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Chinese Cookbooks


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Section 2 Lamb/Mutton and Beef
Chinese can but seldom does differentiate between lamb and mutton. Both 
are popular in the north and north-west of China, but less so elsewhere 
- apart from the lamb on skewers cooked over charcoal which are available 
nationwide. That said I am in the far south and there are many lamb noodle 
shops. I seldom see the meat in markets or supermarkets and when I do it 
is expensive.
Here to save a little typing I have used 'lamb' throughout, but please remember 
that it is equally, if not more, likely to be mutton in China.
I've also dropped the word 'fried' from most recipe titles. They are all 
2. 羊肉 / 牛肉 Lamb/Beef
  1. 孜然羊肉                Cumin Beef
  2. 爆羊三样                Fried Three Types of Lamb (Flesh, Liver, Kidney)
  3. 葱爆羊肉                Onion Fried Beef
  4. 红烧羊肉                Red-cooked Lamb
  5. 尖椒羊肉                Pointed Chilli Lamb
  6. 茭白炒羊肉丝         Wild Rice Stem Fried Lamb Slivers
  7. 菊花羊肉                Chrysanthemum Lamb
  8. 芫爆羊肉                Fried Lamb with Medicinal Herb*
  9. 蜜枣羊肉                Candied Date Lamb
  10. 柚汁牛肉                Pomelo Juice Beef
  11. 山菌焖羊肉            Mountain Mushroom Beef
  12. 双椒羊里脊            Two Peppers Lamb Tenderloin
  13. 香椒羊肉                Spicy Lamb
  14. 菠萝炒牛肉             Pineapple Fried Beef
  15. 韭菜炒羊肝             Fried Lamb Liver with Garlic Chives
  16. 辣炒牛肉                Chilli Fried Beef
  17. 白椒炒牛肉             White Pepper Beef
  18. 百合炒牛肉             Lily Fried Beef
  19. 豆腐炒肉片            Tofu Fried Beef Slices
  20. 陈皮牛肉                Orange Peel Beef
  21. 豌豆牛肉                Peas w Beef
  22. 春笋炒牛肉            Bamboo Shoot Beef 
  23. 甜豆酱爆牛柳         Fried Beef in Sweet Bean Sauce
  24. 南瓜炒牛肉            Pumpkin Fried Beef
  25. 炒牛百叶                Fried Beef w Lilies
  26. 麻辣牛里脊            Hot and Numbing Beef Tenderloin**
  27. 黑椒牛柳                Black Pepper Beef
  28. 麻辣豆腐                Hot and Numbing Tofu
  29. 泡菜牛柳                Pickled Vegetable Beef
  30. 牛肝炒西芹            Ox Liver w Celery
  31. 爆炒牛百叶            Fast Fried Beef with Lilies
  32. 尖椒牛柳                Pointed Chillies w Beef
  33. 椒菇烩牛肉            Pepper. Mushroom Beef Slivers
  34. 芦笋炒牛肉            Asparagus Beef
  35. 香干辣牛肉            Smoked Tofu w Beef
  36. 麻辣牛筋                Hot and Numbing Beef Tendon
  37. 煎豆腐烧牛肉         Fried Tofu Stewed Beef
  38. 豆瓣炒牛肉            Bean Petal Beef
  39. 麻辣牛肉干            Hot and Numbing Dried Beef
  40. 蒜薹炒牛肉            Garlic Shoot Beef
  41. 瓦块牛肉               Tile Beef***
  42. 西兰花炒牛肉        Broccoli Beef
  43. 金橘牛尾               Tangerine Oxtail
  44. 豌豆辣牛肉            Peas w Spicy Beef
  45. 黑椒牛仔骨            Black Pepper Cowboy Ribs
  46. 芹菜香干炒牛肉丝 Celery, Smoked Tofu Beef Slivers
  47. 豌豆炒牛肉            Peas w Beef
  48. 香菜炒牛百叶        Coriander/Cilantro Beef with Lilies
  49. 野采牛百叶            Countryside Vegetables with Beef and Lilies
  50. 香辣白果牛肉        Spicy Gingko Beef
  51. 莴笋抄牛肉            Asparagus Lettuce Beef
  52. 雪里蕻炒百叶        Potherb Mustard with Lilies****
  53. 干煸牛肉丝            Dry Fried Beef Slivers
  54. 香菜牛肉丝            Coriander/Cilantro Beef Slivers
* Daphne Genkwa
** 'Hot and Numbing', here and in subsequent recipes, refers to the Sichuan flavour derived from chillies and Sichuan peppercorns.
*** 'Tile Beef' is so called because the beef slices are cut to resemble roof tiles
**** Although it's in the lamb/beef section this recipe contains no meat.

Next up is chicken/duck/ goose. In a day or two.
Edited by liuzhou (log)
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

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Regarding the dish with brake:


7.    肉丝炒如意采                         Pork Slivers Fried w Brake (Good Luck Vegetable)


The last character is missing the grass/flower radical 艸.  Shouldn't it be ""?


My understanding is that "Good Luck Vegetable" (如意菜) is a somewhat generalized dish and is often made using bean sprouts plus other stuff like wood ear fungus &etc, i.e. it does not require brake? 


ETA: Brake is also commonly known as bracken.

Edited by huiray (log)
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  Section 3 - Poultry and Eggs


In this section I have omitted translating the size of meat pieces to cut my typing. There are only four used.


The egg dishes are all vegetarian except one which contains ham (marked).


- Slivers

- Slices

- Cubes

- Pieces



3   --鹅 - Chicken - Duck - Goose


1.    枸杞菠萝鸡片                        Goji Berry, Pineapple Chicken

2.    豆苗炒鸡片                            Bean Shoots Chicken

3.    茄汁鸡片                                Tomato Juice Chicken

4.    小炒鸡片                                Chicken Slices

5.    豆苗山鸡片                            Bean Shoots Mountain Chicken

6.    瓜姜鸡片                                Gourd, Ginger Chicken

7.    酱爆鸡片                                Chicken in Sauce

8.    碧绿野鸡片                            Green Country Chicken

9.    傣味仔鸡                                Dai Flavour Young Chicken (Note 1)

10. 芽采碎鸡米                             Beansprouts w Ground Chicken

11. 怪味鸡丁                                Strange Taste Chicken

12. 宫保鸡丁                                Kungpo Chicken

13. 滑炒鸡片                                Slippery Chicken

14. 山野菜炒鸡丝                        Mountain Herbs Chicken

15. 滑子菇炒鸡丁                        Nameko Mushroom Chicken

16. 金针鸡丝                                Day Lily Flower Chicken

17. 菊花鸡丝                                Chrysanthemum Chicken

18. 丝瓜毛豆炒鸡蛋                    Towel Gourd, Soy Bean Chicken's Egg (v)

19. 蘑菇鸡片                                Mushroom Chicken

20. 泡椒姜爆鸡                            Pickled Chilli, Ginger Chicken

21. 干烧鸡块                                Dry Fried Chicken

22. 炒鸡杂                                    Chicken Giblets (Gizzard and Liver)

23. 辣子鸡丁                                Chicken Cubes with Chilli (La Zi Ji Ding) (Note 2)

24. 醋熘鸡                                    Vinegar Chicken

25. 果仁仔鸡                                Fruit Kernel Young Chicken

26. 番茄炒鸡蛋                            Tomato Scrambled Egg (v)

27. 菠采炒鸡蛋                            Spinach Scrambled Egg (v)

28. 酱爆桃仁鸡                            Walnut Chicken in Sauce

29. 炒双鸡                                   Twin Chickens (Fresh and Dried) 

30. 三色三味炒凤丝                      Three Colour, Three Taste Phoenix

31. 贵妃鸡翅                                Highest Ranking Concubine Chicken Wings

32. 凤脯炒螺片                            Phoenix Breast with Snails

33. 木耳芙蓉                                Wood Ear Fungus with Lotus (v)

34. 富贵参果                                Wealth and Rank Ginseng (v)

