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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Made dinner Saturday for our neighbours.  


    Boneless chicken breasts with skin on, stuffed with mushroom duxelles.   (Two stuffed with sage dressing because someone didn't like mushrooms).




    Ready for the oven.  Prepared to this point in the morning before leaving for work.



    Served with a wine and green peppercorn sauce.

    • Like 11
  2. Thanks Smithy,

    It has been almost too hot to bake bread.  But since I was just about out of bread, down to the last small round in the freezer,

    I caved on Thursday and baked a double batch.  Left the second batch in  a little longer for a darker crust.   Unintentionally. :smile:



     Should get us through until next week when it is suppose to cool off a bit.




    Since I was already going to have the oven on, I also baked a blueberry pie.


    Thanks BonVivant.   Maybe I will try braising next time.  




    Porterhouse steak - 1 3/4 pounds to share three ways.


    Potatoes were cooked in cream with garlic and fresh thyme.   Starch from the russetts thickened the sauce.  Added fresh shelled peas at the end with a little parmesan cheese.




    I blackened poblano peppers on the grill for chile rellenos.




    Roasted tomatoes and jalapeño peppers also on the grill for the tomato chili sauce. And cooked a pot of pinto beans. 

    • Like 15
  3. BonVivant,   I would have been happier with your lamb dinner.


    Couple of dinners from earlier in the week.


    I finally found a cut of lamb that I'm not that keen on. Lamb breast/riblets.    I still have a few cuts of lamb from a whole one in the freezer.  




    Greek style.





    We have been having a very hot summer here on the west coast of Canada.




    I have four pots of basil that are thriving.   So......



    Fettuccine in a pesto sauce with grilled Italian sausage.

    • Like 10
  4. Liamsaunt, Oh My!!! it is just after 6:00 am and I want clams.     Great photo.  I'm imagining sopping up all that wonderful broth with that bread.    


    We had an Indian curry dinner.



    A simple chicken curry with potatoes, lentils, basmati rice and homemade chapati.

    • Like 8
  5. Liuzhou, that is one great looking burger.


    Warm Caprese Salad.




    Tomatoes were wrapped in prosciutto, drizzled with olive oil and roasted at 400°F for 25 to 30 minutes or until the prosciutto started to get crispy. Served with fresh mozzarella. Drizzled with a fresh basil, garlic and olive oil dressing.

    • Like 9
  6. Shelby, I love that plate.


    FauxPas,  lovely presentation.   Looks like summer on a plate.


    I ground up a couple of sirloin steaks and made burgers for dinner.



    With homemade fries.

    • Like 9
  7. But Ann_T, where's the BREAD???!!! 


    Or did you give it all to rotuts:laugh:


    Just can't imagine that lovely pasta w/o some of your amazing bread.  

    Here it is.




    Came out of the oven late Tuesday night.

    • Like 8
  8. Ann_T


    Im gratefull I don't come over too often for Eats.


    Id have to waddle home, time and again.


    always with a few loafs under my arm and a nice Doggie Bag.


    Rotuts, I would be happy to send you home with a few loaves.




    Got a great deal on a box of brown tomatoes yesterday.  After making dinner I still had over 50 tomatoes and all for $9.95. 




    Hand chopped about 10 tomatoes, with garlic, basil and olive oil



    and served with spaghetti and roasted chicken.

    • Like 9
  9. You are an exceptional photographer, Ann. Very nice pizzas, too!


    Thank you MM.  




    Greek baby back ribs with all the Greek sides on Monday night.




    And my favourite chicken wings rubbed with fresh garlic, salt, lots and lots of black pepper and the zest and juice of a lemon was on the menu last night.

    • Like 8
  10. Sunday night's pizza. Sourdough crust. 




    Pan Pizza for my son.




    I am not a fan of pan pizza. 




    So I made this one for Moe and I.  Topped with sausage and olives.




    There was enough sourdough left to make a baguette.

    • Like 17
  11. Ann T...So eggs, spinach, mushrooms, artichokes and grapes (or olives?). Whats the dressing?


    Gfweb, no grapes, but olives and tomatoes and green onions.  The dressing is mayo based with garlic and tarragon.


    You can find the recipe here.  



    • Like 3
  12. This is my version of a salad from a restaurant in Toronto - Vittorio's Spinach Salad. Vittorio's is/was an Italian restaurant in Toronto dating back to the mid 1970's. Over the years he opened and closed and changed locations a number of times. But the salad was always on the menu at each new restaurant.

    It is a family favourite.



    • Like 8
  13. So many amazing looking dinner.   This is the place to come to get inspired.


    FauxPas, I keep coming back to look at your Pasta aglio e olio. A favourite here too but mine doesn't look as good as yours.


    I had nothing planned for dinner last night........so I stopped on the way home from work and bought what I needed to make an antipasto platter.








     I roasted red peppers and grilled zucchini slices. Plated them with a caprese salad.




    Wrapped melon in prosciutto and drizzled with olive oil and black pepper. Thinly sliced a parmesan coated salami. Add cheese, olives and my home-made bread to one of our serving boards and dinner was served.

    • Like 15
  14. So many wonderful meals.


    Gfweb,  perfectly cooked steak.  Judging by the normal looking texture, I assume it wasn't sous vide.  




    Spaghetti with grilled sausage and homemade baguette.

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