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Chicago Red Hots

Jeff L

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I have been having a real jones for the Chicago style hot dog of late and don't know of any place locally to get a fix.

I was in a Chicago syle restaurant over the weekend and saw a picture of a red hot on the wall. I asked the waitress if I could get one and was told they don't make them, it's just wall art. I then asked for a Smithwick ale after seeing the picture on the wall too and guess what... more wall art!

I used to eat these hot dogs all the time in college in Illinois and miss them. It's the only thing about the midwest that I miss food-wise.

Red hot perfection would be a soft sesame bun equipped with an all beef dog, raw chopped onions, some deli mustard, a nice crisp pickle and maybe a little relsh too.


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Johnnie's Dog House in Wayne comes close.  The bun has nary a poppyseed, but the relish is neon green.

Well that is sure closer than Illinois and I'll be sure to try it. Should have known you'd be the go to guy on all things hot dogs.

Yes it is indeed poppy seed not sesame-what was I thinking of sesame chicken maybe?!


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My vote is for Johnnie's. Man now I have to go get one.


Ah, it's been way too long since I did a butt. - Susan Fahning aka "snowangel"


One summers evening drunk to hell, I sat there nearly lifeless…Warren

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  • 3 weeks later...
Johnnie's Dog House in Wayne comes close.  The bun has nary a poppyseed, but the relish is neon green.

I was planning on meeting a friend at Johnnie's and could not tell from their web site if it is eat-in or just take-out. If it is eat-in, what is the lunch crowd like?

Pretty lunchy.

Rich Pawlak


Reporter, The Trentonian

Feature Writer, INSIDE Magazine
Food Writer At Large


"In Cerveza et Pizza Veritas"

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There's a communal table that seats about 8 and a counter with stools running along the wall and across the window. There have always been a few kids with parents. Other than that - other people who eat hot dogs.

Holly Moore

"I eat, therefore I am."



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I'm willing to bet Phungi was wondering whether it was super-busy at lunch or not: lines out the door or easy to get a table, long waits or a fast-moving line, etc.

But I suppose it's good to know if they have a dress code, or a velvet rope and a bouncer!

"Philadelphia’s premier soup dumpling blogger" - Foobooz


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Re dress suggestions - I try to wear a mustard colored shirt - anyone who has shared a table with me understands why I choose clothes to match the meal colors.

There are only a few seats - catch as catch can. I've always been able to grab a seat. They turn over quickly.

Holly Moore

"I eat, therefore I am."



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Went to Johnnie's today... luckily I did not require a chili-colored shirt and there were about 10 kids who were metabolizing milkshakes by yelling and using the limited available floor space for sprinting.

Dogs were very good though, although mid-day pre-holiday parking in Wayne was an interesting experience.

I belch, therefore, I ate...

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Not sure if this adds anything to this thread but last week I was on Rt 322 North headed for Rt 1, in Delaware Co. About two or three miles south of Rt 1 I passed a place with a a sign outside saying " Wally's Weiner World". There was a sign in the window that said " Opening REAL soon".

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Not sure if this adds anything to this thread but last week I was on Rt 322 North headed for Rt 1, in Delaware Co. About two or three miles south of Rt 1 I passed a place with a a sign outside saying " Wally's Weiner World". There was a sign in the window that said " Opening REAL soon".


Let's hope that Wally is actually serving hot dogs.

Rich Pawlak


Reporter, The Trentonian

Feature Writer, INSIDE Magazine
Food Writer At Large


"In Cerveza et Pizza Veritas"

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