauce with Chickpea Salsa
  4. Chicken Breast in Florentine Style with Wild Mushroom Rice
  5. Roasted Chicken with Button Mushroom Rice
  6. Butter-Baked Sea Bass Fillet with Boiled Potatoes
  7. Fried Salmon with Tartar Sauce
  8. Butter-Baked Button Mushroom and Sea Bass Fillet with Potato



  1. Panna Cotta
  2. Egg Puffs
  3. Crème Brûlée
  4. Konjac Jelly with Fresh Fruit
  5. Apple Tart
  6. Chocolate Brownie Cake
  7. Vanilla Chiffon Cake
  8. Yogurt Fruit
  9. Bread Pudding
  10. Chocolate Mousse


That's it. If you can cook these, you are a Western Food Master.


The book ends with a short but useful English-Chinese dictionary of food items, a C-F temperature conversion chart and some food hygiene advice. 


The book is available on Amazon here.


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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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 As a Westerner I am feeling somewhat vindicated.  I have a fair idea how badly we manage to mangle Chinese cuisine and what is normally cooked in the Chinese home. Seeing that such misinterpretation is reciprocated  is both amusing and sad. 

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Anna Nielsen aka "Anna N"

...I just let people know about something I made for supper that they might enjoy, too. That's all it is. (Nigel Slater)

"Cooking is about doing the best with what you have . . . and succeeding." John Thorne

Our 2012 (Kerry Beal and me) Blog

My 2004 eG Blog

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On 12/16/2015 at 4:36 AM, liuzhou said:

and finally...



7 高纤维, 低糖, 少脂的健康面食 High Fibre, Low Sugar, Low Fat Wheaten Foods


  1. 黑香米杂粮饼            Black Fragrant Rice Cake
  2. 三合面烀饼                Three Grain Flour Cake
  3. 豆渣馒头                    Bean Dregs Steamed Bread
  4. 黑豆面馒头                Black Bean Flour Steamed Bread
  5. 素酱荞麦面                Simple Sauce Buckwheat Noodles
  6. 榆钱儿窝窝                Corn Nests

Then, to my intense surprise, the book ends with an index. The first I have ever seen in a Chinese book!

How is an index organized, in Chinese?


Oswego, NY

Chemist, writer, hired gun

Say this five times fast: "A big blue bucket of blue blueberries."

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  • 1 month later...
On 3 January 2016 at 6:47 PM, liuzhou said:

Chapter 7 - Selected Recipes




(Note: dish names are their translation, not mine. The only English in the book is these titles.



  1. Chicken Roulade with Raspberry Sauce
  2. Fish Mousse with Blueberry Yogurt Sauce
  3. Salmon Pie
  4. Pork Fillet Stuffed with Wild Mushrooms



  1. Hungarian Goulash Soup
  2. Chicken Consommé with Diced Vegetable
  3. Minestrone
  4. Cream and Button Mushroom Soup
  5. Potato and Leek Chilled Soup


Sandwich and Salad

  1. Waldorf Salad
  2. Caesar Salad
  3. Salad Niçoise
  4. Chef’s Salad
  5. BLT Sandwich
  6. Club Sandwich


Main Courses

  1. Beef Stewed in Red Wine
  2. Provençe Roasted Lamb Chops
  3. Braised Veal Shank in Tomato Sauce with Chickpea Salsa
  4. Chicken Breast in Florentine Style with Wild Mushroom Rice
  5. Roasted Chicken with Button Mushroom Rice
  6. Butter-Baked Sea Bass Fillet with Boiled Potatoes
  7. Fried Salmon with Tartar Sauce
  8. Butter-Baked Button Mushroom and Sea Bass Fillet with Potato



  1. Panna Cotta
  2. Egg Puffs
  3. Crème Brûlée
  4. Konjac Jelly with Fresh Fruit
  5. Apple Tart
  6. Chocolate Brownie Cake
  7. Vanilla Chiffon Cake
  8. Yogurt Fruit
  9. Bread Pudding
  10. Chocolate Mousse


That's it. If you can cook these, you are a Western Food Master.


