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Steven Shaw

Dave the Cook

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My heart goes out to Ellen and PJ. This is so shocking and unexpected.  We worked together for a long time and he was a dynamic and driving force behind eG.  So very sad.

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Practice. Do it over. Get it right.

Mostly, I want people to be as happy eating my food as I am cooking it.

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The only brilliant words that come out of my mouth or keyboard since I heard the sad news are "damn, crap, and no". When I first poked my nose into this site Steven made it feel comfortable and accessible and at the same time full of passion. It changed my life in a positive way and he was a great part of that. When my son first went to Manhattan I showed him a picture of Steven in his infamous fish pants and told him to be sure and say hello should he spot him. He didn't catch him, but I know that Steven would have been kind to him. Words fail in expressing condolences to his wife and son.

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Like Peppyre and others, I haven't posted here in ages. 


But I have many and fond memories of Steve reaching out to me at the onset of eGullet and the friendships that came out of the genesis of this site. 


His and Jason's vision brought many of us together and it was a privilege to have known him, at least virtually. 


May he enjoy his Greater Feast with gusto.

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It's been years since eG was a part of my life but because of the board that FG created I have created many important friendships, fallen in love, and had countless experiences that make me who I am today.  I know I am not the only one.  


We should all leave such a legacy.

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True Heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic.

It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost,

but the urge to serve others at whatever cost. -Arthur Ashe

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This news is so sudden and tragic, it is a great loss and my condolences go out to his family.   Steven had a great passion for life and food and all the people that interacted with him throughout the years will surely remember this and hopefully carry through his zest for these things moving forward. 


RIP Steven, you will be greatly missed.

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John Deragon

foodblog 1 / 2


I feel sorry for people that don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day -- Dean Martin

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I never met Steven in person, or had the chance to share a meal, but over the years volunteering here, we had the opportunity for many great chats.  Whether we were talking about forum matters,  the relationship  the Jewish people have with Chinese food, the ups and downs of having books published or a host of other  topics, I was always happy to see his little chat window open on my screen. The news of his passing is incredibly sad. 


My condolences to Ellen, PJ, and the rest of his family.  He will be missed by friends, family and the food community. 


Baruch dayan ha'emet.

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As so many of these posts attest, Steven made a difference. He made a difference in my life and clearly in many others. RIP, Steven. 

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John Sconzo, M.D. aka "docsconz"

"Remember that a very good sardine is always preferable to a not that good lobster."

- Ferran Adria on eGullet 12/16/2004.

Docsconz - Musings on Food and Life

Slow Food Saratoga Region - Co-Founder

Twitter - @docsconz

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I did not have the closer interactions that some of you did with Steven, but I am still grateful for this creation and stew of amazing people here on eGullet. I have many friends that I "met" through this site and my food knowledge grew immensely in the few years I was very active on the boards. For that I owe all of YOU a huge debt, and sincere thanks. I welcome the side effect of this horrible news of seeing many old names pop up again; it seems to show that what Mr. Shaw built was not some whim for many people but a collaborative community of food geeks.


My condolences to all of you who knew him personally who are grieving, and to his immediate family.


Andrea, in ABQ

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"You can't taste the beauty and energy of the Earth in a Twinkie." - Astrid Alauda


Food Lovers' Guide to Santa Fe, Albuquerque & Taos: OMG I wrote a book. Woo!

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My thoughts today are with Steven's family, friends and loved ones, which categories certainly include members of this community.

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enrevanche <http://enrevanche.blogspot.com>

Greenwich Village, NYC

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.

- Mark Twain

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Like so many other folks, it's been ages since I posted on eG with any regularity, but I had to come by today to say how sorry I am to hear about Steven's death. He (along with so many others) created a wonderful community for all of us, and I am so grateful to him for helping me find so many wonderful friends.

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"We had dry martinis; great wing-shaped glasses of perfumed fire, tangy as the early morning air." - Elaine Dundy, The Dud Avocado

Queenie Takes Manhattan

eG Foodblogs: 2006 - 2007

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eGullet went online in August 2001, thanks to Steven Shaw and Jason Perlow.  I joined as soon as I read about it in the Austin newspaper, in May of 2002.


