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The Next Celebrity Chef


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People have told me that I could have my own cooking show. This production has been helpful to me in demonstrating what really has to happen to be successful...and even though I maybe "could" do it, I really don't want to, and like Harmony, I feel like I'd be in way over my head. So for that reason, it's very informative, and I have a new respect for those who are successful at this. I realize they may not all be classically trained culinary artists, but they have a unique set of skills that makes their cooking programs educational and entertaining.

I completely agree. This show has given me a new perspective on how much work goes into a show like this, and what kind of person can pull it off.

But while I find this show informative and entertaining, some aspects of it bother me. The contest rules made me think that this is just another attempt to undermine the value of this type of work in order to acquire cheap talent.

TPO (Tammy) 

The Practical Pantry

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After watching the pitches last night it struck me how familiar some of these contestants seem... Susannah indeed resembles Rachael Ray physically, and her pitch is similar to the Cooking Thin and Weight It is (or whatever it's called) show. Heather was a riinger for Sandra Lee, Eric is a lot like that other chef who used to have a show, I can't member his name, but he is also black and big and really sweet--(Curtis something maybe?), Michael is a lot like that Surreal Chef guy with the toaster/trailer, Deborah resembles B. Smith physically, and is really boring, and the gay couple reminded me of those two jewish guys (I think Melting Pot?). Hans didn't remind me of anyone. But I think his ingredient list scares the FN execs.

I'll be honest... I like Eric, the couple, Michael, and the creativity of Hans and would watch shows with any of them.

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I have only watched about 1 and a half episodes so far, but if I hear Susannah tell us one more time about how she's lost weight and that is why she should win, I think I might snap.

I'm really hoping Big Eric beats her upside the head with a pork shoulder the next time she says something.

Edited by bilrus (log)

Bill Russell

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I didn't even know this show was on, until I saw this thread...and now of course I have to watch! :angry::sad: I agree with the choices for elimination thus far, based on the performances that went into the decision making at the time. I'm not certain what will happen when the "audience" gets to vote.

I find both Susannah and Deborah irritating. I suppose 'll have to see what happens next week to see if anything changes...

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The blonde foot model came across as a no-talent bimbo. The gay guys have their Queer Eye shtick going. And it occurred to me -- why would the food network show a jovial, middle-aged fat guy rapping? Why, because he's black, of course -- black people rap, see? These guys have a show about how to cook really cheap, hosted by a dude named Lieberman. I'm wondering, is the Food Network run by Andrew Dice Clay? :smile:

I agree with the eliminations so far. Eric and the couple are the most palatable contestants.

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I honestly don't think the target audience the Food Network has in mind includes me. I would prefer it if they expanded on those with professional skills (no matter how dry they came across) instead of shoving all these drive-thru actors on the air. Yes, I think Hans is the best of the lot, but he probably won't win based on their desires. I suppose that's why they call the contest "The Next Food Network Star" and omitted the words 'cook' and 'chef'. :hmmm:

Edited by bao (log)
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I have already resigned myself to not being surprised when either one of those annoying women wins. The one who cut her finger should have been booted that very day, especially when we were forced to hear her whining about it inbetween tedious, repititious, and unwelcoming yapping about "slimmer" and "diets" and that other dreck.

Shows about dieting and "eating healthy" are about as interesting as watching someone get a physical, IMO. Sounds too much like food is bad and for punishment we must deny ourselves, etc. etc.

"I'm not looking at the panties, I'm looking at the vegetables!" --RJZ
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I have already resigned myself to not being surprised when either one of those annoying women wins.  The one who cut her finger should have been booted that very day, especially when we were forced to hear her whining about it inbetween tedious, repititious, and unwelcoming yapping about "slimmer" and "diets" and that other dreck. 

Shows about dieting and "eating healthy" are about as interesting as watching someone get a physical, IMO.  Sounds too much like food is bad and for punishment we must deny ourselves, etc. etc.

