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Kim Shook

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    Richmond, VA

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  1. I made a version of the lemon glow chiffon cake from this thread. I couldn't have been more satisfied with the result - it was delicious and tender and beautifully lemony. I served it topped with @Tropicalsenior's lovely microwave lemon curd.
  2. Welcome to eG, @Roshani! As you can see there is a lot of interest in your contributions! I'm looking forward to your posts!
  3. Thank you so much, @OlyveOyl! As I said to you, that is really a HUGE difference.
  4. I do have a question for anyone who has made this cake or just anyone who had a copy of The Cake Bible. I don't have a copy of the book (at least that I can find ๐Ÿ˜). So I did a search and found this recipe. This one says it is adapted from the Cake Bible recipe and is the one that I used. And it was fantastic, as I said. So, I just was searching for this again so that I could put it on my webpage and I stumbled across this other recipe. which is supposed to be the same recipe that is in The Cake Bible. My question is about the number of eggs in the recipe. The one that I used called for 7 egg whites and 3 egg yolks, so that I had 4 egg yolks left over. The other one calls for 7 eggs, separated plus 3 additional whites. That means that there is supposedly a total of 7 egg yolks and 10 egg whites in The Cake Bible recipe. Can someone please look and tell me if that is really the number of eggs that The Cake Bible specifies? Or if that poster made a typo? Thanks!
  5. I made this cake to take to church Sunday. I followed @Patrick S's advice. I.E. - doubling the juice and the zest, using a 10-inch tube pan, not putting the pan on top of a sheet pan. I served it topped with @Tropicalsenior's amazing, easy microwave lemon curd. It was positively delectable. Every single person who tasted it loved it and one lady took a chunk of it home. There was almost 2/3 of the cake left because people are weird. The store-bought stuff went fast - cookies, pies, etc. The homemade stuff was just not even sampled for the most part. I will definitely be making this again - the texture was gorgeous and the flavor was perfect. I was lucky enough to have a bunch of lemons from my BIL's lemon tree in Phoenix.
  6. Thanks to everyone for the input. I may put the small IP on my wishlist, but for now I've ordered a 4-cup (cooked) Aroma rice cooker. And it's PINK! ๐Ÿ˜
  7. We have two very large and one smaller Asian markets within a couple of miles of us and another 2 or 3 a bit further away (yes, we are very fortunate). I will check with these. Thank you!
  8. These are all amazing and wonderful!
  9. Welcome to eG, @Miss K! I'm looking forward to your contributions!
  10. Bumping this up to get the latest information and opinions. I am rice cooking challenged. In my 45+ years of cooking, I've mastered many things but rice is not one of them. No matter the method, rice cooking is still a hit or miss mystery to me. So, I'm thinking of trying a rice cooker. I'm usually only cooking for 2 or 3 and Jessica doesn't really eat much rice. So, I'm hoping there is a small, decently dependable and not too expensive model out there. Thanks!
  11. I'm used to eating steamed crabs like this. I think I might balk at a tableful of hummus or something saucy.
  12. Kim Shook

    Breakfast 2024

    @Ann_T - those are some gorgeous biscuits. I believe that you've earned honorary Southern Lady status with those! I just had toast this morning: As long as there's raisin bread in the house, I'm going to be having it at least once a day!
  13. Kim Shook

    Lunch 2024

    @OlyveOyl - your array of sandwiches looks so wonderful! Fresh and delicious. How I'd love to have access to that incredible spread. Now this looks much less yummy ๐Ÿ˜‚. I'm really kidding. It was really good and something we hadn't indulged in in quite some time: Jersey MIke's #13 (the official Shook family Jersey Mike's sub). We were out early trying to beat the holiday weekend grocery shoppers. Mr. Kim is working from home today and took his lunch hour to go with me, so we succumbed to a craving when we drove by!
  14. Kim Shook

    Breakfast 2024

    Breakfast this morning was fried eggs on a buttered and toasted milk bread roll: I got the egg slightly overdone, but it was still good: It would have been especially good with a slice of country ham and a little bรฉarnaise! ๐Ÿ˜
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