It would be absolutely impossible for me to delineate all the ways that eGullet has made my life richer and more wonderful over these past twelve years.  I am in great debt to Fat Guy & the Squirrel.


I cannot imagine the devastation of Ellen, PJ, and the rest of his immediate family. 


Words fail me.



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I don't understand why rappers have to hunch over while they stomp around the stage hollering.  It hurts my back to watch them. On the other hand, I've been thinking that perhaps I should start a rap group here at the Old Folks' Home.  Most of us already walk like that.

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I can only add an echo to the thoughts and words of everyone else.  Such terrible, terrible news that at first I thought it had to be a horrible hoax when I first saw the notice on FB.  I owe so many friends, so many meals, so many new insights and so many new experiences to eG and, therefore, to Steven.  Not one trip that we’ve taken since I joined would have been the same without him and his influence.  I never met Steven, but he was always kind and attentive and quick to respond to any questions that I had.  I remember when PJ was born.  Prayers and love to Ellen and PJ.

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I first read this news elsewhere and thought "No. It can't be the same person".


Although I never met the man, somehow I feel a sense of loss. How much of a loss it must be to those he knew and loved him is beyond thinking about.


His work changed my world for the better. Not many people can say that. 


Thoughts are with his wife and family.

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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Here's yet another member "coming in from the cold" to pay tribute to a fine fellow. He was quite helpful on my first trip to New York, even though I never met him. All I can do is offer condolences to his loved ones.

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Screw it. It's a Butterball.
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I regret that this ocassion is the reason for my first post in a long time.

I am stunned and saddend at the sudden passing of Steven.  I will always remember the fun times we spent together cooking and eating with our families and friends, and think about the special and enduring relationships that I formed because of Steven and eGullet.

Deepest condolensces to Ellen and PJ.



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When I read the words in the message this morning, I had to re-read them time and time again. I just couldn't believe it was true.


Ever since I met Steven for the first time, he has always shown me kindness and generosity that went way beyond what could be expected from someone who was in charge of an Internet board with thousands of members. I will always remember and treasure the words he had for me at the conclusion of the first Heartland Gathering I attended back in 2006. Thank you, Steven.


My heart goes out to his family and friends (both immediate and here on eGullet).

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I am deeply saddened by this news. I was a lurker at the site for years before joining, and recall being overjoyed when Steven sent me a message after I joined asking me a question an inviting me to participate in a project. Even when the site was busy, he took time out to talk to all sorts of members.


My condolences to his family and friends. Looks like I need to get another bottle of pineau des charents....

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I am so sorry to read the news of Steven's abrupt and all-too-early passing. Like many other people here, I am immensely grateful for the friendships, collaborations, skills and knowledge that I've gained because of his and his co-founders' extraordinary vision. Where else could home cooks and students rub figurative elbows with professional chefs and cookbook writers? I wish I'd known him better.

My prayers and sympathies go to Ellen, PJ, and all those who knew and loved him.

I think Steven, writing as Fat Guy, may have been the first person to make me laugh at my computer screen, so loudly that people came from down the hall to see what could possibly be so funny. I give you this link to his Rosemary story: http://forums.egullet.org/topic/52723-food-smells-favorites-least-favorite/?p=729410

God speed, Steven. Thank you for everything.

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Nancy Smith, aka "Smithy"
HosteG Forumsnsmith@egstaff.org

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"Every day should be filled with something delicious, because life is too short not to spoil yourself. " -- Ling (with permission)
"There comes a time in every project when you have to shoot the engineer and start production." -- author unknown

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My favorite memories of Steven are from the Ann Arbor Heartland Gatherings. He and I were the expediting team, figuring out how to organize the many courses into some sort of coherent meal. I remember him convincing Kris to tempura fry something (in her bare feet) nearly every year, although she always swore she wouldn't do it again. And when I wanted to recreate a dish I'd had at Jose's Minibar, Steven picked up his phone and convinced the kitchen to give him the recipe.


My world is much less interesting without Steven in it.

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Tammy's Tastings

Creating unique food and drink experiences

eGullet Foodblogs #1 and #2
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