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Top Chef


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W.T.F. how did Dave survive, i'll tell you, he used some friggin' butter.  R.I.P. LeAnn, sorry, you didn't have the Ice Queen on your side this week, "oh my god, everybody was sooo impressed with your stuffed gnocci", GET-A-ROOM!


Inside me there is a thin woman screaming to get out, but I can usually keep the Bitch quiet: with CHOCOLATE!!!

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This episode was definitely a better one... Maybe the idea was that they'd be stuck with silly cooking challenges until the final few episodes, when the field is narrowed down to the top contenders, worthy of the good stuff?

The preview for the next show, where all the previous contestants were brougth back looked fascinating -- in a devestating, train-wreck sort of way. One shot showed them breaking into a goddamn scuffle, like they were a bunch of Glock-wielding, low pants-riding gangstas -- and another showed the angry Irishman just screaming like a madman.

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I kind of liked to Top Chef/Project Runway comparison.

Andre has found a soul mate in Dave. Maybe they could have show where they have a good cry together.

Maybe for next season as a quickfire challenge they could cook for models or Barbie. A 5 course meal not to exceed 100 calories, that doesn't hurt when you bring it back up.

The preview for the next show, where all the previous contestants were brougth back looked fascinating -- in a devestating, train-wreck sort of way. One shot showed them breaking into a goddamn scuffle, like they were a bunch of Glock-wielding, low pants-riding gangstas -- and another showed the angry Irishman just screaming like a madman.

That's why they were kicked off the show - they brought a gun to a knife fight! Chefs use knives people!

Time for me to pack my knives and go......

Edited by handmc (log)


Ah, it's been way too long since I did a butt. - Susan Fahning aka "snowangel"


One summers evening drunk to hell, I sat there nearly lifeless…Warren

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his episode was definitely a better one... Maybe the idea was that they'd be stuck with silly cooking challenges until the final few episodes, when the field is narrowed down to the top contenders, worthy of the good stuff?

I now realise how stupid the initial silly challenges were.

I am almost convinced the wine guy eliminated last week would have cooked something more imaginative with actual top notch ingredients.

As to the wine, its one of those low availability California cultish wines.

I have had it,Its good but it isnt up there with top burgundy.

Most of the price is based on demand/availability

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The preview for the next show, where all the previous contestants were brougth back looked fascinating -- in a devestating, train-wreck sort of way. One shot showed them breaking into a goddamn scuffle, like they were a bunch of Glock-wielding, low pants-riding gangstas -- and another showed the angry Irishman just screaming like a madman.

Well, last night was a disappointment, only in that Tiffani stayed on. I'm sorry, but she's as aggravating to me (with her tight-lipped pout when she doesn't win) as Stephen was with his did-someone-just-let-one-rip?-face when he didn't win.

Next week should be a HOOT. It's obvious where most of the drama is going to come from: the angry Irish guy pushing everyone's buttons. Viewing the ad the first time, I thought it was Harold and Stephen going at it, but then I realized it was Lee and Stephen.

I'm not a religious man, but I would believe there was a God if Katie Lee accidentally got involved in the scuffle, and an accidental fist gave her incredible public speaking skills.


I still can't accurately type out her version of "home."

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I'm not a religious man, but I would believe there was a God if Katie Lee accidentally got involved in the scuffle, and an accidental fist gave her incredible public speaking skills.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: one of the funnest lines on this thread!

Now Pack your knives AND GO!


Ah, it's been way too long since I did a butt. - Susan Fahning aka "snowangel"


One summers evening drunk to hell, I sat there nearly lifeless…Warren

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Well, last night was a disappointment, only in that Tiffani stayed on.

I really did not get it... it seemed like everyone had much more negative things to say about Tiffani's dish than Lee Anne's. Yeah, they said her stuffed gnocchi was innovative but they also said it was soggy and they said the cauliflower didn't pair well with the wine, which was the whole point of the challenge. I was really shocked at the outcome... I love Dave, but I thought for sure he would be the next to go!

