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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Steamed Moe "soft boiled" eggs for breakfast and steamed one, two minutes longer for me.

    Wanted mine in-between soft and hard. 


    The eggs were local farm fresh eggs. 
    Even this semi-soft steamed was easy to peel


    • Like 13
  2. Liuzhou, I owe you a thank you.    So glad I saw your fried rice this morning.  Looks so good.  And it pushed me to make chicken fried rice  to take for lunch.   I had leftover rice  from last night's dinner and three boneless chicken breasts in the fridge.  Two of which were destined for tonight's dinner.    So I used one of the breasts, thinly sliced, marinated in  Shaoxing wine, sesame oil and cornstarch for about 25 minutes.   Sautéed the chicken in the wok.  Finished with Onions, garlic, ginger, green onions, peas and egg.   Had to resist eating it for breakfast.



    • Like 9
  3. 21 hours ago, DianaB said:


    Many thanks for your kind comment.  I have adored your pictures on this thread for a very long time.  These days all my bread recipes come from Eric Kayser's book that I know other readers have criticised. This for using yeast in addition to sourdough but for me every recipe I have tried from that book has given wonderful results.  Before Kayser I used the Forkish book and also had some great results but without the predictability of Kayser.  I'm happy I have both and have learnt a great deal from each.


    Happy Baking! 


    Thanks Diana.  

    I often add 60 to 100g of discarded  starter to a batch of yeast dough.  I reduce the yeast from 4 g to 2g if I am going to put the dough in the fridge overnight. It enhances the flavour and texture but without tasting like sourdough.

    Just ignore any of those that criticise.   Bake what makes you happy. 



    • Like 4
  4. Diana,  beautiful crumb on your bread.

    Double bake today.



    One batch was sour dough, no commercial yeast.  Started with a biga on Sunday and baked today.




    Baked in Dutch Ovens. This was the small round.







    The second batch, was a yeast dough that I also added 60g of discarded starter. Handmixed using the stretch and fold method and baked same day.


    My husband came home just as I was taking the baguettes out of the oven and was looking for lunch.

     So this baguette was sliced while still hot. Less than five minutes out of the oven.

    • Like 6
  5. Elaina, lovely  bread. Just look at that great crumb.


    Liamsaunt, beautiful photo.



    Grilled burgers and shoestring fries (double fried) for last night's dinner.




    Homemade Kaisers.

    • Like 21
  6. Oh Anna, that looks so good.  





    Today's breakfast - Moe's. - Soft boiled eggs with toasted baguette.




    Bread was still warm . Baked this morning.


    Yesterday's breakfast was actually suppose to be Sunday night's dinner.



     But I never got around to making it  so I roasted the chicken breasts yesterday morning



    and we had a roast chicken dinner with mashed potatoes, dressing and asparagus.  

    My kind of breakfast. 




    • Like 12
  7. Hand-mixed two batches of dough on Saturday morning. Both went into the fridge for a long bulk rise.  Both 750g at 72% hydration.


    One batch taken out and baked early Monday morning.



    Six small boules.


    Second batch was taken out of the fridge early this morning.




    and netted four baguettes.

    • Like 6
  8. Anna, nice looking burger and hot dog buns.   


    Same day  dough.  Hand-mixed in the morning and baked in the evening.    72% hydration. Six smaller size boules. 



    Sliced in the morning for breakfast. 



    • Like 7
  9. Quail on the menu tonight.


    Marinated earlier in the day with garlic, lemon zest, oregano, salt, pepper, and olive oil.  About an hour or so before grilling added the juice of a whole lemon.








    Served with roasted potatoes, zucchini and tomatoes. 




    • Like 14
  10. Up early so made Moe some toast to have with his coffee.



    It was only 4:30 so I'll make him a real breakfast later at a more civilized hour.


    Yesterday's breakfast



    Ham and buttered basted day old eggs.

    • Like 9
  11. This weeks bread.  Two 750g batches of dough both started early Saturday morning and then into the fridge for a longer fermentation.



    Used one of the doughs on Sunday for two small pizzas.  One topped with olives and the 



    other just a Margherita.



    and two small baguettes.



    Second batch was baked yesterday. Two Boules baked in Dutch Ovens.






    • Like 11
  12. 2 hours ago, BonVivant said:

    One of my favourite fish, halibut. Made a batch of Vietnamese fish sauce to go with the fish today and tomorrow (brill).



    My favourite fish too. Love the way you prepared it.

      I've never seen a halibut that small. 


  13. Inspired by Jvalentino to make chicken souvlaki.  Usually I do not add onion or green pepper to the skewers, but I had a craving for charred onions and peppers.   


    Ready for the grill.



    Served with rice, Greek salad, Chickpea flat-bread and a Lebanese Garlic lemon sauce.



    • Like 19
  14. Blue Dolphin, what a great idea. Moe would love sausage rolled in pancakes.  I'll try and remember to do that next time.


    Today's breakfast. So far.



    Baguette came out of the oven last night.  



    Sliced early this morning  



    for toast.


    Yesterday's breakfast



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