35. 虎皮凤爪                                Tiger Skin Phoenix Claws

36. 辣子鸡                                    La Zi Ji

37. 黄瓜炒鸡蛋                            Cucumber Chickens Egg 

38. 泡椒炒鸡肝                            Pickled Chilli Chicken Liver

39. 滑炒鸡脆骨                            Slippery Chicken Gristle

40. 双脆鸡肫                                Two Chilli Chicken Gizzard

41. 椿芽烘蛋                                Chinese Toon Sprout Warm Egg (v)

42. 椒盐鸡                                    Salt and Pepper Chicken (Note 3)

43. 客家小炒                                Hakka Stir Fry

44. 鸡里蹦                                    Chicken Leaping

45. 熘鸡丸                                    Sautéed Chicken Balls

46. 熘鸡丁                                    Sautéed Chicken

47. 辣炒鸡翅                                Spicy Chicken Wings

48. 芋头烧鸡                                Taro Chicken

49. 重庆辣子鸡                            Chongqing La Zi Ji

50. 麻辣鸡丝                                Hot and Numbing Chicken

51. 民间全家福                            Popular Hotchpotch

52. 飘里田螺鸡                            Field Snail Chicken

53. 双椒鸡丝                                Two Chilli Chicken

54. 炝锅肫花                                Gizzard Flowers

55. 五彩滑鸡丁                            Five Colour Slippery Chicken

56. 南瓜咖喱鸡                            Pumpkin Curry Chicken

57. 鸡蛋炒豇豆                            Egg w Cowpea (v)

58. 莴笋仔鸡                                Asparagus Lettuce Young Chicken

59. 象牙鸡杂                                Ivory Chicken Giblets

60. 五彩鸡片                                Five Colour Chicken

61. 小煎鸡米                                Fried Ground Chicken

62. 银牙鸡丝                                Silver Tooth Chicken (Beansprouts)

63. 香炸鸡片                                Tasty Chicken

64. 新淮扬小炒                            New  Huaiyang Stir Fry

65. 青椒炒鸡蛋                            Green Pepper Egg (v)

66. 四味鸡丁                                Four Flavour Chicken

67. 银钩鸡丝                                Silver Hook Chicken

68. 酱汁凤翅                                Sauced Phoenix Wings

69. 粽子烧鸡                                Fried Chicken with Zongzi

70. 西葫芦鸡蛋                            Summer Squash Egg (v)

71. 醋焖鸡肉                                Vinegar Cooked Chicken

72. 甲鱼烧鸡                                Soft-Shelled Turtle with Chicken

73. 自制大盘鸡                            Home-made Big Plate Chicken

74. 四班牙红酒鸡                        Four Tooth Red Wine Chicken

75. 玉骨鸡脯                                Jade Bone Chicken Breast

76. 香菇爆鸭肉                            Shiitake Mushroom Duck

77. 鸭片炒拉皮                            Duck with Pulled Skin

78. 葱爆鹅颈                                Onion Goose Neck

79. 蛋白玉米粒                            Egg white Corn Kernels (v)

80. 香椿炒鸡蛋                            Chinese Toon Eggs (v)

81. 杭椒炒鹅肝                            Green Pepper Goose Liver

82. 酱爆鹅丁                                Sauced Fried Goose

83. 蚝油鸡煲                                Oyster Sauce Chicken

84. 咸蛋黄局玉米粒                    Salted Egg Yolk Corn Kernels

85. 胡萝卜烧鹅方                        Carrot w Goose

86. 姜爆鸭丝                                Ginger Duck

87. 滑炒鹅片                                Slippery Goose

88. 乡村笨鹅蘑菇                        Countryside Stupid Goose w Mushrooms

89. 苦瓜炒鸭舌                            Bitter Melon Duck Tongue

90. 韭菜炒鹅蛋                            Chinese Chives Goose Eggs (not-v)

91. 酱爆鸭舌                                Sauced Duck Tongue

92. 酱爆鸭肝                                Sauced Duck Liver

93. 烧辣椒皮蛋                            Chilli Pepper Preserved Eggs

94. 韭黄炒鹅丝                            Hotbed Chives Goose

95. 青蒜炒鸭肝                            Green Pepper Duck Liver

96. 奇味鸭舌                                Strange Taste Duck Tongue

97. 葱爆鸭心                                Onion Duck Heart

98. 青蒜炒鹅肠                            Garlic Shoot Goose Intestines

99. 爆肫花                                    Duck Gizzard Flowers

100. 酸采炒鸭血                            Pickled Vegetable Duck Blood

101. 青椒烧鸭块                            Green Chilli Duck

102. 西芹炒鸭肝                            Celery Duck Liver

103. 爆炒菊红                                Duck Gizzard w Bamboo and Green and Red Peppers

104. 熟炒烤 鸭片                           Fried Roast Duck

105. 泡椒爆鸭肫                            Pickled Chilli Duck Gizzard 

107. 洋葱尖椒炒鸭脆血                   Onion and Chilli Duck Blood

108. 腰果鸭丁                                Cashew Nut Duck

109. 蚝油鸭掌                                Oyster Sauce Duck Palms

110. 油爆双脆                                Oil Cooked Two Crisps (Pig Liver and Duck Gizzard

111. 桃仁鸭丁                                Walnut Duck

112. 炒鸭丝掐采                            Duck with Clutched Vegetables

113. 野山椒炒鸭丝                        Countryside Mountain Pepper Duck


The next section is fish. It may take a little longer as I have to do some work sometime!


1. The Dai ethnic minority are mostly found in Yunnan Province.


2. La Zi Ji is a well-known Sichuan dish of chicken, Sichuan peppercorns and copious amounts of chillies. There are three versions here. The most traditional is No 36.


3. The pepper here is Sichuan peppercorns.

Edited by liuzhou (log)
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

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This section was a little more difficult to do. The recipe names often do not specify the type of fish, so I have dug into the recipe ingredients to find out, then applied them to my version of the titles.


Some recipes do not call for any particular fish. These I have marked with an asterisk*. However, it is worth remembering the vast majority of fish eaten in China is freshwater fish - carp, tilapia etc. Sea fish seldom ventures far inland.


