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    Ottawa, Ontario

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  1. They currently have a strawberry and white chocolate panetonne. John is picking one up on Wednesday and when we have some, I'll post about it on the panetonne topic.
  2. True, that. It's why when it comes to strawberry preserves, i like to make freezer jam. It's as close to a ripe strawberry as i can get in the middle of (insert cold month here).
  3. I dunno. I'll let you know what it's like. What is the strawberry ice cream horror story? I love strawberry ice cream. Actually, i think the only ice cream i don't like is chocolate.
  4. @Smithy i just put in an order with Gouter. It included a Strawberry and White Panetonne. I've taken to spreading a miniscule amount of butter on a slice of panetonne, putting it into a dry frying pan and warm over not too high heat until both sides have browned up a bit. Delicious.
  5. You're a brave soul. It's not something I could do.
  6. Are you all by yourself there?
  7. I'm not much help but did you try calling Breville? I just tried copying a recipe into Evernote and while I could copy the ingredients and method successfully, I could not copy and paste the whole thing. It's almost as though they don't want you to be able to do this. Also, there are no print buttons on the recipes that I could see.
  8. Will do.
  9. @Smithy Seeing your smoked salmon pate reminded me that i used to make a smoked salmon mousse. I must dig that recipe out and make it. It's been a couple of years since I've made it.
  10. ElsieD

    Spice Storage Ideas

    I have the same problem with the upper cupboards. Some lighter stuff i can grab with long tongs, otherwise it's 6'3" tall John to the rescue.
  11. @rotuts. What a great idea!
  12. It's wonderful to see you decided to post about your travels. Some memories will be difficult for you, but I wish you much more happiness than sadness as you traverse this next chapter in your life. I shall be following along, giving you hugs if and when you need them.
  13. Thank you. Yes, it was the first recipe, the one from Jill. It was so easy, essentially put everything in a bowl, knead with your KA, proof, knock down, shape, add topping, rise, bake. It's hard for me to compare it to Dave's but I'm happy enough (very) that I can stop looking and make this bread. I also decided that from now on I'll bake it in my larger Pullman pan. The slices from the one I made today don't fit my toaster.
  14. I made the Guardian recipe today. Picture attached. As you can see, no two baked up the same. For some reason, the butter "clotted" if you know what I mean. I guess the batter was too cold or butter a bit too warm when it went in. I baked just 6, with the remaining batter I'll warm it up enough to melt the butter, then bake those. I'll be curious to see how those turn out.
  15. Here are a couple of pictures of the multigrain bread. I followed the recipe except i used a soaker as mentioned and used 3 tablespoons of honey, not 2. The bread needs more salt, and that's coming from someone who is not a salt lick. I did have to add more flour to the mix but next time I will either a) not soak my seeds or b) adjust the amount of water used in the soak. I can always use more flour/water if needed. But, I have to say that this bread is absolutely delicious and I'll be making it again and again. Thank you @PatrickT!
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