And what's that crap about her having humility and admitting when she's wrong... I've never once heard her say, "Yeah, I know I should have done better or I screwed up!" All she ever says is "I know my food is good. I stand by my food!" Blech! Humility, my ass!

And how much do I love Dave's shirt in the next episode!!! :laugh:

"Many people believe the names of In 'n Out and Steak 'n Shake perfectly describe the contrast in bedroom techniques between the coast and the heartland." ~Roger Ebert

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I was FURIOUS when they sent Lee Ann home last night. FURIOUS!

Now, of course, it's very easy for me to root for the one remaining person I want to win, but that said, there seemed to be a lot more praise for her dish than Tiffani's, even taking all the previous stuff aside.

I wonder if it's all the double-fakeout-type editing. Clearly we were set up to expect that Lee Ann stay, especially with Harold and Dave hoping aloud for it -- but every time they set up something like that, then their choices seem less reasonable, because they lay the groundwork for the wrong guess.

(I may watch too much competitive reality.)

Glad to see they're keeping the Reunion episode just like Project Runway had. Let's get ready to scuffle! And drink!

Cooking and writing and writing about cooking at the SIMMER blog

Pop culture commentary at Intrepid Media

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I caught last night's episode (have missed several others) and yeah, the "double fakeout" as referred to above is just like Project Runway. Viewers are, pardon the pun, spoon fed comments that are deliberately misleading. It got very annoying on PR to the point of insulting. Bravo can be very heavy-handed when it wants to be.

One thing about Dave's crying... I interviewed someone who appeared on PR and he said the producers tried to get him to cry (they were unsuccessful). The producers just love that stuff. Contestants are given lots of liquor and are sleep deprived just to keep emotions high so there will be outbursts. The same trick is done with The Apprentice.

Not that Dave seems like he needed any help in this department, but you get someone especially vulnerable and you can have a real field day with them.

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Well, I opted to go to bed early last night (since I already knew that Lee Anne would be going home) so I haven't seen the episode yet. It will be on sometime during the week.

However, one of the first things the Spouse said to me this morning when I got up was "I can't believe they didn't send that bitch Tiffani home."

A response like that from a non-foodie (one whom I'm still amazed is now apparently hooked on Top Chef) means it must have been a good episode!

Jen Jensen

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I caught last night's episode (have missed several others) and yeah, the "double fakeout" as referred to above is just like Project Runway.  Viewers are, pardon the pun, spoon fed comments that are deliberately misleading.  It got very annoying on PR to the point of insulting.  Bravo can be very heavy-handed when it wants to be.

One thing about Dave's crying... I interviewed someone who appeared on PR and he said the producers tried to get him to cry (they were unsuccessful).  The producers just love that stuff.  Contestants are given lots of liquor and are sleep deprived just to keep emotions high so there will be outbursts.  The same trick is done with The Apprentice. 

Not that Dave seems like he needed any help in this department, but you get someone especially vulnerable and you can have a real field day with them.

This is really interesting information. I had figured that various editing tricks were being used to obfuscate and mislead, but I had never thought about the contestants being manipulated by the producers. I'm not surprised, though.

I was really surprised, and not very happy, to see Le Anne go. Seems to me she's a good cook who has a high level of professionalism. I had expected her to be at least one of the top two, with either Tiffani or Harold being the other.

I thought Dave showed a lot of courage with his choice of entrees last night. And I was happy to see that the judges appreciated it, too. When gauging his reactions, I think it's important to understand that this is his second career, so he probably feels more pressure to win in this situation, since he's older and may feel he has less time to establish himself. Plus, one career has already gone down the tubes for him, and he may be seeing this show as a second impending disaster. I love it that he's done so well. What can I say? He brings out my maternal instincts. I have a secret urge to bring him home and make him some hot tea.

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I caught last night's episode (have missed several others) and yeah, the "double fakeout" as referred to above is just like Project Runway.  Viewers are, pardon the pun, spoon fed comments that are deliberately misleading.  It got very annoying on PR to the point of insulting.  Bravo can be very heavy-handed when it wants to be.