The book ends with a short but useful English-Chinese dictionary of food items, a C-F temperature conversion chart and some food hygiene advice. 


The book is available on Amazon here.



Interesting that there's no vegetables or side dishes. 


Thanks for so many informative translations with the Chinese books too.

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  • 1 month later...

Everyone who knows me knows that I am somewhat of a mushroom fetishist. I am fascinated by them and love to eat them. So I was particularly happy to come across this in my local book store.





Sample page


Yes, a mushroom recipe book - Chinese style. The title translates approx as as "Family Life Mushrooms Dishes". The book is 160 pages with two recipes on each page. Quantities and instructions are clear. It kicks off with an introduction to some, but not all, of the mushrooms in the recipes, then how to wash and slice them etc.



 Tea Tree Mushrooms


01 - 热炒 01 - Hot Stir Fries



  1. 耳炒木瓜                           Two Wood Ear Fungi w Papaya


  2. 黄瓜炒百合                            Cucumber, Day Lily and Wood Ear Fungus


  3. 黑木耳炒双椒                        Black Wood Ear w Two Chillies


  4. 蒜末炒杂菌                            Garlic Fried Mixed Mushrooms


  5. 香菇蚝油菜心                        Fresh Shiitake, Oyster Sauce and Choy sum


  6. 草菇炒圣女果                        Straw Mushroom  w Cherry Tomatoes


  7. 荠菜草菇炒虾仁                    Shepherd's Purse, Straw Mushrooms and Shrimp


  8. 清炒草菇                                Simple Fried Straw Mushrooms


  9. 茭白炒金针菇                        Wild Rice Stems  w Enoki Mushrooms


  10. 白果炒双菇                            Gingko Fried w Two Mushrooms (Straw and Shiitake)


  11. 荠菜虾仁 双菇                       Shepherd's Purse, Shrimp and Two Mushrooms


  12. 草菇雪里蕻                            Straw Mushrooms w Potherb Mustard


  13. 黄花菜炒金针菇                    Day Lily Fried Enoki Mushrooms


  14. 家常肉末金针菇                    Family Style Ground Pork w Enoki Mushrooms


  15. 珍珠香菇                                Pearl Shiitake


  16. 茶树菇炒牛肉丝                    Tea Tree Mushrooms with Beef Slivers


  17. 茶树菇炒牛柳                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sliced Beef


  18. 茶树菇炒猪肚                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Belly


  19. 茶树菇炒松板肉                    Tea Tree Mushrooms w Pork Shoulder


  20. 茶树菇炒鸡丝                        Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chicken Slivers


  21. 腊肉炒茶树菇                        Bacon w Tea Tree Mushrooms


  22. 肉碎酱爆茶树菇                    Meat Sauce Tea  Tree Mushrooms


  23. 五花肉炒茶树菇                    Streaky Pork Belly with Tea Tree Mushrooms


  24. 干锅茶树菇                            Dry Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms


