@rotuts, yes. The Sake at second place (Nikai). We went to a nearby traditional bar that had an incredible selection of Sake. The owner took great pride in selecting Sake based on our preferences (in food) and tiniest bits of snacks (Otsumame) came with every one we tried. It was poured into the little ceramic cups (the two concentric rings are meant to help.you judge the clarity of the Sake) and said cups were then placed into the cedar wood box. Water slightly above at the ideal drinking temperature was poured into the box and you were supposed to "find" your sweet spot for the drinking temperature as the Sake slowly cooled down in the water bath. Mind you, we are talking about a few degrees centigrade. I think my ones never made it down even five degrees ...
Smaller cedar wood boxes were available for drinking cold sake directly from them. For some reason that night we had only warm stuff.