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Plan: 2010 Heartland Gathering

Fat Guy

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Allan from Zingerman's Coffee Roaster contacted me to see if people would be interested in him running a coffee tasting during the weekend. I know we did this on the last Ann Arbor Gathering, and we have a lot of the same people, but I thought I'd throw his offer out there. If anyone is interested, please let me know ASAP - I'm still working on times with Allan, but Friday or Sunday afternoon seemed the most likely possibilities.


I'd do it Friday afternoon, so long as it's not too late. I love coffee, and would like to learn more about its nuances, but it tends to keep me up at night if I have any after about 3.

"There is no sincerer love than the love of food."  -George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman, Act 1


"Imagine all the food you have eaten in your life and consider that you are simply some of that food, rearranged."  -Max Tegmark, physicist


Gene Weingarten, writing in the Washington Post about online news stories and the accompanying readers' comments: "I basically like 'comments,' though they can seem a little jarring: spit-flecked rants that are appended to a product that at least tries for a measure of objectivity and dignity. It's as though when you order a sirloin steak, it comes with a side of maggots."


"A sense of humor is a measurement of the extent to which you realize that you are trapped in a world almost entirely devoid of reason. Laughter is how you release the anxiety you feel at this knowledge." -Dave Barry, humorist


Read to children. Vote. And never buy anything from a man who's selling fear. -Mary Doria Russell, science-fiction writer


When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set. -Lin Yutang, writer and translator

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All --

I have a bit of bad news. :sad:

I just found out this morning that my client has decided that this Friday will be the day a project I have been working on for several months is going to be installed and go live. This means that I will have to work all day in Cleveland in able to support it should anything go wrong. As such, I won't be able to get to Ann Arbor until Friday night for the dinner at Grange.

This obviously means I won't be at dinner on Thursday night and more importantly, won't be able to conduct the bread workshop on Friday. I apologize.

I have already put together the documentation for the class. There are really two paths in front of us.

1) Someone else can use mine or their own documentation and put the class on in my place.

2) I would be happy to email the document (I have copies both in Word as well as OpenOffice formats) to anyone who would like a copy, free of charge. This would require that you PM me your email address.

I am still planning on baking bread in the common area at Tammy's cohousing complex on Saturday morning for the afternoon snacking and meal on Saturday night. And the offer is still open if anyone wants to join me for that (at the expense of not shopping at the various markets).

Thoughts? Questions?

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I also have some sad news - Bob and I are tied up in preparation for an upcoming event and a new business venture we are working on. Something had to give, and unfortunately, it will be the Heartland Gathering. Hope to see you all next year!

"Life is Too Short to Not Play With Your Food" 

My blog: Fun Playing With Food

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If no one wants to step in and lead Tom's bread workshop, that would give us another possible slot for the coffee tasting if people other than Alex are interested.

I'd also like to again put out the idea of doing the Jiffy Mix Factory Tour. It's been my experience that factory tours are a really fun thing to do, and this could be a neat Friday morning activity.

We are growing short on time to put new activities together, but is there anyone who wants to offer another workshop in that Friday morning slot? Or are there other kinds of outings that you'd like me to try to organize? I'd mentioned visiting some farms upthread, but that didn't attract much interest. We could of course just have a leisurely day, or head out on our Foodie Field trip early.

Tammy's Tastings

Creating unique food and drink experiences

eGullet Foodblogs #1 and #2
Dinner for 40

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Nooooooooo!!!! Say it ain't so, Tom! What will I have to gloat over now? Can we just pretend you led the workshop so I can still make my mother jealous? :sad: I might join you for at least part of your bread baking Saturday morning, if you're willing. :unsure: I'd still like to check out the farmer's market, but it opens at 7, so I can go early and just do a quick run, and then I have some stuff to do in the afternoon. What time are you planning on starting? (will pm my e-mail address later for that document!)

I'm up for the coffee workshop if it happens Friday morning instead of the bread workshop. I'm not sure if I'd be able to fit it in at other times, though. It depends on how long it is and what I still need to get done.

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I'd be interested in the coffee thing if it's Friday morning. Not so much Sunday afternoon, since like Alex I need to avoid caffeine after lunchtime.

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This may have been covered already, other than specialty equipment and utensils, what should we bring?

Many people bring their own knives, and as you say, any special equipment that you like. We do have a very well equipped kitchen at the venue, so we have all the basics.

We will use some of the feast money to buy beverages for Saturday evening, but people often will bring a beverage to contribute, like a special bottle of wine or something. That's not required, but is something you can do if you like. Similarly, some people will bring along food items they've made or purchased that they want to share, either as part of the Saturday meal, or as pre-dinner noshing.

If you'd like to cook on Saturday, we'll talk Friday night about gathering at the Farmer's Market to shop, or if you shop on your own, just save your receipts and I'll reimburse you for expenses. (Insert Tammy's usual rant here about "think small, there are many courses!")

But all you really need to bring is yourself!

Tammy's Tastings

Creating unique food and drink experiences

eGullet Foodblogs #1 and #2
Dinner for 40

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May I add, if you do bring some of your own equipment or dishes, it's a good idea to mark them in some distinctive way as yours. When clean-up happens, it's very easy for personal items to be misplaced or mixed in with other people's goods.

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Sounds like we have at least 3 people interested in the coffee workshop, and an empty time slot Friday morning that'd be perfect for coffee. If anyone else is interested in joining in, please let me know so I can tell Allen how many to expect. The tasting will be free of charge, and Allen is suggesting that we do one of the following (and thinks that option #1 would be the most fun):

1. take 1 coffee brew it 3 ways (drip, chemex, vacuum, press) - compare

2. take 1 coffee - sample roast it to 4 different shades and taste

3. taste 3 different single origin espressos.