  25. 干锅豆豉茶树菇                    Dry Fried Black Bean Tea Tree Mushrooms


  26. 干煸茶树菇                            Dry Fried Tea Tree Mushrooms


  27. 辣炒茶树菇                            Spicy Tea Tree Mushrooms


  28. 麻辣金针菇                            Hot and Numbing Enoki Mushrooms


  29. 干锅风味双菇                        Dry Pot Special Flavor Two Mushrooms


  30. 干锅红油茶树菇                    Dry Pot Chilli Oil Tea Tree Mushrooms


  31. 石锅韭菜茶树菇                    Clay Pot Tea Tree Mushrooms w Chinese Chives


  32. 茶树菇炒鲍笋                        Tea Tree Mushrooms with Sea Asparagus


  33. 纸锅韭菜茶树菇                    Paper Pot Chinese Chives w Tea Tree Mushrooms


  34. 金针菇炒黄瓜                        Enoki Mushrooms w Cucumber


  35. 滑子菇炒肉片                        Nameko Mushrooms w Sliced Pork


  36. 清炒滑子菇肉丝                    Simple Fried Nameko Mushrooms w Pork Slivers


  37. 滑子菇双椒肉丁                    Nameko Mushrooms, Two Chillies and Pork Cubes


  38. 葱香滑子菇                            Nameko Mushrooms with Onion


  39. 双椒炒双菇                            Two Chillies Fried w Two Mushrooms


  40. 蚝油炒双菇                            Two Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce


  41. 螺片炒鸡腿菇                        Sea Snails w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  42. 菜心鸡腿菇                            Choy Sum w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  43. 双柳爆炒鸡腿菇                    Two Stripe Quick Fried Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  44. 牛肉鸡腿菇                            Beef w Shaggy Inkcap Mushrooms


  45. 香炒白灵菇                            Simple Fried Oyster Mushrooms


  46. 牛肉炒白灵菇                        Beef w Oyster Mushrooms


  47. 咸肉炒白灵菇                        Bacon w Oyster Mushrooms


  48. 牛肉炒三菇                            Beef w Three Mushrooms


  49. 葱油白灵菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Onion


  50. 西蓝花素三菇                        Broccoli w Three Mushrooms


  51. 蟹粉杏鲍菇                            Crab w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  52. 干锅双菇                                Dry Pot Two Mushrooms


  53. 鸡肾炒双                            Chicken Gizzard w Two Mushrooms


  54. 烧烤汁炒双鲍                        Abalone w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  55. 杏鲍菇炒面筋                        King Oyster Mushrooms Fried Noodle Tendons


  56. 双椒牛肝菌                            Two Chilli Cèpes


  57. 三丝牛肝菌                            Three Strips Cèpes


  58. 五花肉炒牛肝菌                    Streaky Pork Belly w Cèpes


  59. 肉片炒牛肝菌                        Pork Slices w Cèpes


  60. 腊肉牛肝菌                            Bacon w Cèpes


  61. 三味牛肝菌                            Three Flavor Cèpes


  62. 野山菌炒肉片                        Wild Mushrooms w Pork


  63. 炒什锦菇                                Fried Assorted Mushrooms


  64. 肉丝野山菌                            Shredded Pork Wild Mushrooms


  65. 三杯杏鲍菇                            Three Cup King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  66. 奶油杏鲍菇                            Creamed King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms                  


  67. 金炒杏鲍菇                            Golden Fried King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  68. 肉酱杏鲍菇                            Meat Sauce King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  69. 干煸杏鲍菇                            Dry Pot King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  70. 牛肉炒杏鲍菇                        Beef w King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  71. 松露酱炒杏鲍菇                    Black Truffle Paste King Oyster (Eryngii) Mushrooms


