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    Vancouver, BC
  1. Many people in Seattle seem to like Wild Ginger. It's just upstairs from the Triple Door. In fact, I think they share the same kitchen. I am not one of those people. Just down the street is a great place called Union. Nothing else in the area comes close. I might also check out the Library Bistro. I haven't been there since Matt Costello (the old chef) left for The Inn at Langely. But it was very good back then. It's also 25 for $25 month. 3 course dinners for $25. The participants near the Triple door are Wild Ginger, Tulio, Earth and Ocean, and Sazerac. You heard what I think of Wild Ginger. Tulio is fantastic since the chef came back from a stint at Troiani. Earth and Ocean I am boycotting because they refuse to serve foie gras. (Kidding, but it does make me pause) I hear Maria Hines is very good, but i haven't been there since she took over from Jonathan Sundstrom. Which reminds me, Jon Sundstrom at Lark is doing some great things. Sazerac I've never been to. Although I would agree wholeheartedly with this article: 25 for $25 is bulls#@t Gomez huh? You'll have to tell us how the show was. And where you ate! Edited to add: All the girls seem to like the Mango Daq at Wild Ginger. They probabley serve it at triple door too. ← Thanks for all the recommendations. We actually got into town at around 3 and ate at Salumi, I had the porchetta sandwich and my husband had a salami sandwich and we were SO incredibbly full. By the time we got to the third Door, all we had were a few beer and a couple appetizers which were not that good at all. But thankfully show was amazing, one of the best shows i think i have seen and the venue was amazing. But thanks also for your sandwich and restaurant tour, we never really know where to eat in Seattle and now you have shown us the light!
  2. great Blog, really enjoying it. Love your abode as well, reminds of a place i used to live in, esp. as we always have a skateboard floating around our place as well. Seattle is a great city, being from Vancouver, I come down there a few times a year, and tomorro is one of them, we are going to see a band (Gomez) at the triple door, can you recommend any places to dine near that venue.
  3. wow, i haven't posted in a long time, though i thought i would give this one a shot.. i entertain probably at least once a week. I have 2 kids under the age of 3 so at times it can be a bit chaotic, but that is all in the fun of it. I don't ever do the extend of all the planning and menus and allergies and who likes what and doesnt like previous posts mentioned. I think any of my friends or family would be a little shocked if i did, a little too rigid .. so it is all pretty relaxed. My house is pretty much always very clean, usually alittle tidy up of toys and i usually always ahve fresh cut greens or flowers in the bathroom, kitchen and living room. I love summer for the fact i can get most things out of my garden, being flowers or veggies! I always serve with china and always cloth napkins, that is pretty much the only formality.. sometimes we sit with the meals on our knees, even if i am serving a few courses, or sometimes we all crowd around our little kitchen table. People are very comfortable at my house, which i love, it is always busy and active. I choose dishes by either what i have in fridge/freezer, or what is in season or what i feel like making. I will make a risotto and my company will sit around the table waiting (kitchen and dining in one room) with the music going and the cocktails going, waiting while i stir a little rice. the only the other thing that is a must at all dinners is MUSIC. Man it is as much as my life as food. And the 2 go together so well. Depending on the mood, it may be a little jazz or some funk or some good ol' rock 'n'roll . I also change the music during the night, depending on the mood, while serving a cheese plate at midnight while we break open another bottle, the music might get a little louder and fun.. or if it is time for tea/coffee and dsessert maybe a little ella or madeleine or even kings of conveniece or death cab in the background.. all depneds on the company, the mood.. Just as long as it is easy and fun for all, including me the cook!
  4. DameD

    French dinner

    Thanks alot David for helping the boys with the wines, it really complimented the cheeses and fit the budget ..a definite bonus. THANKS!!
  5. Was at les amis last wed and they are expecting the Vacherin Mont' d Or this past Saturday (3rd of Dec)
  6. DameD

    French dinner

    Well my progressive dinner was on Saturday and my cheese plate was a big hit, thanks to everyone here! I went to Joe at Les Amis and with a list of cheeses from this thread and we put together a plate. A St. Felcien for soft mild gooey goodness, Comte a definite hit St. Agur Blue with Stauds BeerenAusslese wine jelly (they were out of the reisling jelly) which was an amazing esp. with the Alsace Reisling. We also had Epoisse, which stunk up my fridge for a few days though totally worth it, and for a goat cheese, the Buche de Chevre.(Unfortunately the Vacherin Mont'dOr was out but they are getting it this week for those of you interested.) All Served with a french toasts and lesley stowe cranberry and hazelnut crisps , bosc pears and globe grapes. I also was in charge of dessert which I made Thomas Keller's Tarte au Citron. Anyway after Les Amis, I sent my husband off to MArquis with a list of our cheeses and some wines which i thought would compliment it with my internet reasearch, unfortunately every bottle I chose was $80 plus. so the people at Marquis were a big help. The wines we got to match were: Christian Moueix 2001 Bordeux, Petit Bourgeois 2004 Sauviignon, Albert Mann Riesling 2004 and Domaine de Ferrand 2003 Cotes du Rhone. And I know not french but we all had a glass of of 21 year Shivas scotch to end the night.. it was oh all soo good, travelling to 4 homes for the different courses on a snowy night with madelyn peyroux in the back ground was lots of fun... though i must say at 4am the following morning i was feeling tad dehydrated thanks everyone for your imput for a extremely successful eve
  7. you can also order fresh truffles from south china seas on granville isl.
  8. Has Habit opened yet...? I just checked there website and it says early November, are we still in early or are we in mid november yet?? Would like to check the place out
  9. I ordered it and they recommend me to add confit and a few sausages as you mentioned Paul. I am getting it friday and will let you know how it is.
  10. Does anyone know where to get Copha??? It is lard like and used in baking, I grew up in Australia and a lot of recipes use it. I am wanting to bring back some childhood memories but can't find the Copha.. are there any Aussie grocery shops in Vancouver, I could really go for a lamington and a great meat pie right now!
  11. when i was pregnant corn pops all the way, all the time. Now Jordans Organic muselis.. so much fruit and nuts, just need alittle bowl with some milk and keeps me full until lunch.
  12. i have that dream too Vancouver lee.. so hence i made my own pizza with home made dough tonight and it was good, with all the indgredients i like and very thin crust.. just need a wood burning over...sigh...
  13. sounds great.. thanks for letting us know, i think we might head there tonight as it is somewhat in our neighborhood and it is always so hard to find places in the hastings/sunrise area esp. when Da Francesco (sp?) is gone now.
  14. They are frozen and before serving they are grilled. ← does that make them better?
  15. We are on the constant search for good breakfasts joints esp. on the east side. We are not Joes fans, i think theire waffles are frozen that get put in the toaster. Sophies is good. But we usually end up paying almost $40 for 2 and half (child) for basically eggs and bacon and toast. Though we like the service and the staff always rememeber us, always a 'feel good' place. Tomohawk we really like, their bacon is amazing. But it is all the way over in the N. Shore. Lately we have been going getting a few waffles from the Belgian waffle place on 2nd, get an americano and head down to Granville Isl. before our morning of grocery shopping. Not the same as sitting in a restaurant but at tleast good food. I am interested in trying the hatch though. I used to go to Gladys all the time as well and greatly miss it. i use to also love Slicketys when down on Powell St. great prices and excellent bennys. Also agree with Mooshmouse about Pauls place went there not long ago and none us had that great of experience. Ok but not great. Oh another place with good breakkies is Bennys on S. granville ( i think that is the name..right beside bean around the world)
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