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What to Order at Venues Not Noted for Their Drinks


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So I've been out dancing a lot recently and the places we go are known for great music but not necessarily so much for the quality of their bar. Usually, the bar is packed 5 deep and the bartenders are hustling drinks as fast as they can. When I was in Seattle, my go to drink in this situation was a Gin & Tonic. It was quick, tasty and caused a minimum amount of fuss for all parties. However, after moving back to Sydney, I just plain haven't even had a single acceptable gin & tonic let alone a good one. I've yet to see lime in a G&T, some bars put lemon, others put nothing (oddly, one bar put lime in a friend's Gin & Soda and gave me a lemon). Also, the tonic water is often disgustingly sweet and I actually returned a G&T assuming the bar tender had filled it with lemonade and was informed that this was how it was meant to taste.

Quite simply, I've given up on G&T's while I'm in Australia and I need a new standby drink. Here are the basic requirements:

Not Beer or Wine: To me, Beer & Wine are made for sipping, contemplation & conversation. Cocktails are for getting pumped and feeling alive.

Simple & well known: I just want to get in & out, I don't want to have to explain a cocktail to a bartender with deafening music pounding.

No caffeine: I don't drink caffeine normally so mild amounts have a large effect on me. Nothing sucks more than being drunk and not being able to fall asleep. So no Rum & Coke, White Russian or Black Russians.

No girl drinks: Sorry.

Not too sweet: Self explanatory

I'm having a hard time coming up with something that fits all of these criteria.

PS: I am a guy.

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Whiskey on the rocks gets me "pumped and feeling alive" sometimes and is quite simple and straight forward, Also quite tasty and refreshing with soda and a lemon.

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You might find this topic of interest; it addresses the same question.

If you're going to be picky, you're best off avoiding anything that relies on pop (because soda guns aren't the greatest), vermouth (because it goes off quickly) and citrus juice (because you're going to get sweet 'n' sour mix). Depending on the bar, you may want to steer clear of dairy, as well. Mostly, that leaves drinks that are composed entirely of spirits and liqueurs (e.g., Rusty Nail, Godfather).

However, the other night I realized that a Gimlet is perfect in this situation. It takes advantage of the fact that bars sometimes substitute Rose's for real lime juice, and it's reasonably well known. (Though maybe not in Australia? I don't know.) I can't guarantee it won't be too sweet, however.

Matthew Kayahara



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If I spy a bottle of Campari I'll do one of two things - ask if they have sweet vermouth and have it in equal parts topped with soda (Americano) - or have a Campari and soda. Easy, summery, not sweet or girly, requires little explanation.

I am a gimlet lover but find that a lot of not great bars don't have fresh lime (and some have no idea what simple is). If you don't mind Rose's, it's a great alternative.

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After spending the weekend at my parents' country club, I'm keenly aware of the challenge. My thoughts:

1) G&T's only work at places that have good tonic, i.e., in little bottles.

2) Campari and soda, provided they have Campari, is always safe.

3) And finally, I always scope out the back bar. Invariably there's at least one bottle of something good that I can drink on the rocks.

P.S. You'll almost always have to request garnishes...

Marty McCabe

Boston, MA

Acme Cocktail Company

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Thanks, I've done the decent scotch/whiskey/bourbon on the rocks thing before when I'm buying but when we're doing rounds, it needs to be a drink at the same price level as everyone else's. I'll experiment with campari cocktails and the amaretto and cranberry sounds interesting.

What's a whiskey sour like with sour mix? I've only ever had them with fresh juice.

PS: I am a guy.

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Are the odds of good ginger ale better than the odds of good tonic?

I know there are a number of good ginger ales/beers from NZ and AU. An acquaintance came back from some time in New Zealand quite enthusiastic about Moscow Mules made with some special extra spicy ginger beer* or ale. Just don't know if it would be available in the type of bars you are talking about.

edit - * Bundaberg Ginger Beer, maybe? They also make some rums.


Erik Ellestad

If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck...

Bernal Heights, SF, CA

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I would second the rum or whiskey with gingerale idea. Then get a handful of limes and squeeze away. Messy? Yes. Sticky? Don't you know it! Annoying to you, the bartender, and the people around you ? You bet your life!!! Still better than drinking something putrid.

It's kinda' like going to a house of ill repute, paying for the service, then doing it yourself.


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What's a whiskey sour like with sour mix? I've only ever had them with fresh juice.