  72. 玉米烧鲜香菇                        Corn w Fresh Shiitake Mushrooms


  73. 红椒炒鲜香菇                        Red Chilli Shiitake Mushrooms


  74. 香菇嫩鸡片                            Shiitake w Tender Chicken Slices


  75. 葱爆香菇                                Shiitake w Onion


  76. 香菇炒黄花采                        Shiitake w Day Lily


  77. 糖醋香菇                                Sweet and Sour Shiitake


  78. 油醋双菇                                Two Mushrooms w Vinegar


  79. 松耳菇炒芦笋                        Matsutake Mushrooms w Asparagus


  80. 松耳菇炒西滥花                    Matsutake Mushrooms w Broccoli


  81. 菠菜炒金针菇                        Spinach w Enoki Mushrooms


  82. 红椒松耳菇                            Matsutake Mushroom w Red Chilli


  83. 糖醋金针菇                            Sweet and Sour Enoki Mushrooms


  84. 松子仁拌口蘑                        Button Mushrooms w Pine Nuts


  85. 香蒜奶油口蘑                        Button Mushrooms and Garlic w Cream


  86. 口蘑炒虾仁                            Button Mushrooms w Shrimp


  87. 腊肠炒口蘑                            Button Mushrooms w Chinese Sausage


  88. 腐乳口蘑煲                            Button Mushrooms w Fermented Bean Curd


  89. 香菜草菇                                Coriander Leaf/Cilantro Straw Mushrooms


  90. 韭菜烧三菇                            Three Mushrooms w Chinese Chives


  91. 竹笋炒鲜香菇                        Shitake w Bamboo Shoots


  92. 法式口蘑                                French Style Button Mushrooms


  93. 香菇炒鸡柳                            Shiitake w Chicken


  94. 蚝油鲍鱼菇                            Oyster Mushrooms w Oyster Sauce


  95. 香蒜黑珍珠菇                        Black Pearl Mushroom w Garlic


  96. 素蟹黄黑珍珠菇                    Black Pearl Mushrooms w Crab Oviducts


  97. 茶树菇炒鸡柳                        Tea Tree Mushroom w Chicken


  98. 白玉菇炒芦笋                        White Beech Mushrooms w Asparagus


  99. 沙茶酱炒白灵菇                    White Beech Mushrooms w Shacha Sauce


  100. 枸杞子炒菇丁                        Chopped Mushrooms w Wolfberry (Goji Berries)


  101. 玉米笋炒三菇                        Three Mushrooms w Baby Corn






Note: All the shiitake mentioned in this section are fresh shiitake.

That takes us up to page 63. Just under a hundred to go. More at the weekend. I have to do some work sometimes!













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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
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If anyone is following this, I apologise for the delay in posting part two, but here goes:


2 - 凉拌  Cold Dressed Dishes


  1. 黄瓜拌黑木耳                        Cucumber w Black Wood Ear Fungus
  2. 苦瓜拌黑木耳                        Bitter Melon w Black Wood Ear Fungus
  3. 爽口黑木耳                            Tasty Black Wood Ear Fungus
  4. 白菜拌黑木耳                        Chinese Cabbage w Black Wood Ear Fungus
  5. 双椒拌黑木耳                        Two Pepper Black Wood Ear Fungus
  6. 冰镇黑木耳                            Iced Black Wood Ear Fungus
  7. 核桃拌黑木耳                        Walnuts w Black Wood Ear Fungus
  8. 红椒拌黑木耳                        Red Pepper Black Wood Ear Fungus
  9. 陈醋拌黑木耳                        Vinegared Black Wood Ear Fungus
  10. 风味黑木耳                            Special Flavour Black Wood Ear Fungus
  11. 黑木耳魔芋丝                        Black Wood Ear Fungus w Taro
  12. 菊花黑木耳                            Chrysanthemum Black Wood Ear Fungus
  13. 四季豆拌黑木耳                    Green Beans w Black Wood Ear Fungus
  14. 双椒小黑木耳                        Two Pepper Small Black Wood Ear Fungus
  15. 酸辣黑木耳                            Hot and Sour Black Wood Ear Fungus
  16. 五香酱拌香菇                        Five Spice Sauce Shiitake Mushrooms
  17. 虫草花拌金针菇                    Cordyceps Sinensis w Enoki Mushrooms
  18. 金针菇拌猪肚丝                    Enoki Mushrooms w Pig's Tripe
  19. 红椒拌金针菇                        Red Pepper w Enoki Mushrooms
  20. 雪里蕻拌金针菇                    Potherb Mustard w Enoki Mushrooms
  21. 四蔬拌金针菇                        Four Vegetables w Enoki Mushroom
  22. 荷兰豆拌金针菇                    Sugar Snap Beans w Enoki Mushrooms
  23. 草头干拌金针菇                    Dried Alfalfa w Enoki Mushrooms           
  24. 青椒拌双菇                            Two Mushrooms w Green Chilli
  25. 葱花拌金针菇                        Green Onion w Enoki Mushrooms
  26. 金针菇拌龙须菜                    Enoki Mushrooms w Chayote Shoots
  27. 凉拌白灵菇                            Cold Dressed Jade Gill Mushrooms
  28. 拌金针菇                                Mixed Enoki Mushrooms
  29. 双脚拌金针菇                        Two Chilli Enoki Mushrooms
  30. 金针菇拌核桃花                    Enoki Mushrooms w Walnut Flower
  31. 凉拌三丝金针菇                    Cold Dressed Three Stripe Enoki Mushrooms
  32. 肉丝拌金针菇                        Shredded Pork w Enoki Mushrooms
  33. 葱油拌香菇                            Scallion Oil Shiitake Mushrooms
  34. 凉拌什锦菇                            Cold Dressed Mixed Mushrooms
  35. 西蓝花拌舞菇                        Maitake Mushrooms w Broccoli
  36. 什锦菇沙拉                            Mixed Mushroom Salad
  37. 意大利暧香菇沙拉                Italian Dark Shiitake Mushroom Salad
  38. 海带芽拌白玉菇                    Kelp w White Beech Mushrooms
  39. 白灵菇沙拉                            Jade Gill Mushroom Salad

