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Everything posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. Most of my English peas are not doing well. The leaves at the bottom of the plants start to turn brown until the whole plant dies. All I can think of is that it may be too warm. Thoughts?
  2. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Tonight trout, avocado, coleslaw, Soave, bread, pistachio gelato, Maraschino cherry.... Gelato and Maraschino cherry not shown. You know what Soave looks like, don't you?
  3. For short grain rice I stock Tamaki Gold and Santo Tomas Bomba. Both excellent but I doubt I could tell between them. It's more about how the rice is prepared. In my opinion.
  4. Tonight -- this time mixed two and a half minutes speed 1, four minutes speed 2: The last couple weeks I've been using slightly higher hydration, which I find allows the dough hook to grab better at lower mixer speeds. Oh, and for what it's worth this is ten minutes of steam for the boule.
  5. My problem exactly, thank you. Now if I just had that $2000 scale. I do apologize for my short tempered reply to those who misunderstood the question.
  6. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    @weinoo what is your new toy?
  7. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Tonight trout, avocado, coleslaw, Soave, bread, pistachio gelato, Maraschino cherry.... Trout, avocado, coleslaw, Soave not shown.
  8. Tonight -- this time mixed two and a half minutes speed 1, five minutes speed 2:
  9. For lack of more helpful suggestions I added the polysorbate 80 by rinsing the weighing boat in the contents of the pot.
  10. Weighing the polysorbate 80 is not at all the problem. Please reread my question.
  11. When adding a precise amount of polysorbate 80 to a dish how does one do it? My best thought so far is to buy a $2000 scale and weigh it into the cooking vessel directly.
  12. Well, I lied. But next time I will never again steam bake my chicken thigh an hour at 300F, but with the CSO actually set at 450F. Probably.
  13. You could vaquform one! Seriously a better lid would be a big improvement. I love the little bowl, it is so much easier to work with than the big bowl. Last night I even thought about getting a second one but I was saved from temptation because they are out of stock.
  14. Balderdash. That nut butter does not look at all smooth. Has anyone thought to run the resulting nut butter through a grind gauge? If so I'd be amused to learn the result.
  15. I'm embarrassed that I've never gotten around to using my mini bowl until now. I seasoned with the sugar method. There was powdered sugar even inside my chamber vacuum sealer. I was most impressed.
  16. Forty years at least since I've used iodized salt. Probably more like fifty. Both steaks were salted. I didn't say the sous vide steak tasted odd. It just didn't have much flavor.
  17. Yes, there is a reason. Salting early seems to make things taste funny. But remember the steak in question sat a couple days in the refrigerator.
  18. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    This slaw was Napa. First time I've used Napa cabbage. Very good but I must say for slaw regular European cabbage is easier to work with. When I make European coleslaw I call it ken cut cabbage. And thank you, the potatoes are indeed quite something but I already gave potato credit!
  19. The sous vide steak was bagged with a bit of garlic powder and a few drops of liquid smoke. Then salted for an hour while drying after removal from the bag. The grilled steak was seasoned only with salt and then rested for an hour. I cooked and ate the grilled steak first, for what it's worth, speaking as a quondam protein chemist.
  20. Thing is it was not just the aroma. The sous vide steak did not taste like much at all. I really don't understand the difference in results.
  21. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Sous vide "chuck filet", Georgian lobio from Tasting Georgia (p 399): Red plum sauce not shown.
  22. To return to my "chuck filet" experiment, recall the package had two twin steaks. The other day I simply grilled one steak ten minutes or so on the Philips: Tonight I cooked one steak sous vide 56C for two hours and a half, then dried and seared in a pan with smoking oil: Both steaks were consumed in their entirety. As my be seen the sous vide seared steak had considerable crust. However this steak dissociated at the muscle boundaries so it was not as pretty. What is most remarkable: the grilled steak filled the whole apartment with the scent of steak. The meat tasted like steak, in a good way I don't oft experience. In contrast the sous vide steak didn't taste like of much of anything.
  23. Now I'm thinking that the brand of oil I used and the one I plan to use again, La Tourangelle, is roasted. Are Italian pistachio oils typically unroasted?
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