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Labor Snacks

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So, today is the big day, right? My birthday as well. St. Paddy's Day is a great birthday because there is always a party. Good luck to the new family!

Maybe some nice colcannon or bangers & mash would be a nice treat with a nod to the Irish. Or for that matter, a pint of Guinness?

Champagne sounds more appetizing to me though...

Bridget Avila

My Blog

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Maybe some nice colcannon or bangers & mash would be a nice treat with a nod to the Irish.  Or for that matter, a pint of Guinness?

and, according to my sisters Dr. and Nurses, beer helps increase your breast milk production. She tried and oh boy did it work. :raz: Good luck today!! and Congratulations.!!!

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Clear liquids (which includes broth, jello and popsicles) are usually permissible in labor, it just depends on each institutions policies. Some inductions, especially V-bacs are not permitted anything but ice chips due to the need to be ready for a possible c-section. Most hospitals will require IV access, so some liquids and electrolytes are provided there depending on the solution.

I think the best thing I have ever eaten in my life was the grilled ham and cheese sandwich my husband scurried to the hospital grill to get me after the birth of my first. I was still in the delivery room.

It is funny how our bodies, after doing all the work of labor, seem to flip a switch that screams "FEED ME NOW!"

I almost ate the paper doilies off the tray.

I had to stay for a couple of days after the twins, and the WORST thing was they brought supper at 4 pm! Who eats at 4 O'clock in the afternoons? Of course, I ate every bit of it and was then hungry an hour later.

If you have to stay a while, keep some things in your room you enjoy snacking on.

Edited by Lone Star (log)

If you can't act fit to eat like folks, you can just set here and eat in the kitchen - Calpurnia

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You could pack a little mini-cooler (lunch box size) with her favorite sandwiches, just to have on hand. The nurses would probably let you keep them in the fridge in the lounge if you ask them.

Edited by Lone Star (log)

If you can't act fit to eat like folks, you can just set here and eat in the kitchen - Calpurnia

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Refusing to celebrate her birthdays with green beer for life, Bebe Esme Castaneda was born at 11:57 pm on March 16th. Her mom, Andrea (arc), is sore but doing fine. Andrea broke her water a day before the induction was scheduled, and delivered with the help of some pitocin but no pain meds.

And, for the record: jello and water throughout the eight hours of labor (5 1/2 active, 2 transition, 20 min pushing!), then some mediocre hospital food. The next morning, more bad hospital food -- until our friend brought a loaf of sourdough raisin and walnut bread that we wolfed down. Since then, it's been more misses than hits.

However, concerning the important food consumption, Bebe is nursing like a vet!

Chris Amirault

eG Ethics Signatory

Sir Luscious got gator belts and patty melts

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now the fun begins....

my own three kids are have been locked out of the house on this gorgeous Saturday afternoon with strict intsructions not to even think about touching the doorbell until 5:00.... :blink:

Kristin Wagner, aka "torakris"


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Congratulations and best wishes to Bebe Esme and family!

Therese has it right about the issues with eating and drinking during labor. As an Anesthesiologist who is frequently called upon to administer analgesia to laboring women, I frequently give the bad news of nothing but ice chips from then on. Even those make me cringe a little bit :wacko: I am not very concerned about vomiting during labor, but if a C/S is needed emergently and a general anesthetic is necessary, vomiting or passive regurgitation could be a major problem, especially with chunks and stomach acids. Unfortunately both of these things are much more likely to happen to a pregnant woman than to a non-pregnant one and a pregnant woman's airway is generally more difficult to maintain than a non-pregnant one. An IV is necessary for any woman getting labor analgesia. This should take care of most of the hydration/thirst issues, although some nurses run them too sparingly.

John Sconzo, M.D. aka "docsconz"

"Remember that a very good sardine is always preferable to a not that good lobster."

- Ferran Adria on eGullet 12/16/2004.

