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Bruchetta Pizza


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Who has the best bruchetta pizza in northern NJ? I like Forte's in West Caldwell. Anyone have any suggestions?

Oh, and I heard (not sure if it is true) that they had a fire in Forte's last night. I'm not sure about the damage or if anyone got hurt!!!

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What is bruchetta pizza?

I don't understand why rappers have to hunch over while they stomp around the stage hollering.  It hurts my back to watch them. On the other hand, I've been thinking that perhaps I should start a rap group here at the Old Folks' Home.  Most of us already walk like that.

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Is that like a pizza cruist, sauceless, adorned with uncooked chopped tomatoes, basil and rubbed with garlic in the style of bruschetta? I've never heard of it referred to in that way.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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Is that like a pizza cruist, sauceless, adorned with uncooked chopped tomatoes, basil and rubbed with garlic in the style of bruschetta? I've never heard of it referred to in that way.

Damn shame the Italian word 'bruschetta' has completely lost its meaning in the US. I even had one waitress tell me that "bruschetta is like an Italian salsa." It's come to mean the optional and varied toppings, instead of the bread. That's even worse than the fact that nobody here seems to be able to pronounce it correctly, although we have no problem with the hard 'ch' sound in Chianti.

Edited by Jaymes (log)

I don't understand why rappers have to hunch over while they stomp around the stage hollering.  It hurts my back to watch them. On the other hand, I've been thinking that perhaps I should start a rap group here at the Old Folks' Home.  Most of us already walk like that.

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Welcome to Jersey, Jaymes.

Yeah, Bruschetta is technically just toasted bread with garlic rubbed on top. The tomato and basil thing is really just a variation that has eclipsed the original in terms of popularity here in the NY Metro Area.

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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To be fair, you do see that kind of pizza in Italy. I used to eat it at pizza a taglio places all the time, sometimes with shaved parmesan (good) or tuna (better) added. Too bad the American places feel like they have to call it "bruschetta".

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To be fair, you do see that kind of pizza in Italy.  I used to eat it at pizza a taglio places all the time, sometimes with shaved parmesan (good) or tuna (better) added.  Too bad the American places feel like they have to call it "bruschetta".

Not quibbling about the kind of pizza. I know they have it in Italy. It's the complete bastardization of the word "bruschetta" (as well as the mispronounciation) that I find lamentable.

I don't understand why rappers have to hunch over while they stomp around the stage hollering.  It hurts my back to watch them. On the other hand, I've been thinking that perhaps I should start a rap group here at the Old Folks' Home.  Most of us already walk like that.

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Oh they bastardize a lot more than the word bruschetta in Jersey. You ever watch the Sopranos?

Jason Perlow, Co-Founder eGullet Society for Culinary Arts & Letters

Foodies who Review South Florida (Facebook) | offthebroiler.com - Food Blog (archived) | View my food photos on Instagram

Twittter: @jperlow | Mastodon @jperlow@journa.host

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Oh they bastardize a lot more than the word bruschetta in Jersey. You ever watch the Sopranos?

Nope. HBO is too high on the hog (as we say in the south) for me.

And you're right that there are a great many worse things to get one's panties in a wad about. But it does grate on the nerves when I ask a waitress, "What on earth is 'Chicken Bruschetta Salad'?" to have her tell me confidently (and a little smugly) that it's "cold chunks of chicken tossed with pasta and brushetta, which is a kind of Italian salsa." I mean, that's laugh-out-loud funny.

And I did.


Edited by Jaymes (log)

I don't understand why rappers have to hunch over while they stomp around the stage hollering.  It hurts my back to watch them. On the other hand, I've been thinking that perhaps I should start a rap group here at the Old Folks' Home.  Most of us already walk like that.

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