4. - Fish


  1. 香菠鱼卷                                Pineapple Mandarin Fish
  2. 白炒鱼片                                White Grass Carp
  3. 泡椒炒鱼丸                            Pickled Chilli Fish Balls
  4. 银鱼炒韭菜                            Whitebait  w Garlic Chives
  5. 炒蝶片                                    Butterfly Slices (Eel)
  6. 滑炒鱼片                                Slippery Fried Fish Slices*
  7. 熘鱼片                                    Sautéed Grass Carp
  8. 炒黑鱼片                                Snakehead Fish
  9. 炒昂斯鱼片                            Yellowhead Catfish
  10. 船夫煎饼银鱼松                    Boatman's Whitebait Pancake
  11. 木耳玉兰片                            Wood Ear Fungus, Bamboo Shoot, Snakehead Fish
  12. 五彩鱼皮丝                            Five Colour Fish*
  13. 滑炒鱼皮                                Slippery Fish Skin*
  14. 金丝鱼片                                Silver Minnows
  15. 湛香鱼片                                Deep Taste Fish (Snakehead Fish)
  16. 青椒炒鱼片                            Green Chilli Grass Carp
  17. 苦瓜鱼丝                                Bitter Melon Snakehead Fish
  18. 青椒鱼米                                Green Chilli Minced Fish*
  19. 芙蓉鱼片                                Lotus Fish*
  20. 三色鱼丁                                Three Colour Fish
  21. 家常鱼条                                Family Fish Strips*
  22. 松仁鱼米                                Pine Nut Fish*
  23. 瓜姜鱼丝                                Cucumber, Garlic Fish*
  24. 春回大地                                Spring Returns to Earth (Snakehead Fish)
  25. 烩鱼圆                                    Fish Balls*
  26. 烩鱼饼                                    Fish Cakes*
  27. 滑炒鱼线                                Slippery Fish Threads*
  28. 金玉满堂                                Treasure Hall (Silver Cod)
  29. 干煸鱼条                                Dry Fried Fish Strips (Black Carp)
  30. 鱼泡                                   Fried Fish Puffs*
  31. 椒盐鱼米                                Salt and Pepper Minced Fish*
  32. 炒黄鳝丝                                Rice Field Eel
  33. 甲鱼冬瓜                                Soft Shell Turtle w Wax Gourd
  34. 炒鳝丝                                    Fried Eel       
  35. 五彩鳝丝                                Five Colour Eel
  36. 腐竹烧鳝鱼                            Dried Bean Milk Eel
  37. 咱家鳝鱼                                Our Family Eel
  38. 陈皮鳝段                                Tangerine Peel Eel Segments
  39. 蒜子鳝鱼煲                            Garlic Eel
  40. 香葱炒鳝段                            Onion Eel Sections
  41. 芹爆鳝丝                                Celery Eel
  42. 梁溪脆鳝                                Roof Beam Stream Eel
  43. 爆鳝片                                    Quick Fried Eel
  44. 煎酥鳝                                    Crisp Eel
  45. 响油鳝糊                                Noisy Oil Eel Paste
  46. 椒麻鳝卷                                Chilli and Sesame Eel Roll
  47. 葱香鳝鱼                                Onion Eel
  48. 爆鳝筒                                    Eel Tubes
  49. 松仁炒鳝丝                            Pine Nut Eel
  50. 蒜蓉软兜                                Garlic Soft Bags (Eel)
  51. 麻辣泥鳅                                Hot and Numbing Loach
  52. 黄瓜木耳黑鱼片                    Cucumber, Wood Ear Snakehead
  53. 炒鱿鱼                                    Squid
  54. 鱿鱼炒芥蓝                            Squid w Cabbage Mustard
  55. 泡椒炒鱿鱼                            Pickled Chilli Squid
  56. 韭菜炒鱿鱼                            Garlic Chive Squid
  57. 芫爆鱿鱼                                Medicinal Herb Squid (Note 1 of Previous Post)
  58. 碧绿鱿鱼片                            Greens w Squid
  59. 爆鱿鱼卷                                Squid Roll
  60. 麻花腰花鱿鱼                        Dough Twists, Pork Kidney and Squid
  61. 西兰花炒鱿鱼                        Broccoli Squid
  62. 碧绿花枝片                            Greens with Cuttlefish
  63. 蒜薹炒鱿鱼                            Garlic Bolt Squid
  64. 青蒜炒墨鱼仔                        Garlic Chive Cuttlefish
  65. 韭菜墨斗                                Chinese Chive Cuttlefish
  66. 油爆鱿鱼                                Oil Burst Squid
  67. 红烧草鱼                                Red-Cooked Grass Carp
  68. 小楼烧鱿鱼                            Small Building Squid
  69. 香菇雪鱼                                Shiitake Mushroom Cod
  70. 生炒鲫鱼                                Crucian Carp
  71. 香滑鱼球                                Slippery Fish Balls*
  72. 雪菜罗汉鱼                            Snow Vegetable Arhat Fish
  73. 咖喱斑鱼柳                            Curried Potato Cod
  74. 烧杂鱼                                    Mixed Fish*
  75. 双喜临门                                Double Happiness Arrives at the Door (Belt Fish and Squid)
  76. 香滑鲈鱼片                            Slippery Weaver
  77. 鲨鱼菜薹                                Shark w Vegetable Shoots
  78. 小鱼咸菜                                Small Fish with Pickles*
  79. 家乡排骨鱼                            Home Town Spare Ribs w Grass Carp
  80. 生爆水鱼                                Quick Fried Soft-Shelled Turtle
  81. 星星鱼球                                Starry Fish Balls*    
  82. 小烧肉炖鱼                            Quick Fried Grass Carp
  83. 鱼羊鲜                                    Mandarin Fish and Lamb
  84. 咸鱼萝卜干                            Salt Fish w Dried Radish*
  85. 瑶拄干捞鱼肚                        Jade Stick Fish Stomach*             
  86. 糊辣藕丁鱼                            Chilli Paste, Lotus, Fish
  87. 芋香咖喱鱼                            Taro Curried Grass Carp

Next will be other seafood. Not sure when.

Edited by liuzhou (log)
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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"Double Happiness Arrives at the Door" has a lovely poetic lilt!  What makes the noise in "Noisy Oil Eel Paste?" Please tell more about the Pineapple Mandarin Fish, when you have the time.  That might be something I'd like to try making.

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Nancy Smith, aka "Smithy"
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"Every day should be filled with something delicious, because life is too short not to spoil yourself. " -- Ling (with permission)
"There comes a time in every project when you have to shoot the engineer and start production." -- author unknown

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"Double Happiness Arrives at the Door" has a lovely poetic lilt!  What makes the noise in "Noisy Oil Eel Paste?" Please tell more about the Pineapple Mandarin Fish, when you have the time.  That might be something I'd like to try making.


Double Happiness is a potent symbol in Chinese culture. It is most often associated with Chinese New Year and with weddings. It is also a popular brand of cigarette!


The recipe doesn't specifically say and it isn't a term I've come across before, but I guess it's the sound of frying when the oil sizzles.


Pineapple Mandarin Fish


The ingredients listed are: 


One Mandarin Fish (approx 500g)
150g Fresh Pineapple
2g Salt 
1 Egg
10g Sugar
8g White Rice Vinegar
20g Pineapple Juice
Corn Starch
Salad Oil
Sorry, the Chinese, and I, work in metric.
The recipe itself begins "Kill your fish" . The Chinese still like to buy their fish live. It then gives detailed instructions on how to fillet the beast. Presumably,your fish vendor will deal with that.  
To paraphrase the rest:
The fish is sliced and mixed with the salt, egg white, and starch, then breaded in the normal fashion.
Fry fish until golden brown.
Leave a little oil in the pan (I'd change the oil) and sugar, vinegar and pineapple juice are brought to a boil and the fish and pineapple added. Allow to thicken then serve.
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
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Metric is fine, thanks. I had missed the fact that Mandarin Fish is a species, despite your note at the start. How would you describe it in terms that would help me find a substitute, or is this something that probably wouldn't work with another fish?

Nancy Smith, aka "Smithy"
HosteG Forumsnsmith@egstaff.org

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"Every day should be filled with something delicious, because life is too short not to spoil yourself. " -- Ling (with permission)
"There comes a time in every project when you have to shoot the engineer and start production." -- author unknown

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Metric is fine, thanks. I had missed the fact that Mandarin Fish is a species, despite your note at the start. How would you describe it in terms that would help me find a substitute, or is this something that probably wouldn't work with another fish?


Mandarin fish is a confusing area. 


The dish in the recipe is this.


It is also used in many other contexts. If you Google for it, you may come up with a dish called Mandarin Fish, a sweet and sour whole fish. Here the name is that of the dish not the fish.

It is also the name of a number of small, brightly coloured 'tropical' fish which have been selectively bred for the aquarium trade.

For this dish, any largish*, firm-fleshed white fish should work well. Mandarin fish is a freshwater variety, but I don't see any reason not to use sea fish, depending on what's available to you.


*The recipe does mention a whole fish being around 500g

Edited by liuzhou (log)
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
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Section 5  - Seafood - My favourite!


Like most Americans, Chinese does not differentiate between prawns and shrimp. So, I am gritting ny British teeth and only using 'shrimp' here


The Chinese eat shrimp both shelled and shell-on. I haven't mentioned this in the translations, but if you are interested 虾仁  = Shelled Shrimp and = Unshelled Shrimp. A few dishes use 凤尾虾仁 = Phoenix Tail Shrimp. These are shrimp which have been partially shelled, leaving the tail still shell on, but the body shelled.


龙虾 (literally 'dragon shrimp) is lobster.


