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Your Favorite TV Comedy and Drama Food Scenes


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snl also had the cookie dough energy drink. my favorite visual is will farell sitting in a soccer goal while slowly pouring cookie dough all over his head.

there was also a great moment on the kids in the hall where dave foley is watching bruce mcculloch eat soup. the soup is delicious, but dave won't reveal the secret ingredient until one more bite, one more, one more and the the scene is quiclky cut off as dave says "i made it with my..."

i hate to be anal, but the kramer handsome cab story has been refrenced a couple times and the word beefaroni keeps being mentioned. but it was actualy #10 cans of beefareen-o. "fit for king and queen-o"

"i bet you smell like strawberry ice cream... the good kind" - e.dunn
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how about the Frasier episode where Niels & Frasier buy a restuarant???

the best part is when they are arguing about how to kill the eel and Dauphine gets fed up and grabs the thing from the tank and just whacks it on the counter! too too funny...

and I loved lenny henry in "chef" his insults where the best...

Edited by cjs (log)
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Hal Roach's Little Rascals.

The episode where they baked that moaning cake with the prizes in it.


"Epater les bourgeois."

--Lester Bangs via Bruce Sterling

(Dori Bangs)

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I can't think of anyone on "The Jetsons".

That's because in the Future, they're eating nutritionally balanced processed food that comes out of machines a-la Star Trek and presumably monitored by Robots. They also have to walk their dogs on high-speed treadmills every night, so it keeps them in good shape.

Frankly, I think we're gonna end up like in Futurama fattening ourselves on Slurm only to become the next meal for Lrrr, the king of Omicron Persei 8.

Of course, if we're eating Popplers, doesn't Lrrrr have the right to eat us :biggrin:

Another fave from Futurama is when Frye gets sick from eating the egg salad sandwich from the truck stop vending machine. "What kind of eggs?" then they show the eggs from some kind of horrible parasite. That and the Edith Massey Egg Lady scenes from Pink Flamingos have honestly reduced my overall egg consumption. Oh, and the scene from Osmosis Jones when Bill Murray and the chimp fight over the hard boiled egg. But we're not talking about movies here, are we?

Oh, and all the Beavis and Buttheads...when Butthead chokes on the chicken nugget, when they get roped into the art class by the promise of free nachos, Cornholio and his candy and cappachino addictions, when Beavis poisons the whole restaurant with his horrible "thingy" disease, when they deep fry the rat, etc, etc

We watch a lot of cartoons in our house...

Gourmet Anarchy

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Oh, and from King of the Hill...

Bobby's fruit pies, Dale's Mountain Dew, when Bobby gets gout from eating too much organ meat and nitrates, Spapeggy and Meatballs, the apple brown betty that sends Brooks (or Dunn) to the hospital, when Hank has constipation and Dale advises bacon grease, then they go to the health food store for tofu (faux-fu for the tofu intolerant), when Hank orders macaroni and cheese for his vegetable, Peggy and Bobby grilling over charcoal instead of propane, Minh adding nutmeg to everything, when Hank thinks Minh and Khan have cooked doggie...

and frito pie

edited for grammar

Edited by JennotJenn (log)

Gourmet Anarchy

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Greatest scene ever. From City Slickers:


Barry Shalowitz: What do you think? What would be the perfect flavor with this meal?

Ira Shalowitz: Cherry vanilla?

Barry Shalowitz: No. If it was Chinese food, right on the money, but this? Toasted almonds.

Mitch Robbins: What's going on?

Ira Shalowitz: Barry can pick out the exact right flavor of ice cream to follow any meal. Go ahead. Challenge him.

Mitch Robbins: Challenge him?

Barry Shalowitz: Go on.

Mitch Robbins: Franks and beans.

Barry Shalowitz: Scoop of chocolate, scoop of vanilla. Don't waste my time.

[Flings plate at Mitch as if he throws down the gauntlet]

Barry Shalowitz: Come on. Push me.

Mitch Robbins: Sea bass.

Barry Shalowitz: Grilled?

Mitch Robbins: Sauteed.

Barry Shalowitz: I'm with you.

Mitch Robbins: Potatoes au gratin.....      Asparagus.

[long pause]

Barry Shalowitz: Rum raisin.

Barry Shalowitz, Ira Shalowitz: WOOF!

Edited by stephenc (log)
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Not sure if this has been mentioned but two classic lines from "Young Frankenstein":


[At the dinner table] Inga: "What's wrong, Doctor? You haven't even touched your food."

Doctor Frankenstein excitedly slaps his hands into the food on his dinner plate and says:

"There. I've touched my food. Happy?"

Then later in the meal:

Hearing the Monster growling off camera: "Was that you making those yummy noises?"

Of course, there's the classic scene where the blindman (Gene Hackman) tries to serve hot soup to the Monster (Peter Boyle).


“Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'

Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.”

– From Fox TV’s “Family Guy”


Tim Oliver

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First shown on November 17, 1973, season 4 of the Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Dinner Party.

:laugh: Veal Prince Orlav!

