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    Southern Chester Co.

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  1. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    Pan roasted branzino with caper/tomato compote.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/AccuSharp-ACCU-001C-001C-Knife-Sharpener/dp/B00004VWKQ/ref=sr_1_5_pp?crid=2HBCNT7T76TIF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Tllx9nLFJTGdJLupIM6F4Lm_XwGMOTbbVwEYyGOoHyj4RCQv2Oqos26eQ1ukwSaRptcSFuvp4ltnlPybbgKHJcFhv-HlXD_4kzip_jSba0uq3kUFRBDOW30TbH0-2DHHdVryejKxqF_At4F-9t1enX5u2dBoLXEYrgZK6n1XIklLJsTyRgW_WZRYJqAVmqr4G27Lsw-aVasIVezwt_5zZjQFKmqJNNEPpEL0kPI_t9aydP-nq9Q4MHCCjQqL0vXTdcU0In4TepALcBDl-mYPZr1ruX6xfmS21taHO66ddnA.S4u5cH9t5hdGbFm4Ibi6DerwDqil4BvUUayLAinQsHI&dib_tag=se&keywords=knife+sharpener&qid=1724554988&sprefix=knife+sharpener%2Caps%2C425&sr=8-5 I have this one which,I'm sure , horrifies the knife mavens, but its fine.
  3. The addition of salt doesn't change the boiling point much. Sea water, about 3%, boils around 102C. And I doubt blanching water is often as much as 3% salt
  4. I don't think there were wrong comments, just ones that address different aspects of the question.
  5. Theres enough O2 in water to oxidize, but thats not what id see as the issue. The color change in fruit and veg is usually enzymatic. Heat inactivates the enzymes which is one of the reasons to blanch veg. To me the bigger reason to start with hot water is determining cooking time. Water volume determines time to boiling. If you start with boiling, the cooking time will be the same, big pot or small.
  6. But other than for those who can't use a knife, does this offer any advantage?
  7. Other than for those who can't use a knife, does this offer any advantage?
  8. Classic Raynor. A no content column. 1000 or so easy-reading words that leave me no better informed. (As if that were possible in the first place)
  9. Unless all the brits i see on BBC are eating French breakfasts I think the evidence favors "no effect"
  10. You snooze you lose. " You take it...no you take it...oh I couldn't...lets split it" Barf
  11. gfweb

    Cooking with wet meat

    Salting meat gets some water out. I think I'd salt it and place it on a paper towel in the fridge.
  12. I had a ton of tomatoes that I was going to make sauce out of and grabbed the food mill (which I had never used). The product was a homogenized sauce, which I guess is the point, but what a lot of work and a bit of wastage too. It did filter out the seeds. Any tips from food mill pros? Other than the seed extraction I'd rather use a stick blender.
  13. gfweb

    Dinner 2024

    Steak, twice baked potatoes and tomato basil salad.
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