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Veggie Burger Approaches and Recipes

Fat Guy

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Diana came home from camp a vegetarian (eggs and fish are OK), but really likes veggie burgers, so share some new ideas. BTW, neither she nor I like cooked root crops (no beets or carrots need apply). Something that could be frozen would be great, and she does like spicy.

I've got things mostly covered, but the ability to slap something on the grill for her when we want burgers, steak or (chicken) thighs would be most helpful. The purchased ones are at most mediocre, and really expensive.

Susan Fahning aka "snowangel"
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I've never made veggie burgers myself, but went meatless one Lent in college and shared some with veggie friends (who had frozen patties in their freezer from their mom - she kept the recipe secret :sad: , but was more than willing to send extras for me :biggrin: ). That particular Lent was during my college basketball team's run to the Final Four, so I spent a lot of nights in the campus sports bar. They just had a grilled portabello cap burger as a veggie option, and it's become my go to grilling substitute. They also influenced my taste in veggie burgers, so I now I like mushroom-and-rice-based burgers. I like the idea of the beet-based recipes above. I might try those this weekend.

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  • 7 years later...

It might be time to resurrect this topic seeing as its last post was in 2008. 

We've never been a fan of 'veggie burgers' and although I don't really know why...the very word 'veggie' sets my teeth on edge.  Still this year, while doing the rounds in our local Costco, we were given a veggie burger sample.  Yum.  A surprised 'yum'.  Bought a box.  Ate them.  Bought another box.  And ate them also.  Looked for another box.  What's that you say?  They're a 'seasonal' item and they don't have them in the fall.  Rats.  Now I have to find a decent recipe. 


I kept the ingredient list...although now I can't find it in that place called 'My Den'.  Double rats.


Any more good veggie burger recipes out there?  Please.  (I will try some of the above ones so thank you backwards.)

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LOL "teeth on edge" that about describes it LOL! I feel the same way with "gluten free" Immediate distain and my teeth go on edge!! But in this case I like veg burgers  a lot and  I have several good recipes …when I find them I will post….. but i think if you think of it more like a type of  falafel  instead of burger?? ..I Love hamburgers and veggie burgers but I would never eat one as the other… I like things like feta  roasted peppers olives  sour cream and cucumbers on veggie burgers and the usual stuff on hamburgers …it of its own a "veggie burger" per se is really deliscious..if/when you do not think of it as a fake burgers just another "thing" to compile season and eat on a bun! If I can find my top recipe from the old Kathy's Kitchen on PBS I used make them once a year because they  are a lot of work.. but  make a huge batch and freeze/reheated perfectly they were my first veggie burger the kids would eat and they loved it would even take them for lunch …I can post it ..but first i have to find it and now that i think about it I really would like to make a batch! 


if anyone has this recipe before I find it and post it Kathy's recipe ruled 



 "Worth the effort Veggie burgers " by Kathy Hoshijo  


also the "raw vegan burger" that is all over the net is really good  as well I do not have it handy I just made it several times and got sick of it to be honest ..super easy though 

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The best one I've ever had -- I still remember it from years ago -- was the Eden Burger from The Frog/Commissary Cookbook, originally published in 1985. Here's the recipe, slightly adapted by the site's author (2T olive oil instead of the book's ¼ cup corn oil; portabello mushrooms instead of "regular" ones; optional 1 egg, if vegan isn't necessaary).

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I found the book …awww old friend ..hug hug …nostalgic and teary ….good times …the show was awful! she was so bad but she put out two very good cookbooks and put her heart and soul in both …very "early 80's vegetarian" 

with a strong Asian Pacific Island influence..and she was always a yogi so she has that very sweet vibe 


 the book the "Art of Dieting Without Dieting " by Kathy Hishijo (she followed a yogic diet) it is all about healthy eating not "dieting " I think that is what they told her to call it back then to sell it ….


the recipe is "Worth The Trouble Burgers" and they are and if you are careful follow the recipe exactly .. they are damn good…just NOT a hamburger ..but a good thing to slam in a bun and condiment with the "usuals" …(if violates something if you just snap a shot of a page out of a cookbook I think or i would  it is long complex and has little pointer boxes ) 



I will try to make them next week and copy the recipe then . 

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Thanks HBK.  I await your next post.


btbyrd.  Thanks for an interesting video on a burger which honestly doesn't grab me.  I love black beans tremendously...but ...???



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OK.  So after fiddling around a bit online, I finally found the recipe for Hoshijo's burgers, and one thing for sure...they are a lot of trouble.  I'd have to buy a few things first. 

For anyone who can't wait until HBK posts the recipe.  (I'm not always a good waiting person if I can figure out a way to do it myself.  But thanks so much anyway. :wub: )



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We really enjoyed these mushroom burgers from Fine Cooking:



(May require subscription to view, sorry).


The article that featured the mushroom recipe also had a very tasty Thai Peanut Tofu burger that was too spicy for my kid. As some of the reviews note, both of these burgers are a bit hard to keep together in the pan-- they definitely would not work on the grill. For the tofu "burger" I fried the leftovers as crumbles and served them on salad-- very good.

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So I read the complicated Hoshijo recipe out loud to the DH, who is also a cook (we share the kitchen, although sometimes he drives me a bit batty...) this morning at breaktime and he said...first let's go to the local health food store and the best chain grocery store and see what they have first.  OK.  He wins.  Again.  :smile::wink:

Edited by Darienne (log)



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Thanks, HBK.  But remember...you can run...but you can't hide.


Today for lunch we had one of the original veggie burgers...falafel.  Made from a mix, granted, with additional spices suggested by my Middle Eastern standby, Claudia Roden, A Book of Middle Eastern Food, 1968, which even predates my interest in cooking.  On flat buns (Costco, One Buns) with shredded lettuce, tomatoes, onions and a sauce made from tahini, lemon juice, etc.  Not deep fried, however.


Also yesterday found an article on the "best" veggie burger available in the USA and if you couldn't get there...well, here are 16 top recipes you can try.  Bookmarked said recipes. 


Oh, it's all coming together quite nicely. 

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