I'm going to declare this to happen at 10 am, so that people can go to SELMA for breakfast if they want before heading over to Zingerman's Coffee Company. And it will be done in time for people to join us for foodie field trip activities in the afternoon if desired.

I'll put Zingerman's Coffee Company on the map. Note that it is in the same light industrial strip that includes Zingerman's Bakehouse and Zingerman's Creamery, so if you want to check out those places as well, that's a good chance to do so. And for any true Zingerman's aficionados out there, please note that if you visit all three of these, you'll be 3/5 of the way to completing the Zingerman's Tour de Food. Add stops at the Roadhouse and the Deli to your day and you'll get a free t-shirt at the end of it.

Tammy's Tastings

Creating unique food and drink experiences

eGullet Foodblogs #1 and #2
Dinner for 40

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Would it be possible to do number 2 and number 1? I think it would be interesting to see how each type of roast changes depending on its brewing method.

If not, then I'd vote for 2, but I'm not really a coffee drinker, so even the most basic instruction would be informative to me.

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Coffee #1 or #3 would be the most interesting for me, I think.

I might be up for the Tour de Food (and can drive)! Let's talk Thursday night. I was planning to pick up some supplies at the Deli either later in the afternoon on Friday or when we're at the Farmers Market on Saturday; the Roadhouse is near Tammy's place.(N.B. The Tour has to be completed within 24 hours.)

"There is no sincerer love than the love of food."  -George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman, Act 1


"Imagine all the food you have eaten in your life and consider that you are simply some of that food, rearranged."  -Max Tegmark, physicist


Gene Weingarten, writing in the Washington Post about online news stories and the accompanying readers' comments: "I basically like 'comments,' though they can seem a little jarring: spit-flecked rants that are appended to a product that at least tries for a measure of objectivity and dignity. It's as though when you order a sirloin steak, it comes with a side of maggots."


"A sense of humor is a measurement of the extent to which you realize that you are trapped in a world almost entirely devoid of reason. Laughter is how you release the anxiety you feel at this knowledge." -Dave Barry, humorist


Read to children. Vote. And never buy anything from a man who's selling fear. -Mary Doria Russell, science-fiction writer


When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set. -Lin Yutang, writer and translator

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Coffee Workshop Sign Up

Torakris (2, then 1)

Sam Iam & Joyce (1 & 2)

Alex (1 or 3)

ChrisA2 (1 or 2)

Edsel (1 or 2)

Kerry Beal (1)

prasantrin (2 then 1)


Chris Hennes (maybe)

I'll pass the numbers and preferences along to Allen, maybe he'll be able to work in elements of 1 and 2 for you! And I expect there won't be a problem adding folks at the last minute if others would like to join.

Tammy's Tastings

Creating unique food and drink experiences

eGullet Foodblogs #1 and #2
Dinner for 40

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An issue has come up and there's no way I'm going to be able to fly out on Thursday. I'm researching the rules for flying standby on Friday and hope to be able to make it out some time Friday. I'll follow up as soon as I know what's what.

Steven A. Shaw aka "Fat Guy"
Co-founder, Society for Culinary Arts & Letters, sshaw@egstaff.org
Proud signatory to the eG Ethics code
Director, New Media Studies, International Culinary Center (take my food-blogging course)

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Contact info - I've gotten phone numbers and etc from a few of you, but if you haven't sent me your contact info (email, phone) please do so in case we need to get in touch. My phone number is 734-276-3215 if you need anything.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Tammy's Tastings

Creating unique food and drink experiences

eGullet Foodblogs #1 and #2
Dinner for 40

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An issue has come up and there's no way I'm going to be able to fly out on Thursday. I'm researching the rules for flying standby on Friday and hope to be able to make it out some time Friday. I'll follow up as soon as I know what's what.

Oh noz! Crossing fingers.

Tammy's Tastings

Creating unique food and drink experiences

eGullet Foodblogs #1 and #2
Dinner for 40

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For those considering attending SELMA tomorrow morning, here's pertinent bits from the email blast about tomorrow's menu:


Times, they are a changin’ over at Taste our Goods. Nora has already taken off on her whirlwind-life-world-tour and Suzy is about to go research her memoirs as well. New TOG boss Elena will join Suzy in the kitchen for her last performance:

* Georgian cheesy bread – a yogurt dough filled with egg and yummy cheese. Served with grilled eggplant and slices of heirloom tomatoes.

* A summertime quiche - with tomatoes, basil, summer squash and red peppers. Served with Sunseed organic melon.

And then we have the pleasure of hosting the traveling team from Food and Water Watch. The gang includes chef Rocky Barnette who will be gracing us with a third special:

* Savory yeasted waffles – with herb roasted chicken and apricots. Served with a bit of melon and ‘maters.

Don't forget our fruit seasonal regular breakfast choices: Waffles with peaches or blueberries and Lisa’s peach bread pudding.

So what the heck is this FM@SELMA thing anyway?

FridayMornings@SELMA is your local-foods breakfast salon. The suggested donation for breakfast is $12 - $15. All proceeds go to the farmers and producers of your food and our small farms-small farmers initiative. FM@SELMA is here for you every week 6:30 to 10:00 am. Check out: Repasts, Present and Future for more information. Early arrival is suggested for those on the go (we get wait-listed around 8:30). FM@SELMA is all-volunteer. We need your help to sustain this local-foods breakfast salon. Read Lisa’s Repasts blog to get all the dish.

Tammy's Tastings

Creating unique food and drink experiences

eGullet Foodblogs #1 and #2
Dinner for 40

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