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Everything posted by Robenco15

  1. Toyama 300mm Kasumi Sujihiki 8” #500 Sieve In My Blood cookbook
  2. I’m a big Alleno fan and have been wanting to do this for awhile. He makes sauces from vegetables and meat by cooking them sous vide and then cryoconcentrating them with a centrifuge to extract the pure flavor of the product. I don’t have a centrifuge so I made it work without. Started with 1kg of Celery Root and 600g of water and seeled it with my FoodSaver. Then I cooked it for 12hrs at 83C. After that it comes out and cools for 2 hours before straining through a #200 sieve. That liquid goes in an ice cream maker until it freezes and becomes a grainy ice mixture. I put that mixture in a chilled bowl strainer over a pot and put it all in the fridge. As it thawed, the celery root extract thawed quicker than the water, leaving the water in the strainer and the extract below in the pot. After over 24 hours I put the ice in the strainer in one freezer bag to re-freeze and thaw again and the extract in another bag to re-freeze and thaw again. The taste is incredibly pure celery root with a bit of a minerally flavor. It lasts a LONG time on the palate and has some thickness to it. Actual time I had to spend doing anything was very little. Still a lot of time for not a ton of yield, but absolutely worth it to me. Can’t wait to concentrate the flavor further and pair it with a dish or two.
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  3. Right?
  4. Oh I know where to buy it. I'm saying I'm surprised this is the first mention of it on eGullet (that I could find) considering it looks to be one of the best cook books released this year in the Restaurant Chef category. I mean, check out the recipes on his site (https://chefbobech.com/). The Turbot with Fennel Ravioli and Gruyere is unbelievably simple in its ingredients and uses such a creative technique. I already know I'll be making that come January (with a substitute for the Turbot unless I'm feeling $$). Same with the Raw Langoustine, Hibiscus, and Yuzu. It is refreshing to see dishes made with only such a few ingredients elevated to such heights with such creative techniques.
  5. Anyone here check out Bo Bech’s “In My Blood”? Based on the three recipes I’ve seen, I’m blown away by the techniques used with such few ingredients. I can’t see why I won’t be buying this.
  6. Robenco15

    Dinner 2018

    Simple Shoyu Ramen with what I had on hand. No scallions or other greens unfortunately. Still didn’t suck.
  7. Robenco15

    Dinner 2018

    “Caramel Apple” Caramelized Carrot Soup with Granny Smith apples that have been infused with carrot juice.
  8. Write a book. People will buy it.
  9. Robenco15

    Dinner 2018

    Pressure Cooked Red Wine Braised Short Ribs with Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Thyme and Honey Carrots, and Red Wine Balsamic Reduction. I need to figure out how to get better lighting. I spend too much time, making too good of food, for such shitty photos, hahaha.
  10. Robenco15

    Dinner 2018

    Took me awhile to get it out, but once I did I was hooked. Would get home from work and throw a batch together for dinner. Just gotta get over the hump!
  11. Robenco15

