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Breakfast! The most important meal of the day (2004-2011)


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Stick big, expensive sausages into non-stick frying pan on lowest possible heat. Get back into bed. After 10 minutes get out of bed and turn sausages before returning to medium-warm bed. Re-warm bed for another 10 minutes at least.

Stick sausages, so slow cooked they are juicey yet coated in a slightly sticky, slight caramelised gloop, into a big roll and douse with ketchup, and serve with strong tea. Yum.

Oddly, I have distinct passion for left-over cold pizza for breakfast (when I happen to have some).

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Pre-breakfast (upon rousing, before going for a run):

LF yogurt w/ molasses & granola

Breakfast (at work)

Pre-cooked, frozen, then reheated oat groats w/ half & half, honey, and peanut butter.

Still gurgly and uncomfortable from having that yogurt right before running - think I should stick to Malt-o-Meal as the ideal pre-breakfast.



"You can't taste the beauty and energy of the Earth in a Twinkie." - Astrid Alauda


Food Lovers' Guide to Santa Fe, Albuquerque & Taos: OMG I wrote a book. Woo!

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Stick big, expensive sausages into non-stick frying pan on lowest possible heat. Get back into bed. After 10 minutes get out of bed and turn sausages before returning to medium-warm bed. Re-warm bed for another 10 minutes at least.

Stick sausages, so slow cooked they are juicey yet coated in a slightly sticky, slight caramelised gloop, into a big roll and douse with ketchup, and serve with strong tea. Yum.

Oddly, I have distinct passion for left-over cold pizza for breakfast (when I happen to have some).

I am a big lo mein fan cold with chinese vinegar for breakfast

Edited by Daniel (log)
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I had the day off (well sort of...had to jump on a few conference calls this morning), but as soon as I was done, I started to make an omlet with andouille sausage, salsa and cheese. Wrapped it in a tortilla and sprinkled liberally with an Ancho Picante sauce.


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We had a typical Israeli breakfast, sans the Israeli salad (I am allergic to raw tomato):

Omlette with fresh majoram, thyme, chives and sage

Various cheeses: Smoked cheese, Bulgarian cheese (similar to Feta), Sheep's labane, Bulgarian spread with olives, another type of white cheese that I don't know how to translate into English, cottage cheese (much better than in the States) and English very sharp cheddar that I brought back from a trip to London a couple of weeks ago

Fig and apricot jam

Smoked salmon

Smoked mackerel

Wholewheat sunflower seed bread from a local baker

Homemade wholewheat raisin and walnut bread

Austrailian Skyberry coffee

Mango juice

Grant you, we didn't eat all of this; I just put it out on the table for variety.

Next time I will take photos.

Edited by Swisskaese (log)
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More at brunch time than early weekend breakfast for us today.

A pot of strong coffee spiced with cinnamon shards and pecans in the grounds.

Oven omelette with ham, and mushrooms and onions sauteed in butter/red wine/soy (left over from a big steak the other night), topped with Swiss cheese.

Homemade cinnamon/sugar butter muffins.

Peach butter.


Edited by lovebenton0 (log)

Judith Love

North of the 30th parallel

One woman very courteously approached me in a grocery store, saying, "Excuse me, but I must ask why you've brought your dog into the store." I told her that Grace is a service dog.... "Excuse me, but you told me that your dog is allowed in the store because she's a service dog. Is she Army or Navy?" Terry Thistlewaite

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Great, percy.

"I've caught you Richardson, stuffing spit-backs in your vile maw. 'Let tomorrow's omelets go empty,' is that your fucking attitude?" -E. B. Farnum

"Behold, I teach you the ubermunch. The ubermunch is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the ubermunch shall be the meaning of the earth!" -Fritzy N.

"It's okay to like celery more than yogurt, but it's not okay to think that batter is yogurt."

Serving fine and fresh gratuitous comments since Oct 5 2001, 09:53 PM

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      Welcome to eG. Are you planning to enter some bodybuilding competition or trying not to get blown off by a strong gust of wind?

Thanks, percy.

I used to think I could be a bodybuilder, but, well, plain reason got in the way. You can work out all you want, but genetics determines how big you will get and how it will be shaped, and some of us just don't have the genes for competitive mass, proportion, and symmetry. Being relatively clueless about nutrition also holds us back.

This time around I'm just losing weight, exercising and eating correctly in order to maintain muscle while the fat melts off (at a non-blistering but very healthy 0.92 lbs/week). The carb/protein/fat balance in this breakfast fits nicely into my daily ratios, and the vitamins reduce the number of variables I have to control through food selection. It's hearty, it's hot, and it's damned tasty, especially after my daily workout. It's a bit high in calories at 561, as I'm eating 5 meals aiming for 2100-2300 calories each day; but, tapering both calories and simple carbohydrates from breakfast_1 to second-dinner is a minor strategy for managing blood sugar levels to encourage fat catabolism. The major strategy is to eat well even while you're ingesting less than you're expending, so that you can keep it up by enjoying it instead of stressing over it.

And, because of this breakfast (and the twelve other details that become the right way to go about it) I have hit my goals: single-digit bodyfat reading on the calipers, and sub-185 lb total bodymass by xmas. I've lost over 65 lbs since my peak in 2001, and 30 of it since April of this year.

Hit a goal? Reward yourself! I gifted me a super-nifty new camera, and Now Are The Pictures:


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I bought nice stuff to make breakfast today but we ended up starting out with the plate of cake and brownies sent home from a party last night and half of an

O H Bakery Kringle mail ordered from Wisconsin ....i got 4 of them, today we had apple .....the pecan is best though


The great thing about barbeque is that when you get hungry 3 hours later....you can lick your fingers


Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.

"It is the government's fault, they've eaten everything."

My Webpage

garden state motorcyle association

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All the pics look amazing! breakfast is one of my favorite meals, so i am glad i found this thread i usually just stick in my Regional one. So my breakkies usually consist of Rice Krisipies with my 2 year old during the week, but the weekends, usually crepes filled with fresh fruit and cream or Frittatas filled with left overs from the fridge, hot italian sausuages, pancetta, tomatoes from the garden plus argula and any cheese we have on hand.. so tasty, could have it for lunch as well?


"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well."

-Virginia Woolf

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Oh, man.... I WISH I would have taken a picture. I tried to do my eGulleters proud a few days ago by making a .....



(2 eggs + 1/2 cup of leftover "5 star thai hot rating" larb from SukhoThai in Madison, WI)



"You can't taste the beauty and energy of the Earth in a Twinkie." - Astrid Alauda


Food Lovers' Guide to Santa Fe, Albuquerque & Taos: OMG I wrote a book. Woo!

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