Docsconz - Musings on Food and Life

Slow Food Saratoga Region - Co-Founder

Twitter - @docsconz

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Therese has it right about the issues with eating and drinking during labor. As an Anesthesiologist who is frequently called upon to administer analgesia to laboring women, I frequently give the bad news of nothing but ice chips from then on. Even those  make me cringe a little bit :wacko:  I am not very concerned about vomiting during labor, but if a C/S is needed emergently and a general anesthetic is necessary, vomiting or passive regurgitation could be a major problem, especially with chunks and stomach acids. Unfortunately both of these things are much more likely to happen to a pregnant woman than to a non-pregnant one and a pregnant woman's airway is generally more difficult to maintain than a non-pregnant one. An IV is necessary for any woman getting labor analgesia. This should take care of most of the hydration/thirst issues, although some nurses run them too sparingly.

There's a whole lot of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" that goes into the whole labor and delivery picture. During my 20-odd hour party with my first child I ruptured spontaneously (three weeks early), hadn't developed decent contractions 12 hours later, labored on pitocin (hungry and thirsty, despite an IV) for about 6 hours without an epidural, and then another 4 hours with an epidural. The epidural was only partially effective pain-wise, and I ended up with some other post-delivery complications related to all the intervention that don't need to be detailed here.

I'd wanted to avoid pitocin and anesthesia, but knew that if I hadn't delivered in 24 hours I was buying myself a C-section. Which would have meant an additional period of starvation. I shudder to think.

Anyway, healthy baby and mommy in the end.

I must admit to being a bit dismayed that Daddy hadn't pre-packed an emergency stash of champagne, chocolate, and cashews, and maybe some canned pate or smoked fish and crackers. For expecting parents out there you should go out right now and buy these items and put them in your car, all ready to go. I mean it, get up and go shopping.

Can you pee in the ocean?

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Congratulations, Chris, Andrea, and Bebe Esme! (And well done, Andrea...it's a lot of bloody work, isn't it?)

I'm glad everything went so well. I had an induction when the Spawn was born and it went similarly to yours (although she arrived at 11:52pm, not 11:57 :laugh: ); sometimes I think the body is all ready to go and just needs a little help getting started.

The morning after, the Spouse showed up with three pieces of torte from a French patisserie...one for me, one for him, and one for my roommate. We didn't know her but didn't want to be eating yummy French pastries in front of her without sharing.

Jen Jensen

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My congratulations to the family...though I am quite envious cause I'm still huge and miserable!!

I've kept up with the thread so I can further prepare my partner with what to pack: his list is getting a little ridiculous.

Congrats again!!

"Godspeed all the bakers at dawn... may they all cut their thumbs and bleed into their buns til they melt away..."

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Happiest wishes on this day for youall, Chris, Andrea, and Bebe. Have you wondered at the miracle of the miniature human who's attached to you so inextricably forever? It's the circle that carries the world; embrace it's sacred meaning.

Then buy your lady whatever she is wanting to eat :cool:

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Thanks, everyone! We're resting here and defrosting the first of our many meals that we made in the last few months before Bebe's arrival. Speaking of which, here are two photos of the peanut (everyone says, "Oh! What a peanut!" when they see her), one with Andrea. Though consistent with the purpose of eGullet, a breastfeeding photo seemed to push the usage rules!



Andrea and Bebe


Chris Amirault

eG Ethics Signatory

Sir Luscious got gator belts and patty melts

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Bebe is just gorgeous, as is her mother. Congratulations to you both!


Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. - Harriet Van Horne

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Bebe is just gorgeous, as is her mother. Congratulations to you both!

I'm a little verklempt; talk amongst yourselves. The topic will be: Which is more beautiful, a new mother, a new baby, or a new mother and baby together?

Blessings upon the Castaneda house. Selah!

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I'm a little verklempt; talk amongst yourselves.  The topic will be:  Which is more beautiful, a new mother, a new baby, or a new mother and baby together?

Blessings upon the Castaneda house.  Selah!

If I even attempt to touch that question, I'll never be allowed back on eGullet!

Congratulations, and Felicitations to Bebe Esme, and both of the parents! I won't go into the great numbers of advice tidbits that you've undoubtedly received over the past 8 months or so, but I will give you two missives: have fun, and raise a little monster that loves food!

Congratulations, mom is positively glowing with pride. You better be too, bub.

I always attempt to have the ratio of my intelligence to weight ratio be greater than one. But, I am from the midwest. I am sure you can now understand my life's conundrum.

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