  1. 炒翡翠虾仁                            Halcyon Shrimp
  2. 蚕豆炒虾仁                            Broad Bean Shrimp
  3. 鸡蛋炒虾仁                            Egg Shrimp
  4. 葱炒河虾                                Onion River Shrimp
  5. 番茄炒虾仁                            Tomato Shrimp
  6. 开洋丝瓜                                Open Ocean Towel Gourd
  7. 碧绿虾仁                                Green Vegetable Shrimp
  8. 龙井虾仁                                Longjing (Tea) Shrimp
  9. 黄瓜炒虾仁                            Cucumber Shrimp
  10. 椒香麻酥虾                            Spicy Crisp Shrimp
  11. 葱炒虾仁                                Onion Shrimp
  12. 豆腐炒虾仁                            Tofu Shrimp
  13. 芦笋炒虾仁                            Asparagus Shrimp
  14. 蛋黄炒虾仁                            Egg Yolk Shrimp
  15. 蛋清朝虾仁                            Egg White Morning Shrimp
  16. 豌豆虾仁                                Pea Shrimp
  17. 虾皮炒茭白                            Small Dried Shrimp with Wild Rice Stems
  18. 虾皮圆白菜                            Small Dried Shrimp with Cabbage
  19. 虾皮青椒鸡蛋                        Small Dried Shrimp with Green Chilli Egg
  20. 清炒湖虾仁                            Clear Fried Lake Shrimp
  21. 虾仁扒芥蓝                            Shrimp w Cabbage Mustard
  22. 凤尾虾仁                                Phoenix Tail Shrimp
  23. 虾仁炒芹菜                            Shrimp w Celery
  24. 香辣大虾                                Spicy Large Shrimp
  25. 十八辣北极虾                        Spicy North Pole Shrimp
  26. 川味海白虾                            Sichuan Flavour White Sea Shrimp
  27. 油爆虾                                    Quick Fried Shrimp
  28. 红椒炒河虾                            Red Chilli River Shrimp
  29. 菠萝炒虾球                            Pineapple Shrimp Balls
  30. 丝瓜虾仁炒番茄                    Towel Gourd, Shrimp and Tomato
  31. 凤尾龙虾                                Phoenix Tail Lobster
  32. 秘制爆双鲜                            Secret Recipe Two Delicacies (Squid and Shrimp)
  33. 牛肝菌大玉                            Porcini Mushrooms w Large Shrimp
  34. 芥蓝玉子虾球                        Kai-lan with Shrimp Balls
  35. 鲜虾芦笋                                Shrimp w Asparagus
  36. 芙蓉炒海虾                            Lotus Sea Shrimp
  37. 炸烹虾段                                Deep Fried Shrimp
  38. 香辣蟹                                    Spicy Crab
  39. 芙蓉炒蟹                                Lotus Crab
  40. 面拖蟹                                    Surface Drag Crab
  41. 茶香椒盐虾                            Tea Salt and Pepper Crab
  42. 生油芝士虾                            Shrimp with Medicinal Herb (Zoysia pungens)
  43. 虾子茭白                                Shrimp Roe w Wild Rice Stems
  44. 夏果凤尾虾                            Summer Fruit Phoenix Tail Shrimp
  45. 金翠虾爆鳝                            Gold and Green Shrimp with Eel
  46. 芙蓉螃蟹                                Lotus Crab
  47. 蒜爆花蟹                                Garlic Flower Crab
  48. 香蒜咖喱炒蟹                        Garlic Curried Crab
  49. 圣手如意虾                            Sacred Hand Good Luck Shrimp
  50. 炒蟹粉                                    Stir Fried Crab Meat
  51. 姜葱炒肉蟹                            Ginger and Onion Crab
  52. 年糕姜葱炒蟹                        New Year Cake, Ginger, Onion Crab
  53. 香辣炒蟹                                Spicy Fried Crab
  54. 蟹黄扒豆腐                            Crab Ovary Tofu
  55. 蟹子烧鲨鱼皮                        Crab w Sharkskin
  56. 蟹香芙蓉                                Crab Lotus
  57. 葱姜炒竹蛏                            Onion and Ginger Razor Shell
  58. 尖椒炒蛤蜊                            Chilli Clams
  59. 菌菇妙竹蛏                            Mushroom Razor Shell
  60. 西兰花炒文蛤                        Broccoli Clams
  61. 双椒炒蛤蜊                            Two Chilli Clams
  62. 酱香蛏子                                Razor Shell in Sauce
  63. 辣炒蛤蜊                                Spicy Clams
  64. 花蛤荷兰豆                            Flower Clam with Snow Peas
  65. 海米烧瓠子                            Dried Shrimp w Bottle Gourd
  66. 海鲜炒芦笋                            Seafood w Asparagus
  67. 八宝豆腐                                Eight Treasure Tofu
  68. 芙蓉蜇皮                                Lotus Jellyfish
  69. 脆椒辣螺肉                            Crispy Chill Snail Meat
  70. 泡椒响螺片                            Pickled Chilli Snail
  71. 河蚌菜薹                                River Clam Vegetable Shoots
  72. 瑶柱玉环豆腐                        Jade Pillar Yuhuan Tofu
  73. 小碗装海螺                            Small Bowl Conch
  74. 螺蛳炒韭菜                            Snail w Garlic Chives
  75. 炒螺蛳                                    Fried Snails
  76. 干烧鱼翅                                Dry Fried Shark's Fin
  77. 河蚌狮子头                            River Clam Meatballs
  78. 五香自吮白螺蛳                    Five Spice Self-sucking White Snails
  79. 辣子田螺                                Red Chilli River Snail (Lazi)
  80. 油爆螺片                                Deep Fried Snail
  81. 芫爆海螺                                Herbal Conch (Daphne Genkwa)
  82. 辣油雪贝                                Spicy Snow Clams


Next up is leaf vegetables. To follow.

Edited by liuzhou (log)
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

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Water Spinach


6. Leaf Vegetables


This is the shortest section


香辣圆白菜                            Spicy Cabbage

酸辣圆白菜                            Pickled Spicy Cabbage

炝炒空心采                            Water Spinach

手撕圆白菜                            Hand Torn Cabbage

清炒茼蒿                                Clear Fried Chrysanthemum Greens

手撕莲白                                Hand Pulled "Lotus"

山药木耳炒白菜                      Chinese Yam, Wood Ear Fungus, Cabbage

豉油圆白菜                            Cabbage with Fermented Black Beans

青椒甘蓝                                Green Chilli WIld Cabbage

醋馏白菜                                Vinegar Cabbage

清炒枸杞苗                            Clear Fried Goji Shoots

清炒油麦荚                            Clear fried Leaf Lettuce

韭菜炒豆芽                            Garlic Chives and Bean Sprouts

空心采硬玉米粒                     Water Spinach and Corn Kernels

素腰花苋菜                            Simple Kidney Flowers w Three Colour Amaranth

麻辣茼蒿                                Hot and Numbing Chrysanthemum Greens

青菜芋头                                Greens w Taro

野菠菜妙百叶                         Countryside Spinach w Omasum

菠菜粉丝                                Spinach w Bean Starch Vermicelli

炒苣菜                                    Fried Lettuce


Next fruiting and flowering vegetables.

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

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"Surface Drag Crab"...sounds to me like the reason boaters and pilots keep their craft clean. Does it refer to dredging the meat in this case?

Nancy Smith, aka "Smithy"
HosteG Forumsnsmith@egstaff.org

Follow us on social media! Facebook; instagram.com/egulletx; twitter.com/egullet

"Every day should be filled with something delicious, because life is too short not to spoil yourself. " -- Ling (with permission)
"There comes a time in every project when you have to shoot the engineer and start production." -- author unknown

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"Surface Drag Crab"...sounds to me like the reason boaters and pilots keep their craft clean. Does it refer to dredging the meat in this case?

It's a crab dish. I haven't been able to ascertain a proper English name, so that is a literal translation of the Chinese.

It is sea crab deep fried in a flour and egg paste. Served with fresh soy beans.

In retrospect, perhaps Flour Dredged Crab would have been a better translation. The Chinese for ‘surface‘ and the Chinese for wheat (flour) are both 面.

