' Not Fried Rice '
Mise :
sorry for the blur. no Idea why the iPhone wasn't clear about its asignment
1 heaping cup ( USA ) of Dawat basmati rice , completely rinsed. window green onion ( 2 )
Not Red home made char sui , diced Red onion , diced two eggs , beaten
not pic'd hand full TJ's bagged spinach , chopped roughly
into the 3 C Induction Zo. when the Zo ' jingles ' , I open and fluff up. my proportions for rice // water
are one heaping USA cup basmati rice , 1 1/2 cup water. When cooked , the rice seems a bit wet.
but after fluffing , w the lid open for a bit , it ends up perfect for my taste. firm , not wet
the 3 cup Zo does not leave a lot of head room , for Mix-Ins in the rice cooker bowl
so I use a SS bowl Back in the day , I used to use my 10 cup Panasonic w 2 heaping cups of basmati , and had plenty of
room for mix-ins.
some reduced salt SoySauce , and the chopped spinach. I add the spinach to the hot mixture
' room temp ' and it wilts just a but , but has some crunch. the eggs are cooked in a fondless , until firm
then chopped a bit.
my Rice Bowl :
Id be happy w this rice , in any restaurant in Chinatown.
forgot how tasty this is , and easy to make.
leftovers for breakfast tomorrow.
in the past , making 2 heaping cups , w more mix-ins , I had several quarts of this sort of thing
in the refrigerator for a few days . eaten cold , during the humid summer : very very nice.