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Food That Smells Like Feet: What Say You?

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Over in the "Foods that would be sought after" thread, there's been a discussion about ramps, and I found the following Wikipedia entry:

Their smell and taste has been described by Akron Beacon-Journal food columnist Jane Snow as "like fried green onions with a dash of funky feet."

Now, I've never had ramps to my knowledge, but when I read that sentence, I started salivating when I hit the phrase in bold. I had the same reaction when I first read about matsutake mushrooms. And, of course, I absolutely adore blue/bleu cheeses.

So these foods don't have a lot in common except, well, their associative relation to stinky feet. (OK, go ahead and unload all of your foot fetish jokes. Ahem.) What other foods are there that are redolent of the gym sock? And what's your opinion? Am I right in assuming that this is one of those classic love 'em/hate 'em categories?

Chris Amirault

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Sir Luscious got gator belts and patty melts

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Gym sock soup? It's similar to stone soup, but this version is made to feed wrestlers who still must lose weight to wrestle at the weight class they intend to wrestle in.

I always attempt to have the ratio of my intelligence to weight ratio be greater than one. But, I am from the midwest. I am sure you can now understand my life's conundrum.

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i find petai beans extremely offensive! :) wish someone had warned me before i made that Malay stir-fry of petai beans and prawns.

however i like durian just fine.

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Taleggio, Epoisses and the like are sometimes referred to as having "stinky feet" characteristics. I absolutely love all the stinky cheeses, so I guess I'm in. I adore ramps, too, so I guess I have a pretty strong foot food fetish.

My friends and I all refer to the smell as "dank undercarriage." Seems more vivid than stinky feet.

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If you think ramps smell like feet, try ramps with Chinese salted shrimp paste. Gotta say I love 'em.

Karen C.

"Oh, suddenly life’s fun, suddenly there’s a reason to get up in the morning – it’s called bacon!" - Sookie St. James

Travelogue: Ten days in Tuscany

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Esrom and Tilsit cheeses - yum.

Anna Nielsen aka "Anna N"

...I just let people know about something I made for supper that they might enjoy, too. That's all it is. (Nigel Slater)

"Cooking is about doing the best with what you have . . . and succeeding." John Thorne

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i find petai beans extremely offensive!  :)  wish someone had warned me before i made that Malay stir-fry of petai beans and prawns.

however i like durian just fine.

Petai really does a number on your urine, too. It's very strong, but I can enjoy it, just not too often.

Michael aka "Pan"


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I go like stinky cheese.

I know that is a typo, but it's darn funny :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Something else from eGullet that is destined for the family lexicon.

Don't try to win over the haters. You're not the jackass whisperer."

Scott Stratten

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I dunno Chris, but this better not be the subject of the next Cook-Off thread!

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

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My Stinky Feet Favorites:

Stinky Feet Sandwich: Really good liverwurst (cheese optional, but I like havarti), raw onions, strong brown mustard, black bread. Yum.

Liver in general.

Piggie innards aka chitlins/maws.

Strong stinky bleu cheeses of course.

Canned smoked oysters.

Inside me there is a thin woman screaming to get out, but I can usually keep the Bitch quiet: with CHOCOLATE!!!

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feet don't actually smell.  the stuff that grows under toe nails for months on end does.  and it smells reeeeally tasty.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Okay, fess up tommy: you've actually tasted that stuff, haven't you? :rolleyes:

Inside me there is a thin woman screaming to get out, but I can usually keep the Bitch quiet: with CHOCOLATE!!!

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A great line from the USA series Monk. When the title character, who has severe OCD, realizes that his favorite wine is made the traditional way (think I Love Lucy), exclaims, "it's foot wine!"

Karen C.

"Oh, suddenly life’s fun, suddenly there’s a reason to get up in the morning – it’s called bacon!" - Sookie St. James

Travelogue: Ten days in Tuscany

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Words and terms I know I've used in tasting notes for wine: sweat socks, gym socks, locker room, toe jam, feet. And not all of the wines they were associated with were necessarily bad.

We cannot employ the mind to advantage when we are filled with excessive food and drink - Cicero

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Fritos especially, but other corn chips and even Cheerios to a lesser extent, all smell like dogs' feet.

I have to agree. I can't eat corn chips because they smell like.......well mice. All that running around on the little wheel must make their feet/claws smell.

Corn chips = Mice feet :wacko:

Call me mad but that the way it is for me.

Edited by Taubear (log)

Smell and taste are in fact but a single composite sense, whose laboratory is the mouth and its chimney the nose. - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

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Words and terms I know I've used in tasting notes for wine: sweat socks, gym socks, locker room, toe jam, feet.  And not all of the wines they were associated with were necessarily bad.


During a tasting of Brandy and various high alcohol beverages where "Cheryl Ladd" and other Charlie's Angel's were present we included "Mou Tai" the Chinese Alcohol Beverage that effected "Richard Nixon" during his visit to China.

The unanimous decision was that the beverage reminded everyone of the smell of "TOE CHEESE" so now you've got something else to add to your previous list.


I don't say that I do. But don't let it get around that I don't.

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