Edited by liuzhou (log)
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

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7. Flowering and Fruiting Vegetables


  1. 菜花豇豆                                Cauliflower w Cowpea
  2. 红烩菜花                                Red-cooked Cauliflower
  3. 腰果西兰花                            Cashew Nut Broccoli
  4. 番茄菜花                                Tomato Cauliflower
  5. 蒜蓉西兰花                            Garlic Broccoli
  6. 翡翠金针菜                            Halcyon Day Lily
  7. 双色菜花                                Two Colour Cauliflower
  8. 番茄炒菜花                            Tomato Fried Cauliflower
  9. 百合金针菜                            Day Lily
  10. 黄椒丝瓜                                Yellow Pepper Towel Gourd
  11. 银耳西兰花                            Silver Ear Broccoli
  12. 小米椒炒丝瓜                        Tiny Chilli Towel Gourd
  13. 泡豇豆烩腐丁                        Pickled Cowpea w Tofu Cubes    
  14. 百合甜豆                                Lily and Sweet Peas
  15. 双椒炒笋瓜                            Two Chilli Winter Squash
  16. 丝瓜炒蚕豆                            Towel Gourd w Broad Beans
  17. 丝瓜炒豆腐                            Towel Gourd w Tofu           
  18. 清炒苦瓜                                Clear Fried Bitter Melon
  19. 方干炒丝瓜                            Fenggan Towel Gourd       
  20. 豉椒苦瓜                                Bitter Melon with Salted Fermented Beans and Chilli
  21. 丝瓜炒毛豆                            Towel Gourd w Soy Beans
  22. 鱼香丝瓜                                Fish Flavour Towel Gourd
  23. 苦瓜藕丝                                Bitter Melon w Lotus Root
  24. 炒三丁                                    Fried Three Cubes (Celery, Tofu,  Carrot)
  25. 椒香乳空心菜                          Spicy Water Spinach
  26. 荔枝爆丝瓜                            Lychee Towel Gourd
  27. 干椒苦瓜                                Dried Chilli Bitter Melon
  28. 苦瓜炒豆腐                            Bitter Melon w Tofu
  29. 南瓜炒年糕                            Pumpkin w New Year Cake
  30. 三色炒南瓜                            Three Colour Pumpkin
  31. 生□南瓜                                Fresh Cooked Pumpkin
  32. 豌豆白果                                Peas w Ginkgo
  33. 豆豉南瓜                                Black Fermented Beans Pumpkin
  34. 巧炒南瓜丝                            Skilful Fried Pumpkin
  35. 干椒地瓜                                Dried Chilli Sweet Potato
  36. 素烧二冬                                Simply Cooked Two Winters (Winter Melon and Winter                                              Mushrooms (Dried Shiitake))
  37. 茭白南瓜                                Wild Rice Stem Pumpkin
  38. 芹菜炒香干                            Celery w Smoked Tofu
  39. 烧二冬                                   Two Colours (Dried Shiitake and Winter Bamboo                                                        Shoot)
  40. 辣味木耳炒腐竹                    Spicy Wood Ear w Dried Bean Milk Cream
  41. 烧汁西葫芦                            Fried Summer Squash
  42. 豉香豆瓣                                Fermented Black Beans w Broad Beans
  43. 毛豆炒藕片                            Soy Beans w Lotus Root
  44. 拔丝南瓜                                Candied Pumpkin
  45. 毛豆米豆腐                            Soy Bean Tofu
  46. 毛豆炒茄子                            Soy Bean Eggplant
  47. 榨菜四季豆                            Hot Pickled Mustard Tuber with Green Beans
  48. 香村豆腐                                Village Bean Curd
  49. 农家炒豇豆角                        Peasant Family Cowpea
  50. 玉米四季豆                            Corn Kernels with Green Beans
  51. 香辣蚕豆                                Spicy Broad Beans
  52. 松仁玉米                                Pine Nut and Corn Kernels
  53. 蓉米辣豆                           Spicy Garlic Beans
  54. 毛豆咸菜                                Soy Beans w Pickled Vegetables
  55. 香辣四季豆                            Spicy Green Beans
  56. 蒜蓉荷兰豆                            Garlic Sweet Broad Peas
  57. 干锅豆角                                Dry Fried Beans
  58. 芋头烧扁豆                            Taro w Hyacinth Bean
  59. 雪菜豆瓣                                Snow Vegetable w Beans
  60. 雪菜花生仁                            Snow Vegetable w Peanuts
  61. 韭菜辣味干                            Garlic Chives w Dried Tofu
  62. 清炒荷兰豆                            Clear Fried Sweet Broad Peas
  63. 碧绿三丁                                Dark Green Three Cubes (Peas, Ginkgo, Red Chilli)
  64. 酱香茄子                                Eggplant in Sauce
  65. 青红椒茄子                            Green and Red Chilli Eggplant
  66. 酱爆茄子                                Sauce Fried Eggplant
  67. 松仁玉米荟萃                        Pine Nut and Corn Assembly
  68. 烧茄子                                    Fried then Stewed Eggplant
  69. 农家豆焖茄                            Peasant Family Bean and Eggplant
  70. 清酱茄子                                Clear Sauce Eggplant
  71. 番茄炒木耳                            Tomato w Wood Ear Fungus
  72. 尖椒彩玉                                Chilli Coloured Jade (Red Chilli, Corn)
  73. 糖醋尖椒                                Sweet and Sour Chillies                           
  74. 金沙豌豆粒                            Golden Sand Peas
  75. 家乡茄子                                Hometown Eggplant
  76. 地三鲜                                    The Earth's Three Delicacies (Eggplant, Potato and                                                   Chilli)
  77. 吉祥三宝                                Lucky Three Treasures (Sweet Broad Peas, Bamboo                                                Shoots, Ginkgo)

(Apologies for the formatting. It looks OK in the editing screen, but a mess when posted.)


Next, Root Vegetables

Edited by liuzhou (log)
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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#2 Red-cooked cauliflower sounds like a great idea to me. Can you outline if this is just boiled in lu shui or is there any other method (given that this appears in a boon on stir-fries) ?

Thanks !

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#2 Red-cooked cauliflower sounds like a great idea to me. Can you outline if this is just boiled in lu shui or is there any other method (given that this appears in a boon on stir-fries) ?

Thanks !


In Chinese cuisine, red-cooking usually means braising in soy sauce. In this recipe it is something quite different.

The ingredients in this recipe are: 


Cauliflower 250g

Carrot 50g

Tomato 50g


Tomato Ketchup



Pepper Corns (Black or White)

Salad Oil


To summarise the method:


Break the cauliflower into florets and soak for ten minutes in salty water, then scald  in boiling water for 5 mins. Drain.  Cut carrot and tomato into small pieces.

Heat oil in wok, Add tomato ketchup and fry until oil turns red. Take off the heat and add cauliflower.  Return to the heat and add the remaining ingredients.
Cook until done.

The term 小炒, which is usually translated as 'stir-fry' has a wider meaning in China than that adopted by the west. All the recipes involve frying to some extent but other techniques are also incorporated. When I've finished the book I will summarise all the various techniques used.


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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

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Thanks Liuzhou. I have to admit it sound significantly less sexy now ;-)

Looking forward to your technique dossier !


I agree. Unfortunately, you stumbled across what is probably the least inspiring recipe in the book.

That said, when I first came to China, I was surprised how common tomato ketchup is. My local supermarket has five different types, including that of Mr. Heinz.

...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

The Kitchen Scale Manifesto

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8. Rhizomes


I'm not sure that everything here is technically a rhizome, but that's what the book says.


西芹 means Western celery, where as on its own means Chinese celery.


