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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Today's bake



    from a batch of dough made yesterday.



    Crumb shot.



    I also have a batch of sourdough that I started this morning.


    I have neglected my sourdough starter for months.
    I don't think I have fed it since October.

    Pulled it out yesterday morning and got started. Poured off the hooch and retained 6 oz of starter. Gave it a good stir and fed it with 3 ounces of fresh milled Canadian organic rye flour and three ounces of spring water.

    Sourdough Starter February 13th, 2017.jpg

    I was expecting to have to feed it a number of times before it got active, but it actually doubled in six hours. It was slow starting but once it got going it took off.

    I fed it again last night and used some of the discard to make a biga/preferment. This morning it was ready to use so I started a batch of sourdough. Not sure if I will bake today or wait until tomorrow.




    • Like 8
  2. 18 hours ago, Kim Shook said:

    Ann, everything you make looks wonderful.  But your bread is truly amazing.  Whenever you post it, I just want to sit down with a plate of hot, buttered toast and eat 'til I fall over.  


    Thanks @Kim Shook 

    You know that I feel the same way about your meals.   I think that we cook very similar.



    Anyone that knows me, knows that I don't like salads. Never have.

    I can make them, but I just don't get any satisfaction out of eating a salad.

    But Moe loves salads.

    Breakfast Salad February 13th, 2017 1.jpg


    So I decided to be a good wife this morning and make him a "breakfast salad".


    Breakfast Salad February 13th, 2017.jpg

    Salad comprised of fried potatoes, bacon, tomatoes, avocado and red onion. Topped with a poached egg. And garlic croutons made from my homemade baguette.

    He loved it.

    • Like 13
  3. Moe's breakfasts from the last three mornings.

    Chicken Rice Tomato soup with toast February 10th, 2017 3.jpg

    Friday - Chicken Rice and Tomato soup.

    I made soup to take to work with me for lunch and Moe decided to have some for breakfast.

    Chicken Rice Tomato soup with toast February 10th, 2017.jpg

    with toasted homemade baguette.

    Skillet Breakfast Ham and eggs February 9th, 2017.jpg

    Thursday - Ham and Eggs Skillet breakfast.

    Toasted Ham and Tomato February 9th, 2017.jpg

    Mine - Thursday - Toasted Ham and tomato.

    Scrambled Eggs and fried Mushrooms February  8th, 2017.jpg

    Wednesday - Mushrooms with scrambled eggs.





    • Like 15
  4. Had a batch of dough on the go since yesterday so baked a couple of baguettes and baked a couple of pizzas.

    One for Matt and one for Moe and I to share.


    Pizza February 1st, 2017.jpg

    Ours was topped with fresh mozzarella di bufala, mushrooms and pepperoni (made by a friend of a friend).


    Pizza February 1st, 2017 2.jpg

    • Like 19
  5. Robirdstk,  Great looking burger.


    Tonight I made a Dim Sum favourite


    Steamed baby back ribs  with fermented black beans January 24th, 2017.jpg


    . Steamed ribs with fermented black beans. I used baby back ribs. Had the butcher cut them lengthwise and then I just cut them into bite size pieces.

    • Like 13
  6. Another time when I didn't get around to cooking dinner so made it for breakfast this morning.

    Pork and Bean Sprouts January 24th, 2017.jpg

    Pork with Bean Sprouts.


    Yesterday's breakfast.  I had a craving for something sweet.


    Hello Dolly Squares January 23rd, 2017.jpg

    Hello Dolly Bars baked the night before.

    • Like 10
  7. 22 hours ago, liuzhou said:

    I'm only able to "Like" once, but that looks wonderful. More details on the Greek chicken. please.


    Liuzhou,  I seasoned like I would for chicken souvlaki, but rather than cut into cubes I just grilled the breast whole.

     Recipe is on my blog

    • Like 2
  8. Liamsaunt,  amazing photos.

    On 16/01/2017 at 5:12 PM, scubadoo97 said:

    Went out deep sea fishing yesterday.  50 mi. offshore fishing in 130-150 ft water.   Got rougher than predicted. Areas with structure were less than stellar.   Small legal snapper caught made a great ceviche on the boat.  Done two ways. Asian and Mexican.  A few legal lane snappers made its way home





    Scubadoo,   I'm thinking of cooking fresh sole for Moe tonight.  I can't tell if your fish has a light batter on it or if you just dipped it in flour.

    Could you please share how you cooked the flounder?  

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