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All I want for Christmas is? wish lists to die for

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So, even though it is still only mid-October, it seems that it is never too early to create a wish list in one's mind of some things which would make your life even more enjoyable. The only caveat here would be that it should be food-related!

If I might be so bold, I would wish for a set of Wusthof knives for my kitchen, a lifetime subscription to Gastronomica, a "coupon book" for repeated visits to The French Laundry, and a Caviar of the Month Club (see the thread on _____of the Month Clubs).

What are your food holiday wishes and dreams?

Are any of the actually achievable? :biggrin: When does reality replace fantasy?? :rolleyes:

Are wish lists only for dreamers? :laugh:

Can they be mailed anonymously/surreptitiously to spouses/family/business associates? :hmmm:

Melissa Goodman aka "Gifted Gourmet"

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All I would really, REALLY wish for is a culinary tour of the places I have wanted to visit to taste the foods. Although it's out of the question, books and dvd's would be almost as good.

Actually, thinking about it, I would like to go the First Mesa and have a feast with friends I made so long ago in school. I understand that my best friend Neil Susunkewa is now a tribal leader. I'd give ANYTHING to rag him about the dead raccoon we found on the road going back to school one time.

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I would love to have a subscription to a local wine shop's wine of the month club as a way to learn more about wine.

A remodeled kitchen comes to mind, too, with ample storage for sheet pans, baking pans, a good-sized pantry, plenty of smooth-surfaced counterspace. Not exactly easy to stuff in a stocking, but we're talking wishes here! :wink:

A handful of cookbooks that are on my amazon wishlist: "I'm Just Here for More Food," the new edition of "On Food and Cooking," the "Bread Baker's Apprentice," and oh, I could keep going. The list is long.

"I just hate health food"--Julia Child

Jennifer Garner

buttercream pastries

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I want a bread machine and a good one this time- I only use it for making pizza dough but I miss the old one a lot. :sad: Also, some good knives and Santa I promise I won't put them into the dishwasher like I did last year. You can even send the elves to check up on me! Oh, maybe some measuring cups and some nice spoons, the kids drag everything out to the sandbox and then I never see them again. Oh yeah, some truffles, hate to sound greedy but my risotto has been suffering. I'll stop there Santa and I swear I've been very good, well, not good but not bad either.


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I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight:

A new domicile with a "real" kitchen, rather than a galley kitchen; a bread machine; a KitchenAid stand mixer (heavy duty, natch!); a gas stove, a set of good knives, my old pots and pans back (I lost them in a house fire); room for all the gadgets I love; and the ability to eat anything I wanted (type two diabetes sux :angry:)

On the other hand, I'm grateful for what I have already; a roof over my head, enough of the "right " food to keep hunger at bay and my great friends here in South Florida and in the e-Gullet community! :wub:

"Commit random acts of senseless kindness"

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I would like a KitchenAid mixer for Christmas, and a remodeled kitchen to make room for one.

Additions to my Le Creuset collection would also be nice, as well as a set of Wusthof knives.

For stocking stuffers, one of those bamboo cutting boards would do very nicely.

And, and, and, a wine of the month club would be fab, as well as an olive of the month club if there was such a thing............I sound like my kids looking at the Sears toy catalogue.

One can wish, can't one?


I don't mind the rat race, but I'd like more cheese.

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If I get to go totally for broke, I would wish for a new kitchen. I like the apartment fine, but this electric stove has got to GO!!

After that, Universal Gift Certificates (you've seen those, with George and Benjamin and Andrew on them) for as many Japanese meals as I can stand through the rest of the year.

Ditto for book shops.


"My tongue is smiling." - Abigail Trillin

Ruth Shulman

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on the list on the fridge are the following food related items:

champagne flutes(since i always seem to break glassware i ask for low end 4/5.99 sets)

white wine glasses

gift certificate to bed, bath and beyond or some such store - i need a good dutch oven

gift certificate to martini beach in cape may - we love to go there and have the sunset table when down that way for our anniversary so ...

recipe cards

Nothing is better than frying in lard.

Nothing.  Do not quote me on this.


Linda Ellerbee

Take Big Bites

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Hmmm, a nice gift certificate to Loebel's or Nieman Ranch would be awesome.

I wouldn't turn down a delivery of Foie Gras (never had it, but would love to try, the price just turns me off as an amateur cook) or Caviar (same situation) either.

He don't mix meat and dairy,

He don't eat humble pie,

So sing a miserere

And hang the bastard high!

- Richard Wilbur and John LaTouche from Candide

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Lordy, I have a long, long list. However topping it is an immediate thing, can't wait for Christmas.

I would love to be able to hop jet to the UK and join my daughter and her husband next week when they dine at Gordon Ramsay's during a 10-day stay in London then accompanying them for a week in Paris before coming home to California after several months in Inverness, Scotland, all paid for by his company. There is a certain store in Paris, well stocked with tons of copper cookware that is tops on my list to visit. Just not this year.