  1. 西芹百合                                Celery w Lily
  2. 麻花炒西芹                            Fried Dough Twists w Celery
  3. 圣女果炒豆瓣                        Cherry Tomatoes w Beans
  4. 西芹炒年糕                            Celery w New Year Cake
  5. 水芹炒白叶                            Water Celery w White Leaf
  6. 西芹炒番茄                            Celery w Tomato
  7. 野芹炒百合                            Countryside Celery w Lily
  8. 玉笋炒香芹                            Jade Bamboo Shoot w Celery
  9. 西芹地瓜                                Celery w Sweet Potato
  10. 清炒韭黄                                Clear Fried Chinese Chives
  11. 韭黄炒豆干                            Hotbed Chives w Dried Tofu
  12. 西芹腰果                                Celery w Cashew Nuts
  13. 韭黄炒素鸡                            Hotbed Chives w Plain Chicken
  14. 蚕豆百合                                Broad Beans and Lily
  15. 尖椒野芦蒿                            Chilli with Mugwort
  16. 翡翠仙人掌                            Halcyon Edible Cactus
  17. 芦蒿炒臭干                            Mugwort w Stinky Tofu
  18. 金笋银芽                                Golden Bamboo, Silver Beansprouts
  19. 清炒芦笋                                Fried Asparagus
  20. 芦蒿炒香干                            Mugwort w Smoked Tofu
  21. 芦笋百合                                Asparagus and Lily
  22. 莴笋烧素鸡                            Asparagus Lettuce (Celtuce) w Chicken
  23. 莴笋雪菜                                Asparagus Lettuce w Snow Vegetable
  24. 泡椒莴笋                                Pickled Chillies with Asparagus Lettuce
  25. 酱香炒莴笋                            Asparagus Lettuce in Sauce
  26. 雪菜春笋                                Spring Bamboo Shoots w Snow Vegetable
  27. 莴笋炒麻花                            Asparagus Lettuce w Fried Dough Twists
  28. 三丝竹笋                                Three Strips (Carrot, Enoki Mushrooms, Wood Ear) w Bamboo Shoots
  29. 春笋炒豌豆                            Spring Bamboo w Peas
  30. 鱼香冬笋                                Fish Fragrant Winter Bamboo
  31. 干烧笋尖                                Dry Fried Bamboo Shoot Tips
  32. 干煸藕条                                Dry Fried Lotus Root Strips
  33. 炝双笋                                    Two Shoots (Bamboo Shoots, Asparagus Lettuce )
  34. 山荮胡萝卜                            Chinese Yam w Carrot
  35. 双笋炒红采                            Carrot, Asparagus Lettuce, Amaranth
  36. 蒜薹玉米笋                            Garlic Shoots w Jade Bamboo
  37. 炝炒黄豆芽                            Dried Soy Bean Sprouts
  38. 三鲜豆苗                                Three Delicacies  (Carrot, Bamboo Shoots and Bean Seedlings)
  39. 双色豆芽                                Two Colour Bean Sprouts
  40. 醋熘黄豆                                Vinegar Fried Soybeans
  41. 豆芽炒韭菜                            Bean Sprouts with Garlic Chives             
  42. 黄椒土豆丝                            Yellow Pepper Potato Shreds
  43. 香辣土豆丝                            Chilli Potato Shreds
  44. 酸辣土豆丝                            Pickled Chilli Potato Shreds
  45. 尖椒土豆丝                            Pointed Chilli Potato Shreds
  46. 炒芋仔                                    Fried Taro
  47. 素蟹粉                                    Simple Crabmeat (w Carrot, Pumpkin, Potato, Dried Tofu, Chinese                                                       Yam, Shiitake, and Bamboo Shoots. Simple?)
  48. 什锦山药粒                            Mixed Chinese Yam w Red Pepper, Corn and Peas
  49. 青椒藕丝                                Green Chilli Lotus Root Strips
  50. 炒藕片                                    Fried Lotus Root Slices
  51. 莴笋炒山药                            Asparagus Lettuce w Chinese Yam
  52. 家乡芋头                                Hometown Taro
  53. 酸辣藕丁                                Hot and Sour Lotus Root Cubes
  54. 三椒芦荟                                Three Pepper Aloe
  55. 素炒蟹粉                                Simple Fried Crab Meat
  56. 宫保藕丁                                Kung-po Lotus Root
  57. 油焖茭白                                Fried Wild Rice Stems


Next: Mushrooms and Fungi

Edited by liuzhou (log)

...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

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9. Mushrooms and Fungi


My guide to Chinese Mushrooms is here.


The most common mushroom in China is the shiitake. When fresh, these are called 香菇, literally Tasty Mushroom. Dried shiitake are called 冬菇, literally Winter Mushroom as they are picked in winter. Top quality dried shiitake are known as 花菇, Flower Mushroom due to the pattern on their caps which is thought to resemble a flower. All three feature here.


  1. 香菇菜心                    Shiitake w Choy Sum 
  2. 香菇荷兰豆                Shiitake w Green Beans
  3. 扒金针菇                    Braised Golden Enoki Mushrooms
  4. 草菇炒丝瓜                Straw Mushrooms with Towel Gourd
  5. 金针芦蒿                    Golden Enoki with Mugwort
  6. 香菇双                    Shiitake with Two Shoots (Bamboo and Baby Corn)
  7. 鲜炒香菇                    Fried Shiitake
  8. 香菇炒油菜                Shiitake w Fried Rape Greens
  9. 木耳盐笋                    Wood Ear Fungus w Salted Bamboo Shoots
  10. 平菇炒莴笋                Oyster Mushrooms w Asparagus Lettuce
  11. 香菇烩山药                Shiitake w Chinese Yam
  12. 香菇油菜                    Shiitake w Rape Greens
  13. 葱爆木耳                    Onion Fried Wood Ear
  14. 木耳烧山药                Wood Ear w Chinese Yam
  15. 泡椒扒鲍菇                Pickled Chilli Abalone Mushroom
  16. 草菇菜花                    Straw Mushrooms w Cauliflower
  17. 草菇番茄                    Straw Mushrooms w Tomato
  18. 蟹味菇炒丝瓜             Shimeji Mushrooms w Towel Gourd
  19. 鲜芦猴头菌                Mugwort w Monkey Head Mushrooms (Note 1)
  20. 草菇菜心                    Straw Mushrooms w Choy Sum
  21. 鲜蘑冬笋                    Fresh Mushrooms w Winter Bamboo Shoots
  22. 炒平菇                        Fried Oyster Mushrooms
  23. 杭椒榄菜花菇             Chilli, Chinese Olive Paste and Flower Shiitake
  24. 炒滑子菇                    Fried Nameko Mushrooms
  25. 鲜蘑腐竹                    Fresh Mushrooms w Dried Bean Cream Rolls
  26. 杭椒炒蟹味菇             Chilli w Shimeji Mushrooms
  27. 素炒鸡腿菇                Simple Fried Chicken Leg Mushrooms (Shaggy Ink Cap)
  28. 榛蘑炒西芹                Hazel Mushrooms w Celery
  29. 炒鲜菇                        Stir-Fried Fresh Mixed Mushrooms
  30. 双菇会                        Two Mushroom Assembly (Button Mushrooms, Golden Enoki)
  31. 菜薹鸡腿菇                Vegetable Shoots w Shaggy Ink Cap
  32. 金蒜鸡腿菇                Golden Garlic Shaggy Ink Cap
  33. 榛蘑茄子干                Hazel Mushroom w Dried Eggplant
  34. 慈菇炒青蒜                Arrowhead with Garlic Shoots (Note 2) 
  35. 烩群菇                        A Crowd of Mushrooms (Shiitake, Button, Shaggy Inkcap, Field Mushrooms)
  36. 核桃冬菇                    Walnuts w Shiitake
  37. 素炒三丝                    Stir Fried Three Strips (Hyacinth Bean, Oyster Mushrooms, Woodear)
  38. 猪肚菌炒豆腐             Giant Oyster Mushroom w Tofu
  39. 青蒜慈姑                    Garlic Shoots w Arrowhead
  40. 素三鲜                        Simple Three Delicacies (Chrysanthemum, Fresh Shiitake, Garlic Shoots)
  41. 炒金银丝                  Braise Fried Gold and Silver Strips (Gold Enoki, Bean Sprouts, Green Chilli)                   
  42. 烩素什锦                    Braised Mixed Vegetable w Mushrooms
  43. 豌豆尖扒蟹味菇          Peas w Shimeji Mushrooms


Next: Bean Products



1. In English, these are known as Hedgehog Mushrooms


2. Someone boobed. These are not mushrooms or fungi. They are the tuber of arrowhead (Sagittaria Sagittifolia). The error has arisen because the Chinese name contains the character , which normally means mushroom.

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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
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10. Bean Products


A short section of mostly, but not entirely, tofu. This contains a lot more than just the white wobbly stuff. Most of the varieties of tofu used can be seen on this thread.


