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Potato-Onion Bin


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You know those Potato/Onion Storage Bins you can buy at the Farmer's Market, etc. Well, I'm interested in buying one but I was wondering if anyone knows if I bought one with 3 drawers (if I can find one) if it would be ok to store apples in one of the drawers as well? I don't have a large kitchen and storing the apples by the bananas makes them all ripe too fast. I just don't know if they would store well with onions and potatoes or would they have the same effect on the potatoes as they do on bananas?

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Orison Swett Marden

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Hmmmm ... I'm afraid there might be a few problems with your storage plans:

1. The bin pictured in the link you gave has openings in the bin doors--yep, the openings are screened, but it looks like light can get through easily. Potatoes need to be stored in complete darkness, or else their skins will turn green, signifying that they're forming a toxin called solanine.

2. It's not a good idea to store onions and potatoes together, because onions produce that ethylene gas that hastens ripening and/or decay. I'm not certain that the bin as pictured provides enough separation between the onions and potatoes to prevent that, especially with the screened openings. I do know that when I tried to store onions in the same under-the-counter cabinet, even though they were on entirely different shelves they still managed to funkify each other pretty thoroughly.

3. Apples are pretty fierce ethylene-producers too, so I'd have the same concern with putting apples in with the potatoes and onions in the three-drawer bin setup.

Anyway, just my opinion.

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What mizducky said! Ditto!

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I don't store mine together, but I do store them in the same cupboard in separate bins and I've never had a problem. I have to admit that bin looks really cool.


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Wha? I've always stored my onions and potatos together and I've never had a problem.

Heh. Well, I congratulate you on your onions-and-potatoes good fortune. :smile:

In case anyone thinks this is an old wives' tale, a Googling found several mentions of the same issue. Here's one example -- scroll down to second paragraph under the subheading "Storage".

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I don't store mine together, but I do store them in the same cupboard in separate bins and I've never had a problem.  I have to admit that bin looks really cool.

It does indeed! But the real question is, of course: are you going to spring for the extra five bucks and get the sucker finished? I love that there's such a small price difference. Why do I find this so funny? I think I need sleep. :laugh:

Interesting science stuff, Ducky! I rarely have potatoes in the house, so I hadn't noticed this...it's making me want to do some sort of experiment.

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Thanks for all the help! What Mizducky said is kinda what I thought. That potato/onion bin was just an example. They do come just solid without the screens as well but it's good to know that potatoes should be in the dark. Currently my potatoes and onions are stored in the bags they come in on different steps down my back (inside) stairs. They hold up pretty good. Definitely better than if they are both on the same stair. I just thought it would be nice to have something tidy to store them in. Anyone have any creative ways of storing potatoes, onions and apples that doesn't take a ton of room?

Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Orison Swett Marden

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These are what I use currently. You can stack them on top of each other to save space if you want. They reside in one of my lower cupboards. Nice and dark for potatoes.

I still really like that bin though. Oh well. (yes Megan, I'd spring for the 5 bucks to get it finished :biggrin: )


Practice. Do it over. Get it right.

Mostly, I want people to be as happy eating my food as I am cooking it.

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I have a few wicker bins I got from IKEA that are on shelves in my pantry where it is dark and cold, I store potatoes and onions together (and garlic and shallots) and don't have too much of a problem but I'm also using them pretty fast

They look like this but are MUCH cheaper

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You know those Potato/Onion Storage Bins you can buy at the Farmer's Market, etc. Well, I'm interested in buying one but I was wondering if anyone knows if I bought one with 3 drawers (if I can find one) if it would be ok to store apples in one of the drawers as well? I don't have a large kitchen and storing the apples by the bananas makes them all ripe too fast. I just don't know if they would store well with onions and potatoes or would they have the same effect on the potatoes as they do on bananas?

How long do you intend to store your 'taters and oynuns? My mother has a very rustic looking bin that has that exact wording, pretty cute. I store both in the same kitchen drawer and have had no problems. But I only cook for two and use up my supply pretty quickly. Apples and other fruit are stored separately. An onion scented apple is not a good thing when all I want is an apple.

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