Mr. Grant forks up about 4 servings of the 6 on the platter...and Mary is horrified! "Mr. Grant...you're going to have to put that back! :unsure: " "Well what do you know! I wasn't as hungry as I thought I was!!" :laugh:

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Absolutely Fabulous...I love the fact that Pats has not eaten since 1973...and the episode when Pat's sister visits from Paris...Eating in Paris at that Buddha cafe when Saffron and Eddie are looking at the Buddha and Eddie says "I hope the Taliban don't hear about this" right after the demolition of the Buddha statues in Afghanistan.

Saffron giving her mother a birthday party. Man, I love that SHOW. Patsy, you're no older than Keith Richards, girl, and you are a lot funnier!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Babylon 5, the Science Fiction TV show that was produced by J. Michael Straczynski, has TONS of food scenes. Its clear to me after watching all the episodes of the show that JMS is a hardcore foodie.

One of my favorite episodes is A Distant Star where the security chief character, Mr. Garibaldi, has been advised by the station's doctor (as well as all the major officers have) to alter his diet. But his birthday is coming up and he wants to make Bagna Cauda. Lots of food envy scenes among the crew as well as the final revelation of the Bagna Cauda ensues.

Garibaldi cooks a lot on the show, and goes thru great lengths to get his food supplies, including trying to get various Italian salumi and other gourmet foodstuffs thru a blockade by the evil Earth forces.

Another really funny episode is where the station commander has to attend a private dinner at the Minbari ambassador's apartment and has to deal with all kinds of weird kaiseki-like rules. After the dinner, he attempts to prepare a Minbari dish for the ambassador in return (as she is his love interest) and fails miserably.

There's also another cool scene where the main female protagonist, a Russian Jew, has dinner with her Rabbi on the station (he's arrived so that they can sit Shiva for her father who died on Earth) and they have to figure out whether various alien foodstuffs are kosher.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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Yes! Forgot all about B-5! :smile: I remember both the bagna cauda and the rabbi episodes Jason mentioned. My MIL bought bought me the first couple seasons on DVD, I may just have to fire those babies up.


"Hey, hey, careful man! There's a beverage here!" --The Dude, The Big Lebowski

LTHForum.com -- The definitive Chicago-based culinary chat site

ronnie_suburban 'at' yahoo.com

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the constant crazy pizzas...

After hearing about Marshmallow Pizza for about the billionth time watching those shows I eventually took a bag of marshmallows to a local pizzaria and had them toss them on top of a pie. Turned out quite tasty...

He don't mix meat and dairy,

He don't eat humble pie,

So sing a miserere

And hang the bastard high!

- Richard Wilbur and John LaTouche from Candide

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If anyone's caught Chapelle's show last week, It portrayed Arsenio Hall at a wine and cheese party, going "Why didn't you tell me how good this cheese was, motherfucker?!? He then knocks two people out.


I love the food scene from the movie Tom Jones.

Noise is music. All else is food.

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All of the food scenes in Eat Drink Man Woman are fabulous. Ranks right up there with Babette's Feast, Tampopo, and Like Water for Chocolate, all great food movies.

ETA: Oops, this is supposed to be tv, ain't it?

Edited by SmrtAss (log)

Dear Food: I hate myself for loving you.

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The "Salt" scene from the first episode of the BBC show "Chef!"


Customer: "Excuse me, could I have some salt please?"

Chef: "Nothing else you wanted, was there?"

customer: "What?"

Chef: "A splash of Lee & Perrines? A dollop of Daddies to stir into the artichoke and hollandise coulis?"

customer: "Look, all I wanted..."

Chef: "It's really no trouble, we could send someone into town. I could get you anything you'd like to enhance the flavor of your food... salad cream, Newmans own, Branston pickle, a little tabasco perhaps, barbecue sauce, a spoonful of sandwich spread maybe. A nice packet of cheese and onion flavor crisps you could sprinkle over your food! We could always get you a prawn vindaloo, or a bucket of chicken drumsticks, or menu beef for two persons with a side of special fried rice and extra sweet and sour pork balls if you like! I mean we don't mind going through a bit of extra trouble to satisfy our customers!

(Chef gets seriously in customer's face)

REALLY!! SALT!!! I'm going back to my kitchen now, ALTHOUGH GOD KNOWS WHY!! I MEAN DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY HIGHLY SKILLED MAN HOURS OVER A THREE DAY PERIOD WERE SPENT PRODUCING THIS DISH, Which is brought to your table at the ZENITH OF IT'S POWERS!? It's taste, texture, flavor, temparature at the PEAK of perfection, and without tasting it YOU CALL FOR SALT!!! I hate you with a passion of which you can only dream..."

Hostess: "Your salt sir..."

Chef: "Bon Appetit."

(Chef stalks off...)

Hostess: "I do apologise for Chef's behavior, you must try to look upon him as an artist, not as a rude, arrogant, insufferable, overbearing, megalomaniac."

customer: "I only asked for salt..."



Give a man a fish, he eats for a Day.

Teach a man to fish, he eats for Life.

Teach a man to sell fish, he eats Steak

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There were these tasty breakfast cereals on Saturday Night Live(scroll down a bit)

Colon Blow


Little Chocolate Donuts (hilariously endorsed by top athletes like John Belushi)

Brooks Hamaker, aka "Mayhaw Man"

There's a train everyday, leaving either way...

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