香干炒芹菜                            Smoked Tofu with Celery

油豆腐炒小白菜                     Oil Tofu with Baby Bok Choy

鱼香豆腐                                Fish Fragrant Tofu

宫保豆腐丁                            Kung-Po Tofu Cubes

麻婆豆腐                                Mapo Tofu

碧玉炒豆腐                            Jasper Tofu

番茄烧豆腐                            Tomato Tofu

红烧冻豆腐                            Red-Cooked Frozen Tofu

翡翠豆腐                                Halcyon Tofu

家常豆腐                                Daily Life Family Tofu

炒麻豆腐                                Fried Hemp Tofu (Note 1)

豆腐烧板栗                            Tofu with Chinese Chestnuts

冬冬青豆腐                            Winter Winter Green Tofu (Shiitake, Winter Bamboo Shoots, Green Chilli) (Note 2)

泡椒熘豆腐                            Pickled Chilli Tofu

尖椒炒豆腐                            Green Chilli Tofu

风味咖喱豆腐                         Special Flavour Curried Tofu

香干荮芹                                Smoked Tofu with Celery

香菜炒香干                            Cilantro Smoked Beancurd

辣子臭干                                Spicy Stinky Tofu

洋葱炒豆干                            Onion Dried Tofu

黑木耳炒腐竹                         Black Wood Ear Fungus with Dried Bean Cream Rolls

蒜薹面筋                                Garlic SHoots w Fried Gluten

白果腐竹                                Ginkgo with Dried Bean Cream Rolls

红烧豆泡                                Red-Cooked Tofu Puffs

红烧腐竹                                Red-Cooked Dried Bean Cream Rolls.

百叶炒芹菜                            100 Leaf Tofu Cake w Celery

黄豆芽烧豆泡                             Soy Bean Sprouts w Tofu Puffs

辣酱豆腐                                Chilli Sauce Tofu

糖醋面筋                                     Sweet and Sour Tofu

四喜烤麸                                Four Happiness Toasted Bran (Shiitake, Wood Ear, Bamboo Shoot, Day Lily)

老百叶炒红菜                        100 Leaf Tofu Cake w Amaranth

青蒜百叶                                Garlic Chives w 100 Leaf Tofu Cake

野蒜老白叶                            Countryside Garlic w 100 Leaf Tofu Cake

干烧鱼子豆腐                         Dry Fried Tofu with Fish Roe

椒汁玉子豆腐                         Stuffed Japanese Tofu w Chilli Sauce

鲜果素咕 噜肉                        Fresh Fruit with Clucking Chatter Meat!




1. This is a Beijing specialty - a type of tofu made from mung beans rather than the usual soybeans.


2. The Chinese for dried shiitake is 冬菇 (winter mushroom) as they are picked in winter.


Next: The final part - Others

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"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
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11. Others.


A roundup of dishes which fall outside the main categories.



  1. 泡椒牛蛙                                Pickled Chilli Bullfrog
  2. 兴国小野兔                            Xingguo Hare
  3. 回锅猪肉                                Twice Cooked Pork                        
  4. 小辣椒炒兔丁                        Small Chilli Rabbit Cubes
  5. 栗子烧牛蛙                            Chestnut w Bullfrog
  6. 炒蛙腿                                    Fried Frog's Legs                            
  7. 银杏牛蛙                                Ginkgo Bullfrog
  8. 馋嘴牛蛙                                Gluttonous Bullfrog
  9. 旺仔牛蛙                                Prosperous Son Bullfrog
  10. 橄榄菜爆牛蛙                        Chinese Olive Paste Bullfrog
  11. 剁椒粉皮                                Chopped Chilli Bean Jelly
  12. 阳新三鲜苕粉皮                    Yangxin Three Flavour Bean Jelly
  13. 酸菜炒粉丝                            Pickled Cabbage Vermicelli
  14. 桂花炒粉丝                            Osmanthus Vermicelli
  15. 清烩素四宝                            Simple Four Treasures (Asparagus Lettuce, Wax                                                                      Gourd, Straw Mushrooms,Carrot )
  16. 素炒酱丁                                Simple Fried Vegetables in Sauce
  17. 葱油裙菜                                Onion w Wakame Seaweed
  18. 香卤裙带                                Stewed Wakame Seaweed
  19. 炒咸什                                    Fried Salted Vegetables
  20. 植物四宝                                Plants' Four Treasures (Corn, Asparagus Lettuce,                                                                     Straw Mushrooms, Chinese Yam)
  21. 炒年糕                                    Fried New Year Cake
  22. 五彩素丝                                Five Colour Vegetable Slivers
  23. 爆肉炒饼                                Exploding Meat, Fried Cake                                 
  24. 红烧鹌鹑                                Red-Cooked Quail
  25. 一口香                                    One Mouth Taste (Zongzi, Millet, Mushroom)
  26. 锅塌三鲜                                Pot Fall Three Delicacies (Chicken, Beef, Shrimp)
  27. 荞麦盅                                    Buckwheat Cup
  28. 炒鸽脯                                    Fried Pigeon Breast
  29. 五彩鸽丝                                Five Colour Pigeon
  30. 尖椒鹌鹑                                Chilli Quail
  31. 咸菜烧鸽子                            Pickles w Pigeon
  32. 熘雀脯                                    Fried Sparrow Breast
  33. 土豆烧鸽子                            Potato w Pigeon


The End

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I mentioned up-thread that the term 小炒 - usually translated as 'stir-fried', has a wider meaning than is used in the west, It is often combined with other techniques in the preparation of dishes. Here is a list of the terms used in this book.


炒【chǎo】 stir-fry; fry; saute.
烧【shāo】 burn; cook; bake; heat; stew after frying or stewed in soy sauce; 
爆【bào】 explode; burst; quick-fry; quick-boil.
焖【mèn】 boil in a covered pot over a slow fire; braise.
熘【liū】    saute; quick-fry. 
馏【liù】 heat up in a steamer.
煸【biān】 stir-fry before stewing.
烩【huì】 braise; cook (rice or shredded pancakes) with meat, vegetables 
and water.
炝【qiàng】 boil (meat or vegetables) in water for a while, then dress with 
soy, vinegar, etc.; fry sth. quickly in hot oil, then cook it with sauce 
and water.
卤【lǔ】stew (whole chickens or ducks, large cuts of 
meat, etc.) in soy sauce; thick gravy used as a sauce for noodles, etc..
烤【kǎo】 bake; roast; toast; scorching.
扒【pá】 gather up; rake up; stew; braise.
These techniques are often combined so you might see something described as 炝炒 【qiàng chǎo】which would mean boiled, then fried.
You will notice that many of these Chinese characters contain the element 火 on the left. This means 'fire'.
I think I have got them all covered here. If not, let me know.
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I picked this up with the express intent of comparing it with Fuchsia Dunlop's Sichuan food classic, Land of Plenty/Sichuan Cookery (US/UK titles).



Family Style Sichuan Food


I realise it is a somewhat unfair comparison as the two books were written for very different audiences. Ms. Dunlop was writing to introduce a cuisine to people who probably knew little, if anything, about it. This book is written for people who know the dishes, but perhaps not how to recreate them. But hey!


I've put recipes which are also in Dunlop in red,although some are under slightly different names.


The book is glossy with good illustrations and clear recipes. It also has useful tips and general suggestions in addition to straight-forward recipes. A couple of sample pages




The book is in five sections.