Coming soon  - part 3 - Mushroom soups.





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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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Chinese has two main words meaning soup. The most common is 汤. But they also have 羹 which usually means a thicker soup. Often they are interchangeable.


67 mushroom soups


yin er 1.jpg

Dried Silver Ear Fungus


三菇冬瓜汤                           Three Mushroom Wax Gourd Soup                    


冰糖银耳南瓜汤                    Rock Sugar, Silver Ear Fungus (Tremella fuciformis), Pumpkin Soup


银耳番茄汤                           Silver Ear Tomato Soup


雪梨银耳猪肺                        Snow Pear, Silver Ear Pork Soup


腐竹黑木耳瘦肉汤                 Dried Soy Bean Cream, Black Wood Ear, Lean Pork Soup


黑木耳蛋汤                            Black Wood Ear, Egg Soup


黄瓜黑木耳汤                        Cucumber and Black Wood Ear Soup


双耳桂圆口蘑汤                    Two Wood Ears, Longan and Button Mushroom Soup


双耳山楂汤                            Two Wood Ears and Hawthorn Soup


双耳鸡汤                                Two Wood Ears Chicken Soup


双耳鲤鱼汤                            Two Wood Ears Carp Soup


The "two wood ear" above means the soup has both silver and black wood ear fungus.