    Dinner 2018

    Way to be!
  12. Robenco15

    Dinner 2018

    Made some pasta for Cacio e Pepe. Realized at the very end that I made a full amount of sauce for only half the amount of pasta. Still tasted fantastic and will definitely be doing this again and again, but it resulted in probably too heavy of a sauce for this pasta dish. Therefore, you could argue the presentation isn’t quite right. Easy to cut in half for next time.
  13. I made this tonight actually. Used Alton Brown’s recipe from his new Good Eats Reloaded show. No idea how true to form it was but it was great. 100 grams of pecorino to 50 grams of parmigiana. He makes a cheese paste in a bowl, then adds pasta water, then adds the pasta to it. No clumping or anything. https://www.cookingchanneltv.com/recipes/alton-brown/cacio-e-pepe-5458695
  14. I can’t wait to hear how this is!
  15. 54C for 72 hours should do the trick.
  16. There is nothing wrong with using a hair dryer (on Cool) to remove moisture from food, like a chicken. Probably should use a dedicated hair dryer, but regardless, it is a great technique. I can’t be the only person who has read this - https://www.newyorker.com/culture/annals-of-gastronomy/yes-i-use-a-hair-dryer-to-make-roast-chicken It is completely valid. Hell, Anthony Bourdain was an early advocate. The major takeaway from that recipe though is the incremental method of cooking the chicken. I’ve done it twice, sans hair dryer as I was able to allow the chicken to sit in the fridge long enough the first time and the second time I realized I had no idea where my wife keeps her hair dryer. That incremental method of cooking the chicken yields amazing results. Truly worth doing. Maybe not every time, but definitely from time to time. And use a hair dryer! Don’t be afraid! edit: As this pertains to Sous Vide cooked meat, I wouldn’t worry about moisture past blotting it with paper towels. The way you sear it is more important. I agree with that assessment. Throwing it in the freezer for 5-10 minutes before searing will protect against overcooking during the sear too. Apologize if my hair dryer rant was a bit off topic given this thread is specifically aimed at sous vide cooking. Just can’t help myself when hair dryers are brought up I guess!
  17. Robenco15

    Breakfast! 2018

    Eggs Benedict Sous vide egg (75C for 14 minutes) and homemade Hollandaise.
  18. I have it if you want it. PM me?
  19. I bought a GE Cafe 995CHSELSS back in May. I ******* love it. Double ovens that have plenty of room and the induction knobs are VARIABLE CONTROL. No 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, etc. All slight or not so slight adjustments made with a turn of a knob. The largest burner is 3700 watts on Hi and that equates to just under 27,000 BTUs. When I boil water I have it on Hi but then have to turn it down to 8 as the water starts to boil over (!). Then when I blanch vegetables or add pasta I turn it back to Hi and it doesn’t lose its boil. I can’t recommend it enough. Was 100% all in on a Blue Star 36” 6 burner stove but a few kitchen logistical things got in the way and I think I’m happier for it. I did not read the entire post so forgive me if I am sharing things that have already been mentioned or am off topic, but I wanted to share my experience. Would be glad to answer any questions. Edit: Also, the knobs are in front, not above the burners and in the back!
  20. I really enjoy this expansive book of his from his institute. Everything has a picture that goes wil each instruction and it is incredibly thorough. May not be my most used book, but it is a wonderful book to have on hand. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0600634175/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1516462334&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=paul+bocuse&dpPl=1&dpID=41Q-V01aa5L&ref=plSrch
  21. Robenco15

    Dinner 2018

    My first go at homemade ramen (aside from the noodles). Shuyo Ramen from Japanese Soul Cooking. Amazing book.
  22. Hey everyone, I posted this in the Japan forum but I wanted to see if I could get more eyes on it. I want to start bringing the influences of Japan and Kaiseki into my cooking and had some quick questions. Is Kaiseki: The Exquisite Cuisine of Kyoto's Kikunoi Restaurant still the best book on Kaiseki cooking? I know it is a restaurant cookbook, but looks like it also gives the general basis for Kaiseki cooking and what exactly Kaiseki cooking is a modern sense. Has anyone apart from Jo read the Japanese Culinary Academy books? Volume 1 and 2 interest me the most, starting with volume 1. I know Volume 1 touches on Kaiseki as well. Thank you!
  23. Hey everyone, I wanted to comment on this very old thread as I also want to start bringing the influences of Japan and Kaiseki into my cooking and had some quick questions. Is this Kaiseki cookbook mentioned in the beginning still the best book on Kaiseki cooking? I know it is a restaurant cookbook, but looks like it also gives the general basis for modern day Kaiseki cooking. Are there other sources out there? More recent? Has anyone apart from Jo read the Japanese Culinary Academy books? Volume 1 and 2 interest me the most, starting with volume 1. Does that contain mich Kaiseki info? Thank you!
  24. ...if I had a steam oven. Cool professionalhobbit! In the Relae book they also talk of using purified water.
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