1。 蔬菜食用菌 Vegetables and Edible Mushrooms
Bitter Melon
田园菜头汤             Countryside Vegetable Top Soup
干煸冬笋                  Dry Fried Winter Bamboo Shoots
囗蘑锅巴汤              St, George's Mushroom, Rice Crust Soup
五丝酸辣汤              Five Stripe Hot and Sour Soup
蒜蓉西蓝花              Garlic Broccoli
炝莲白                     Fried White Lotus
开水白菜                 Boiled Cabbage
蒜泥茄子                 Mashed Garlic Eggplant
酱烧冬笋                 Fried Winter Bamboo Shoots w Sauce
麻酱素什锦             Sesame Paste Mixed Vegetables
香酥鲜菇                 Tasty Crisp Fresh Mushrooms
五味苦瓜                 Five Flavour Bitter Melon
鲜藕丝糕                 Fresh Lotus Cake
干贝菜心                 Dried Scallop w Choy Sum 
川味炒豆尖             Sichuan Flavour Fried Beans
豇豆肉末                Cowpea with Ground Pork
素炒黄瓜                Simple Fried Cucumber
榄菜四季豆            Chinese Olive Paste w Green Beans
油泼双芽菜            Oil Splashed Two Sprouts 
葱油拌苦瓜            Fried Onion w Bitter Melon
黄金白玉汤            Gold and White Jade Soup
榨菜炒肉                Hot Pickled Mustard Tuber w Pork
大白菜炒虾仁        Cabbage Fried w Shrimp
豆豉苦瓜                Black Fermented Beans w Bitter Melon
干煸扁豆                Dry Fried Hyacinth Bean
红烧平菇                Red Cooked Oyster Mushrooms
辣炒芋头片            Spicy Fried Taro
干煸藕                   Dry Fried Lotus
炒豌豆                   Fried Peas
辣卤花菜               Spicy Stewed Cauliflower
雪里蕻烧茭白        Potherb Mustard Fried Wild Rice Stem
蒜蓉筱麦菜           Garlic Fried Buckwheat Vegetable
2。 营养畜肉 Nourishing Farmed Meat
Lamb Belly
鱼香肉丝               Fish Fragrant Pork Slivers
火爆肚头               Flash Fried Pork Tripe
竹荪肝膏汤           Bamboo Fungus Pork Liver Pate Soup
菜心狮子头           Choy Sum Lion's Head Meatballs
东坡肘子               DongPo Pork Elbow
原笼玉簪               Rice Coated Pork Ribs
盐煎肉                  Salt Fried Pork
红油猪蹄筋           Chilli Oil Pork Tendons
杞子炖牛鞭           Goji Berry Ox Penis
蒜泥白肉               Mashed Garlic  w Boiled Pork
小炒兔丁               Stir Fried Rabbit Cubes
炝拌牛百叶           Boiled Mixed Ox Tripe
肉末花生米           Ground Beef w Pignuts
红油猪舌              Chilli Oil Pig's Tongue
椒油拌腰片          Chilli Oil Kidney
合川肉片             HeChuan Sliced Pork
萝卜排骨汤         Chinese Radish and Spare RIb Soup
自贡冷吃兔         ZiGong Cold Rabbit
川椒小炒肉         Sichuan Chilli Fried Pork
川四肉豆腐         Sichuan Pork Tofu*
豆干腊肉             Dried Tofu w Cured Pork
爆炒羊肚丝         Quick Fried Sheep's Stomach
糖醋排骨             Sweet and Sour Ribs
沸腾羊肉             Boiled Mutton
荷兰豆炒腊肉      Green Beans w Cured Pork
红烧带皮羊         Red Cooked Lamb Strip Loin
油泼羊肉             Oil Splashed Mutton
野山椒炒牛肉丝  Countryside and  Mountains Chilli Fried Beef
香辣排骨             Spicy Spare Ribs
羊里脊骨头汤      Lamb Tenderloin Bone soup
尖椒炒牛柳         Chilli Fried Beef Fillet
3。 禽蛋豆制品 Birds, Eggs, and Bean Products
Mapo Tofu
麻婆豆腐            Mapo Tofu
菜豆腐                Vegetable Tofu
口袋豆腐            Stuffed Tofu
大蒜烧鸡胗        Garlic Chicken Gizzard
辣子鸡丁            Lazi Chicken Cubes (Chicken with Chillies)
神仙鸭子            Immortal Duck
椒麻鸡片            Hot and Numbing Chicken Slices 
辣子鸡翅            Lazi Chicken Wings
贵妃鸡翅            Highest Ranking Concubine Chicken Wings
素炒辣豆丁        Simple Fried Spicy Tofu
北碚河水豆花    Beipei River Water Tofu Flowers (Soft Tofu)
香熏鹌鹑蛋        Smoked Quail Eggs
五香酱干            Five Spice Dried Tofu
花椒鸡丁           Sichuan Peppercorn Chicken
太白鸭子           Taibai Duck
魔芋烧鸭           Taro Duck
火爆乳鸽           Quick Fried Pigeon Breast
宫保鸡丁           Kung-Po Chicken
松子鸭羹           Pine Nut Duck Soup
虫草鸭子           Caterpillar Fungus Duck
白果烧鸡           Ginkgo Stewed Chicken
碎米鸡丁           Crushed Peanut Chicken
旱蒸贝母鸡        Steamed Fritillary Bulb Chicken
三菌炖鸡           Three Mushroom Stewed Chicken
天麻鸽脯           Gastrodia Tuber Pigeon Breast
宜宾怪味鸡        Yibin Strange Taste Chicken
麻辣汉阳鸡        Hot and Numbing Hanyang Chicken
粉皮拌鸡丝        Bean Starch Jelly w Chicken
铺盖鸡               Bedclothes Chicken
古蔺麻辣鸡        Gulin Hot and Numbing Chicken
皮蛋豆花            Preserved Egg Tofu Flower
菜梗滑鸡            Vegetable Shoot Slippery Chicken
橙皮鸡块            Tangerine Peel Chicken
川味鸡条            Sichuan Flavour Chicken
咖喱鸡块            Curried Chicken
红火麻辣鸡         Prosperous Hot and Numbing Chicken
鸭血烧公鸡         Duck's Blood Fried Rooster
糖醋鸡块.           Sweet and Sour Chicken
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...your dancing child with his Chinese suit.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot"
Mark Twain

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4. 水产品 Aquatic Products


kelp%20knots.jpgKelp Knots


水煮鱼                Stewed Fish in Spicy Broth

香芹花蛤            Celery Frog

酸菜鱼                Pickled Vegetable Fish

大蒜鲇鱼            Garlic Catfish

蚝油海丁            Oyster Sauce Sea Snails

鲜椒烹虾            Fresh Chilli Boiled Shrimp

双椒拌螺丁        Two Chilli Snails

辣炒海肠            Spicy Fried Penis Fish (Urechis unicinctus)

绣球干贝            Silk Ball Dried Scallops

大蒜烧鳝段        Garlic Fried Eel

家常海参            Family Style Sea Cucumber

五柳鱼                Five Willow Fish

蛋煎蛎黄            Egg Fried Oyster Cake

生卤青虾            Stewed Freshwater Shrimp

香煎大虾            Fragrant Fried Large Shrimp

清蒸雅鱼            Steamed Snowtrout

二黄汤鱼           Two Yellows Soup w Fish (Egg Yolk and Corn)

干烧岩鲤           Dry Fried Rock Carp

干煸鱿鱼丝        Dry Fried Squid 

豆瓣鲜鱼           Douban Squid (Note 1)

大蒜干贝           Garlic Dried Scallops (Note 2)

凉拌海肠           Cold Dressed Penis Fish

香辣田螺           Spicy River Snails

豆腐鲫鱼           Tofu w Crucian Carp

韭菜海肠           Garlic Chives Penis Fish

油爆鱼仁           Fried Fish Pieces

凉拌海带           Cold Dressed Kelp

盐卤虾爬子       Salt Stewed Shrimp

干煎大虾           Dry Fried Large Shrimp

香辣毛蟹           Spicy Hairy Crab

川味虾仁           Sichuan Flavour Shrimp

川味鱼头           Sichuan Flavour Fish Head

葱香花蟹           Onion w Flower Crab

粉丝蒸虾仁       Vermicelli w Steamed Shrimp


5。 主食 Staples


IMG_2544.jpgSesame Balls


红焖排骨面        Soy Sauce Stewed Spare Rib Noodles

雪菜肉丝面        Snow Vegetable Pork Noodles

竹筒鲜虾饭        Bamboo Tube Small Shrimp w RIce

成都担担面        Chengdu Dandan Noodles

川味麻团            Sichuan Flavour Sesame Balls

水晶蒸饺           Crystal Steamed Dumplings (Jiaozi)

菠菜猪肝粥        Spinach and Pork Liver Rice Porridge

猫珥朵               Cat's Ears

川味豆花面        Sichuan Flavour Soft Tofu Noodles

赖汤圆               Mr. Lai’s Tangyuan (Sticky Rice Balls)

彩椒牛肉灼饭    Coloured Peppers Beef Fried Rice

川味油酥饼        Sichuan Flavour Flaky Cake

川味开口笑        Sichuan Flavour Mouth Open Smile


Note 1: Douban refers to Doubanjiang


Note 2: This dish calls for Single Headed Garlic


As you will have seen, there are not many duplications between the two books. That is not a negative criticism of either. Sichuan food is too big a subject for any one book to cover. As Ms. Dunlop points out, there are said to be over 5,000 dishes.


If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer, but I am no expert.

Edited by liuzhou (log)
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