One thing about Dave's crying... I interviewed someone who appeared on PR and he said the producers tried to get him to cry (they were unsuccessful).  The producers just love that stuff.  Contestants are given lots of liquor and are sleep deprived just to keep emotions high so there will be outbursts.  The same trick is done with The Apprentice. 

Not that Dave seems like he needed any help in this department, but you get someone especially vulnerable and you can have a real field day with them.

This is really interesting information. I had figured that various editing tricks were being used to obfuscate and mislead, but I had never thought about the contestants being manipulated by the producers. I'm not surprised, though.

I've heard of stuff like that before from other reality shows. I honestly think there's one clip of Dave crying and rubbing his eyes that they show over and over, but I could be wrong... it's hard to tell.

"Many people believe the names of In 'n Out and Steak 'n Shake perfectly describe the contrast in bedroom techniques between the coast and the heartland." ~Roger Ebert

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I caught last night's episode (have missed several others) and yeah, the "double fakeout" as referred to above is just like Project Runway.  Viewers are, pardon the pun, spoon fed comments that are deliberately misleading.  It got very annoying on PR to the point of insulting.  Bravo can be very heavy-handed when it wants to be.

One thing about Dave's crying... I interviewed someone who appeared on PR and he said the producers tried to get him to cry (they were unsuccessful).  The producers just love that stuff.  Contestants are given lots of liquor and are sleep deprived just to keep emotions high so there will be outbursts.  The same trick is done with The Apprentice. 

Not that Dave seems like he needed any help in this department, but you get someone especially vulnerable and you can have a real field day with them.

This is really interesting information. I had figured that various editing tricks were being used to obfuscate and mislead, but I had never thought about the contestants being manipulated by the producers. I'm not surprised, though.

I've heard of stuff like that before from other reality shows. I honestly think there's one clip of Dave crying and rubbing his eyes that they show over and over, but I could be wrong... it's hard to tell.

I think you're absolutely right Katie; I've noticed that as well. One of the reasons that I never got into reality shows until now is that they are so heavily edited to reinforce the stereotype of each contestant: The Bitch, The Wimp, The Sensitive One, The Peacemaker, etc. I don't believe for one minute that Dave spends most of the day weeping and rubbing his eyes. And even though I can't stand Tiffani (does she spell her name with an "i" at the end?) I don't believe that she spends every waking moment with that "please stop making me swallow the piss and vinegar I gargle with every morning" expression either. I too was disappointed to see her stay for the perfectly logical and understandable reason that she has all the mannerisms of someone I know and despise. :raz:

Of course now I'm rooting for Harold though I suspect Tiffani will win (ugh) especially since he came so close to winning the most recent challenge but for a bit of grit on the mushrooms he used. Harold, I'd gladly scrub the grit from your mushrooms anytime, anywhere. :wub:

Inside me there is a thin woman screaming to get out, but I can usually keep the Bitch quiet: with CHOCOLATE!!!

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I now realise how stupid the initial silly challenges were.

I am almost convinced the wine guy eliminated last week would have cooked something more imaginative with actual top notch ingredients.

There was irony that the truffles and fine wine appeared on the show following Stephen's departure. I think I also would have enjoyed Stephen's interplay with the Napa chefs as they tasted and commented on his dish. I suspect there would have been a low tolerance around that table for Stephen's persona.

I had figured that various editing tricks were being used to obfuscate and mislead, but I had never thought about the contestants being manipulated by the producers. I'm not surprised, though.

A business in which I'm involved has supplied personnel for and assisted in the production of reality show segments. The director will do whatever it takes to bring out emotions. Makes for the best reality TV. Also consider that with multiple cameras running days on end, the director edits a couple of hundred hours or more of video tape down to approximately 40 minutes of television. It's like reducing a stock. Only the intensity remains.

Holly Moore

"I eat, therefore I am."