当归党参银耳汤                    Medicinal Herb Soup


Contains Chinese Angelica, Codonopsis Pilosula and Silver Ear Fungus


银耳枸杞乌鸡汤                    Silver Ear, Goji Berry, Black Chicken Soup


Black skin chicken or Silkie


苹果鸡爪猪腱汤                    Apple, Chicken's Foot and Pig's Tendon Soup


银耳猪脊骨汤                        Silver Ear, Pork Bone Soup


银耳花旗参猪肚汤                 Silver Ear, Ginseng, Pork Tripe Soup


苹果银耳猪腱汤                    Apple, Silver Ear, Pig Tendon Soup


银耳椰子鸡汤                        Silver Ear, Coconut, Chicken Soup


银耳蛋花汤                            Silver Ear, Egg Drop Soup


银耳海鲜汤                            Silver Ear, Seafood Soup


银耳竹荪蛋汤                        Silver Ear, Bamboo, Egg Soup


银耳瘦肉汤                            Silver Ear, Lean Pork Soup


荷兰豆香菇粉丝汤                 Snow Pea, Shiitake, Vermicelli Soup


香菇豆腐汤                            Shiitake and Tofu Soup


香菇白菜魔芋汤                    Shiitake, Cabbage and Taro Soup


香菇猪肉芋头汤                    Shiitake, Pork and Taro Soup


香菇黑木耳猪骨汤                 Shiitake, Black Wood Ear, Pork Bone Soup


香菇猪肚汤                            Shiitake, Pig Tripe Soup


板栗香菇老鸡汤                    Chestnut, Shiitake, Chicken Soup


香菇瘦肉老鸡汤                    Shiitake, Lean Pork and Chicken Soup


香菇冬笋鸡汤                        Shiitake, Bamboo Shoot Chicken Soup


绿豆香菇鸡爪汤                     Mung Bean, Shiitake, Chicken Foot Soup


香菇鹌鹑汤                            Shiitake, Quail Soup


香菇鱼肚汤                            Shiitake, Fish Maw Soup


香菇海蜇棠                            Shiitake, Jellyfish Soup


口蘑瘦肉汤                            Button Mushroom, Lean Pork Soup


口蘑鸡汤                                Button Mushroom, Chicken Soup


金针菇鸡腿汤                         Enoki Mushroom and Chicken Soup


口蘑粉条鸡肉汤                     Button Mushroom, Chicken Noodle Soup


口蘑豆腐鲫鱼汤                    Button Mushroom, Tofu and Carp Soup


口蘑灵芝鸭汤                        Button Mushroom, Ganoderma Mushroom, Duck Soup


金针菇黑木耳瘦肉汤              Enoki Mushroom, Black Wood Ear, Lean Pork Soup


金针菇羊肉汤                        Enoki Mushroom, Mutton Soup


口蘑丝瓜蛋花汤                    Button Mushroom, Towel Gourd, Egg Drop Soup


金针菇鸡丝汤                        Enoki Mushroom, Chicken Sliver Soup


金针菇鸡蛋羹                        Enoki Mushroom, Egg Soup


本菇鸡蛋汤                            Shimeji Mushroom Egg Soup


鸡腿菇鸡心汤                        Shaggy Ink Cap and Chicken Heart Soup


平菇虾米鸡丝汤                    Oyster Mushroom and Chicken Soup w Dried Shrimp           


鸡腿菇排骨汤                        Shaggy Ink Cap and Pork Rib Soup


杏鲍菇螺肉猪肚汤                 Eryngi Mushroom, Snail and Pork Tripe Soup


杏鲍菇兔肉汤                        Eryngi Mushroom and Rabbit Soup


猪肚菇猪肉汤                        Pig Stomach Mushrooms** and Pork Soup


猴头菇黄芪鸡汤                    Hedgehog Mushroom, Astragalus Membranaceus, Chicken Soup


野山菌鲫鱼汤                        Countryside Mountain Mushroom Carp Soup


多菌菇土鸡汤                        Mixed Mushrooms Organic Chicken Soup


多菌菇牛蹄筋汤                     Mixed Mushroom Ox Tendon Soup


双花多菌菇汤                        Two Flower Mixed Mushroom Soup (Cauliflower and Broccoli)


山荮多菌菇老鸡汤                 Chinese Yam,  Mixed Mushroom Chicken Soup


多菌菇鸡肉汤                        Mixed Mushroom Chicken Soup


多菌菇鸡爪汤                        Mixed Mushroom Chicken's Feet Soup


什锦菇猪骨汤                        Mixed Mushroom Pig Bone Soup


茶壶双菇鸡汤                        Teapot Two Mushroom Chicken Soup


什锦鲜菇汤                            Mixed Mushroom Soup


牛奶口蘑汤                            Cream of Mushroom Soup


猪肚菇乌鸡汤                        Pig Stomach Mushrooms and Black Chicken Soup


草菇排骨汤                            Straw Mushroom Spare Rib Soup


Next: braised and stewed mushroom dishes

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
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