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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Last night's dinner.  


    Grilled a chicken that I spatchcocked. .  Served with homemade TBQ sauce and double fried fries


    and Friday's dinner.




    Pasta alla Norma with a side of grilled Italian sausage.


    • Like 22
  2. On 29/01/2016 at 7:09 AM, SLB said:

    Those are gorgeous!!!


    I'm gonna have to find some of this Canadian flour.  That crumb is, like, biblical.  

    Thanks SLB.


    Franci, would you please share your brioche recipe?  I bought an extra dozen eggs from the farm yesterday just for this purpose.


    Started a batch of sourdough rye on Saturday and baked it last night after I got home from work.


     My son took the dough out of the fridge for me late afternoon so that it would be ready to go.




    Both were baked in Dutch Ovens. Came out of the oven late last night.



    Sliced this morning for breakfast.



    • Like 7
  3. Anna, I would love a bowl of your soup.  Comfort food.


    Simple work night dinner.  



    Skin-on Boneless chicken breasts.  Browned and then finished in the oven with whole green onions.  Pan deglazed with chicken broth and the juice of a small lemon.

    Served with fried potatoes.

    • Like 13
  4. On 27/01/2016 at 2:15 PM, HungryChris said:

    My issue is with making the dough that has good flavor. I always had the understanding that it was a long and involved process.



    We have a Mexican grocery store in Victoria where I can buy Masa harina flour.  I find corn tortillas very easy to make with good flavour. 


    Mmille,   I aspire to have my pizzas look like yours.


    Tried a new recipe last night that gave me the excuse to buy a bamboo steamer.   


    Kachin Chicken curry with fried rice with crispy shallots.


    I'm always salivating over Huiray's meals. Many of which are steamed.   Can't wait to try a few. 

    • Like 11
  5. Unfortunately, the pictures in Shain's post are not opening for me.


    Yesterday's bake was sourdough.


    I began a new starter on Sunday with fresh milled organic rye and bottled water.   


    Used some of the discard on Tuesday night to make a biga/preferment that went into a 750g batch of dough Wednesday morning.   Dough went into the fridge and was baked yesterday.






    • Like 8
  6. I love homemade corn tortillas.   For me the simplest way to make them is to cut open a ziplock bag,  I sandwich the ball of  dough between the two pieces of plastic and then press.   Flip the tortilla on to my hand and carefully pull the plastic off the top.  Then it is easy to place onto the cast iron griddle.


    Pictures might explain it better.






    • Like 3
  7. I would be happy with any one of these dinners.  Should not look at the Dinner Thread early in the morning.


    Shelby, we had almost the same dinner.




    Except I was lazy last night and made a salad rather than fries. Not being a salad lover,  I would have much preferred fries.


    Thursday night baked a ham



    Potato gratin and rapini.

    • Like 16
  8. 1 hour ago, kbjesq said:

    Would love to know the secret to getting my bread to have that type of crumb! I could eat a piece right now.  Great work. 


    Kbjesq,  I get asked that all the time.  I know that hydration and developing the gluten has a lot to do with it, but I also think that the flour I use (Canadian)  also contributes.   

    • Like 3
  9. We had ham for dinner last night.   So Moe was looking forward to his ham and eggs this morning.




    Fried ham with buttered basted eggs.  Eggs were fresh from a local farm.  And he lucked out with a double yolker.  

    • Like 6
  10. So many outstanding meals and photos.


    Kim, great looking loaf of bread.  Nice to have a great bakery that specializes.


    Hungry Chris,   Would love your stuffed shrimp.   


    Liamsaunt, That is one beautiful prime rib sandwich and photo.



    Baked Crusty Rolls for dinner 


     Portuguese Chicken Sandwiches with  Peri Peri mayo.


    I had some extra tourtiere filling leftover from Christmas Eve that I froze and I had leftover chicken gravy so I made Tourtiere turnovers with commerical puff pastry. 



    Roast Chicken - Sunday night- Easiest dinner to prepare on a work night.  Chicken was presalted two days earlier and roasted at 500°F.


    • Like 15
  11. Yesterday's bake.



    Dough was started on Monday with a biga. Both Bigas  tripled in about six hours.


    Two batches of dough, 750g each at 68% went into the fridge for an overnight bulk rise. 



    Baked last night.  Netted two pizzas for dinner and four loaves.



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