I would like one of the new "well-type" cookers that are sunk into a cabinet so the top is even with the counter top.

More refrigerator drawers so I can dispense with the upright one completely - I can no longer get down on my knees to reach to the back of the bottom shelf.

A wood-fired brick oven - but that is doable and may happen.

A secondary kitchen, semi-outdoor.

"There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What's up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don't think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!" Terry Pratchett


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I want another all clad 4 qt and 2at saucepan.

a mandoline

cookbooks. any cookbooks will be just fine thank you!

a waffle maker

if we buy this house we are looking at, a second oven for the kitchen

the courage to use my new deep fryer :rolleyes:

I'm quite sure I'll find more stuff as gift giving season approaches.


Practice. Do it over. Get it right.

Mostly, I want people to be as happy eating my food as I am cooking it.

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Well, now that I have a 100 square foot pantry ( :biggrin: ), a full gift set of Falk Culinair would be more than nice.

I also might like a Shun Kershaw paring knife, although really I like my current paring knives just fine.

I left my favorite paring knife at a gig last week and am very curious about the Shun Kershaw paring knife. I love the look. How is the weight/balance?

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Wishes in one hand . . .

New counter tops for the kitchen, with butcher block and marble or granite sections. New kitchen floor. The miraculous appearance of my incredibly wonderful Chambers Range (with the single/double/triple well pot! and the topside griddle and broiler) that I had to give up years ago (because there was no place to put it in the new house :sad:). If not that then a lovely new gas cooktop, Santa.

For the stocking (I have a big one :wink:) I'd take a new breadboard, bread/pizza stone, a microplane, and a gift certificate for rides to the markets I want to shop.

And if anyone wants to send this list to my Santas -- just let me know. :laugh:

Judith Love

North of the 30th parallel

One woman very courteously approached me in a grocery store, saying, "Excuse me, but I must ask why you've brought your dog into the store." I told her that Grace is a service dog.... "Excuse me, but you told me that your dog is allowed in the store because she's a service dog. Is she Army or Navy?" Terry Thistlewaite

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Self-decluttering counter tops. No matter how hard I try to keep up with it, I end up with having about 1 square foot in the kitchend for actual cooking because ALL the other counters have accumulated junk.

Now getting back to reality, or at least more real fantasy....new countertops. We still have the same countertops that were here when we moved in 8 years ago....mauve laminate. Ugly, cheap, and every time we finally have time/funds to redo them, another expen$ive emergency comes up. I'd settle for just no more emergencies to the next blorb of funds can take care of this.

A gas stove. Or at least a gas cooktop, I don't have a preference for ovens.

A large gift card to Whole Foods for splurging purposes. Or even a small one.

Some nice steaks.

A supply of keffir lime leaves.

A good local Thai restaurant that stays in business long enough that we can be recognized as regulars.

A new natural gas grill because the old one is becoming an eyesore but I can't justify replacing it because it still cooks so well.


Don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he wanted...he lived happily ever after. -- Willy Wonka

eGullet foodblog

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I'm easy to please, I WANT A POTATO RICER!!!!!! I've stood in front of $50 ones countless times, thinking "do I really need this?" NO, BUT I WANT ONE! I want perfect potatoes dammit! Mashed without even having to peel is paradise.

Edited by Chrisser (log)
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Chrisser, did you ever look in the secondhand stores?Whenever I am able, I love cruisin' the Rescue Mission, St. Vincent de Paul, and Family Services homewares. I had a collection of ricers, all old, some in perfect condition, on my walls. I don't think I gave more than 5. bucks for the nicest one.

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You're a materialistic bunch :blink:



Dear Santa,

This year I have been a VERY good boy!

Please bring me;

1) A small batch freezer

2) Bordeaux Futures

3) A spot on Screaming Eagle's Mailing List (just get me on the list, I will buy it myself.

4) A larger wine room, as I am outgrowing the one I have.

5) A 60qt. Hobart mixer

Thanks Santa and Safe Flying


It is all about respect; for the ingredient, for the process, for each other, for the profession.

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... as well as an olive of the month club if there was such a thingOne can wish, can't one?


Ah, the joy of Google!! Here's your Olive of the Month Club, with many thanks for a GREAT gift idea for one of my friends!

I would also like a Kitchen Aid mixer, just because I don't have one. I don't need one, but for some reason, I feel the need to have one!!


"I'm not eating it...my tongue is just looking at it!" --My then-3.5 year-old niece, who was NOT eating a piece of gum

"Wow--this is a fancy restaurant! They keep bringing us more water and we didn't even ask for it!" --My 5.75 year-old niece, about Bread Bar

"He's jumped the flounder, as you might say."

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