Yes, exactly! I hate that "bad or good" mentality. Listening to Susanna constantly yammering away with her "fat morality" dogma is tiresome. The whole notion is off-putting. I know she's just a regular person, trying to win the gig of a lifetime and harping on something in which she truly believes. But that single note she's plucking has been played to death already.


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My vote is for Hans!

Actually I thought Susanna was quite ballsy in the episode that they "pitched" their ideas when she told them that the FN has a responsibility to air health conscious programming in an effort to highlight the US obesity problem (I'm just paraphrasing here). I don't really like her much- too Martha Stewart in her smiling friendly face in front of the camera and intensely driven ambition off-camera. Just my 2c.

Why do I want Hans to win??? I love the idea of Inhibition Kitchen- confronting your food fears and getting over them. I try to do that in my kitchen now and would love to see unique ingredients tossed up in an appealing way. Maybe I can stuff the ballot box? :hmmm:

Deborah is just OK, her "concept" is too out there. The gay couple is more interesting than I thought they would be. They are my second choice, but Hans is definitely first.

**soap box** What is wrong with having someone teach cooking who is not a CHEF? Perhaps this should be a different topic but I think it's pretty crappy to trash on these people's cooking skills when they all can 'cook'. If the FN target market is home cooks, amatures, and people who are interested in learning how to cook, then maybe "It ain't rocket science people" is the right approach?**end soap box**

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Oh no! My beloved Eric has bit the dust! :angry:

Actually, he was looking weaker and weaker and I was not too surprised when he got the ax.

I agree that the Dinner Thinner idea of Susannah's is tired, and she looks way too much like Rachel Ray. Either she or Deborah has to be the next to go.

That leaves the gay guys and Hans, right? That's tough, but Hans is my new prediction for winner.

Time will tell.

**soap box** What is wrong with having someone teach cooking who is not a CHEF? Perhaps this should be a different topic but I think it's pretty crappy to trash on these people's cooking skills when they all can 'cook'. If the FN target market is home cooks, amatures, and people who are interested in learning how to cook, then maybe "It ain't rocket science people" is the right approach?**end soap box**

Put me up on this soapbox too.


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Julia Child did not consider herself a chef.  'Nuff said.

Thanks Trish, I had just looked that up and was going to post the same. You just beat me to the punch! And she is undoubtably the most revered TV Food Personality we have.

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All right, I've been holding back, but I can't hold it in any longer --


His persona seemed so aerosol-cheesy to me. And he kept slopping food around. There, I said it. I think I'm ready to move on with my life.

I have not gotten over my dislike of the Dieting Diva. Our fat-phobic contestant dissed Paula Dean's recipes -- "naughty," indeed.

My fantasy? Easy -- the Simpsons versus the Flanders on Hell's Kitchen.

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I can't believe they canned Hans!!!! :sad::sad::sad:

That said, with the choice of the boys or Deborah... just watching their 'back home' video... hands down no contest!! Deborah struggling in her little kitchen, and the boys are cooking, handling huge parties, running a catering business and cafe as well.

I like to cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.

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Gifted Gourmet-- Same here, I never got to vote!!! The Web site never clicked in, kept coming up as busy. Well at least Dan & Steve won, and I will tune in to watch them. Deborah was the fave of one of the judges the whole time...but luckily the viewers knew better.

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and I thought it was just my computer being slow that was keeping me from voting. Near the end, I had two windows with different browsers each trying to log on to vote...are we noticing a trend here?

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Just a note, I couldn't get on to foodnetwork.com all during the show either. Sometimes some of the page would load but the area with the voting URL was a dead link. I also tried text messaging but I received a bounce back saying it was an unknown number.

I was rooting for Hans up until he was kicked off.. I was actually planning on voting for Deborah in the final just because her food seemed more real. Dan and Steve were entertaining, but they seemed like they typical FN showmen, a lot of flash, not a lot of substance.

Edited by Mnehrling (log)

"Instead of orange juice, I'm going to use the juice from the inside of the orange."- The Brilliant Sandra Lee


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