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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. 1 hour ago, kbjesq said:

    Would love to know the secret to getting my bread to have that type of crumb! I could eat a piece right now.  Great work. 


    Kbjesq,  I get asked that all the time.  I know that hydration and developing the gluten has a lot to do with it, but I also think that the flour I use (Canadian)  also contributes.   

    • Like 3
  2. We had ham for dinner last night.   So Moe was looking forward to his ham and eggs this morning.




    Fried ham with buttered basted eggs.  Eggs were fresh from a local farm.  And he lucked out with a double yolker.  

    • Like 6
  3. So many outstanding meals and photos.


    Kim, great looking loaf of bread.  Nice to have a great bakery that specializes.


    Hungry Chris,   Would love your stuffed shrimp.   


    Liamsaunt, That is one beautiful prime rib sandwich and photo.



    Baked Crusty Rolls for dinner 


     Portuguese Chicken Sandwiches with  Peri Peri mayo.


    I had some extra tourtiere filling leftover from Christmas Eve that I froze and I had leftover chicken gravy so I made Tourtiere turnovers with commerical puff pastry. 



    Roast Chicken - Sunday night- Easiest dinner to prepare on a work night.  Chicken was presalted two days earlier and roasted at 500°F.


    • Like 15
  4. Yesterday's bake.



    Dough was started on Monday with a biga. Both Bigas  tripled in about six hours.


    Two batches of dough, 750g each at 68% went into the fridge for an overnight bulk rise. 



    Baked last night.  Netted two pizzas for dinner and four loaves.



    • Like 10
  5. Liuzhou, beautiful bride, and amazing wedding feast.

    Weinoo, your soup broth looks rich and delicious.  


    Dinners since Friday.



    Greek roasted chicken with lots of garlic, oregano and lemon.





    Penne with grilled Italian Sausage.




    Chicken Kiev with rice and lima beans.

    • Like 14
  6. Sartoric,  that chicken curry looks delicious. Thanks for the link to the recipe.


    Live lobsters were on sale so I bought three for Moe and I to share.



    Par boiled and then finished on the grill. Served with a couple of mini baked potatoes , double baked with broccoli.



    • Like 12
  7. Shelby, just early morning here on the west coast, but I have a craving now for oysters.   


    Presalted a Sterling Silver Prime rib on Thursday.  Before leaving for work yesterday, I uncovered it and let it air dry in the fridge.  



    Roasted at 500°F.  



    Served with Yorkshire puddings and homemade horseradish.










    • Like 13
  8. Ringing out the old year.



    Ringing in the new had to wait until this morning. We never make it to midnight.

    Our tradition has always been to have lobster and champagne on New Year's Eve. Last year we decided to have local Dungeness crab instead.



    And this year, we decided to have crab, but to have it in a Cioppino, The crab weighed 2 1/4 pounds, and I added Clams, Mussels, local spot prawns and halibut to the pot.



    With home-made bread to sop up all the sauce. 

    We shared a bottle of Champagne - Veuve Clicquot.

    • Like 16
  9. So many wonderful Holiday meals.   Liamsaunt, that has to be one of the best looking roast chickens I've ever seen. 


    Our holiday meals.



    Our Traditional Christmas Eve dinner.







     Chateaubriand rather than turkey for this year's Christmas dinner. 



    Cooked on the grill and served with home-made Bearnaise sauce.



    And for dessert - English Trifle. An old favourite. Been making this Trifle for almost 40 years. 

    Started Christmas Eve day, baking the cake and making the custard and assembling so all the custard, sherry and cake had time to meld.

    • Like 22
  10. Christmas morning.



    Spanish Tortilla



    Made Moe a couple of little sandwiches this morning using leftover grilled beef tenderloin from our Christmas dinner on home-made mini kaisers.  

    • Like 6
  11. Sartoric, your dinner looks amazing.




    Friday night, I roasted a small turkey breast and made hot turkey sandwiches with double fried fries.


    Saturday night was Pizza night.  Using dough that had been in the fridge since Wednesday.   Baked two pizzas. in the  Bakerstone Pizza oven on the grill.



    Greek Pizza for my son.



    Moe and I shared an Italian Sausage and Mushroom.



    Tonight we had roast chicken Italian style with a side of spaghetti Aglio E Olio.

    • Like 17
  12. Liuzhou, doesn't look like an accident to me.  I would be very happy with your breakfast.


    Couple recent breakfasts I made for Moe.




    Poached Eggs




    Roasted a  Strip Loin and made Moe one of his favourite breakfasts.  Roast Beef, gravy and scrambled eggs. 






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