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I was so mad when they told LeeAnne to pack her knives. She has alot more going for her as a person than Tiffany will ever have. Working for Tiffany would probably be a real challange......MISS PERFECT!!!!!!! If Tiffany wins as Top Chef there is something wrong. She certainly does not have the attitude to be top anything.

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I was surprised and disappointed to see Lee Anne go.

David's food is not refined but his talent for bringing out flavor's is impressive.

Tiffany's shortcoming appears to be her refusal to admit she may have made a mistake but other then that her personality is not that unusually in restaurant kitchens.

I have seen dozens of Tiffany's and at the end of the night over a beer she would be just one of the crew laughing over the day's controlled chaos.

Robert R

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I was humored at how humbled the Top Chef judges behaved with the cream of the crop from the Napa Valley in attendence. Too bad this series hasn't achieved that kind of level more often.

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Last week I said: Based upon this (previous episodes/mannerisms) I think unless there's a big upset that Tiffani or Lee Ann would be the next to go unless Dave REALLY loses it. (He really DOES weep way too much, again like I've said previously take it to a therapist, your pillow or alone in your home or room.) :wacko:

But my feelings were more toward them tossing Tiffani because of her "bitchiness" toward others. Yes, you can be professional without being a bitch but there is a fine line. In the business world men say that I am discerning, women say picky. Men say I can pare down the candidates without getting over-emotional, women say that I'm bitchy and too detail oriented. So I can sort of relate, but I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder.

Anyhow it's good to be right for the most part. My next prediction is that Dave will go because he is nice but not "top chef" material, leaving Harold and Tiffani and Harold unless he screws up majorly (sand in all his food etc.) will most likely win. :biggrin::cool:

Stacey C-Anonymouze@aol.com

*Censorship ends in logical completeness when nobody is allowed to read any books except the books that nobody reads!-G. B. SHAW


Also member of LinkedIn, Erexchange and DonRockwell.

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Grit in the mushrooms?  I'm only a home cook but that's never, ever happened to me.  How do mushrooms get gritty and how do you "ungrit" them anyway?

with a mushroom brush?????

or even better, water!

(yes yes, I know that some folks think they'd get waterlogged, etc etc. I don't.)

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^yeah, but mostly they come pre-cleaned, unless you buy them from the co-op in Napa, or harvest them yourself.

And, what other challenge did Stiffani pull the stuffed gnocchi out of her ass for? I don't remember, but seem to recall it somewhere. It just seems ridiculous to stuff a gnoc, esp. the way she did it rolling it up and cutting it. How could you boil them without all the stuff leaking out? Steamed gnocchi, is that possible? Seems contrived that's all.

I agree with robert that she would be there yucking it up at the end of the night with the crew.

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And how much do I love Dave's shirt in the next episode!!!  :laugh:

I so want an "I'm not your bitch, Bitch!" T-shirt!

Do they sell merchandise for Top Chef like they did for Project Runway? If they do I'll be first on line for one of these. :biggrin:

Edit: I checked and they do have Top Chef merchandise, but no "Bitch" T-shirts. Just aprons and oven mitts and other tame stuff. Very boring. We need to start a write in campaign for the Bitch shirts!

Katie M. Loeb
Booze Muse, Spiritual Advisor

Author: Shake, Stir, Pour:Fresh Homegrown Cocktails

Bartendrix,Intoxicologist, Beverage Consultant, Philadelphia, PA
Captain Liberty of the Good Varietals, Aphrodite of Alcohol

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And how much do I love Dave's shirt in the next episode!!!  :laugh:

I so want an "I'm not your bitch, Bitch!" T-shirt!

Do they sell merchandise for Top Chef like they did for Project Runway? If they do I'll be first on line for one of these. :biggrin:

Edit: I checked and they do have Top Chef merchandise, but no "Bitch" T-shirts. Just aprons and oven mitts and other tame stuff. Very boring. We need to start a write in campaign for the Bitch shirts!

you could do one pretty easily on cafe press.

while you're at it, make a t-shirt telling katie to pack her knives and go home. what a complete waste of space (and this opinion was recently reinforced after reading her and her partner's bio on their lame website).

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