Anyone old enough to drink legally should be smart enough not to drink these. When was (briefly) a bartender, everyone who ordered these was carded. They are, by the way, deeply sweet, despite the name.

I'm on the pavement

Thinking about the government.

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What's a whiskey sour like with sour mix? I've only ever had them with fresh juice.

Anyone old enough to drink legally should be smart enough not to drink these. When was (briefly) a bartender, everyone who ordered these was carded. They are, by the way, deeply sweet, despite the name.

generally agree. but if the pour is heavy on the whiskey...

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When beer is out of the running (oh, what a sad day) and the mixers are of questionable age and provenance, I'll order whiskey, neat, with a bump of still filtered/bottled/spring water on the side.

A splash of water (no sink water, please, or soda) in the glass, then inhale and imbibe.

Works nearly every time.

Matthew B. Rowley

Rowley's Whiskey Forge, a blog of drinks, food, and the making thereof

Author of Moonshine! (ISBN: 1579906486)

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Bourbon/whiskey and ginger is almost fool proof. Vodka and juice of your choosing. Do they have bitter lemon as a mixer Down Under? I like Bourbon and Bitter Lemon quite a bit.

Katie M. Loeb
Booze Muse, Spiritual Advisor

Author: Shake, Stir, Pour:Fresh Homegrown Cocktails

Bartendrix,Intoxicologist, Beverage Consultant, Philadelphia, PA
Captain Liberty of the Good Varietals, Aphrodite of Alcohol

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A good gimlet. But don't order it that way - instead just request your favorite brand of good quality gin with a splash of Roses Lime Juice. And if they don't have Roses or don't know what it is just go to a good bourbon on the rocks with a splash of water.

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If you're at a dancing place and want a drink at right around the price everyone else is paying, just get a whiskey on the rocks (with a splash of soda if you prefer, and a dash of bitters if it looks like they might have some).


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I had a campari and grapefruit tonight. It was pretty good but the bartender looked like I had grown 2 heads and it took 2 of them to find the campari bottle. Later, they were both looking at it like I was the first one to ever order it in the history of the bar... the search continues.

PS: I am a guy.

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If I spy a bottle of Campari I'll do one of two things - ask if they have sweet vermouth and have it in equal parts topped with soda (Americano) - or have a Campari and soda.  Easy, summery, not sweet or girly, requires little explanation.

Maybe I have different experiences these types of drinking establishments but...everytime I order a Campari and soda:

1) the bartender has a hard time finding the bottle, not knowing what it looks like.

2) it is considered a girly drink due to its bright red colour. I instantly get tongue in cheek giggly looks from all the ladies.

Still, none of that stops me. Campari is something I drink the most out of anything mixed.

Edited by jlo mein (log)
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What's the world coming too when you can't get a decent G&T in an ex British Colony? But lime in your G&T? that's just wrong!

how about Vodka, lime and soda (tell them to go easy on the lime - too often it comes like fizzy pop)?

I love animals.

They are delicious.

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What's the world coming too when you can't get a decent G&T in an ex British Colony? But lime in your G&T? that's just wrong!

how about Vodka, lime and soda (tell them to go easy on the lime - too often it comes like fizzy pop)?

Ah, but the independence of these colonies far predates the popularity of tonic water in the Empire. More like what a pity that excellent dark rum is not ubiquitous :wink:

Andy Arrington

Journeyman Drinksmith


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a similiar problem, kinda. My preferred hangout is a neighborhood bar where I love the people, the space, the prices, and the ice cold beer, but it has a terrible booze/mixer selection, so pickiness and/or difficult to explain drinks don't work. So I drink Bourbon Press (club soda w/ a splash of sprite) with bitters. Easy, quick, basic, deliciousness aplenty as long as you order good bourbon.

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Campari on the rocks with a twist. Very safe and lately I've been charged only $4 for a very large pour. My guess is that no one really knows what it is and they're just happy to see it go. My other safe drink is a good bourbon on the rocks.


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...everytime I order a Campari and soda:

2) it is considered a girly drink due to its bright red colour.  I instantly get tongue in cheek giggly looks from all the ladies.

I have this to say about that:

A person who giggles at a man drinking Campari is a boor and a philistine and not fit to live in a cow pen.

A lady who giggles at a man drinking Campari is no lady.

I hope that's not too harsh an indictment.


Edited by BrooksNYC (log)
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