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Everything posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. Sudden death may occur in patients with scurvy. The RDA for vitamin C is 60 mg. An average lime contains 19.5 mg vitamin C. A random key lime pie recipe calls for 3/4 cup lime juice. That's about three limes. Assume the pie makes six slices and that would be your answer. But wait! Vitamin C is heat labile. It is best to be conservative. When does your therapy begin? (And should you run out of pie vitamin C is available as an injection.)
  2. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Last night: Whole Foods dry aged "ribeye" that isn't. Tasty enough however. Today's Whole Foods delivery actually included a ribeye* -- but one that neither looks nor smells dry aged. (Nor this time did the label state dry aged.) Does not build confidence in the amazon order process. Bread. Boursin and bottle of Pheasant's Tears Saperavi not shown. *I guess they must have run out of strip steak to send.
  3. Amazon again came through! Seventeen limes. Seven organic. Ten conventional. For the moment I am safe.
  4. Good to know. My one shows no signs of old age but should it falter I wouldn't hesitate a minute, bank balance permitting. I assume the new pro works just fine without WiFi.
  5. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    I knew you'd work pizza in there somehow. Beautiful, by the way.
  6. @Anova Jeff explained this to us way back when. Myself, I'm wondering if the pro is part of the business unit sold to Electrolux or not. And some of us are still waiting for Jeff to sail home from the south Pacific to design our oven.
  7. Tomorrow is International Scurvy Awareness Day. And Shoprite had no limes.
  8. I've worked out that an hour at 250F convection bake gets my uncut boule to the magic Modernist 77C.
  9. Mixologist is not a new term. @Splificator traces mixologist back to bars of the 1850's.
  10. Yes, I am in the balsamic camp depending on my mood and finances. Lime though helps with turning brown.
  11. My boule was not supposed to be a flatbread.
  12. Interesting, I had never thought to salt my avocado.
  13. I have been known to employ cinnamon when I intend paprika or cayenne.
  14. I predate the internet, and my copy of The New York Times Cook Book (1961) is in my hand*. The closest recipe I can find is New Potatoes with Dill Seed-Sour Cream Dressing (p395). No butter nor carrots to be found in Claiborne's version. And peering closely at said Smithy potatoes I see no sour cream. *singular. I am typing with the other.
  15. I have to think cooking potatoes that way would make a mess of the poor pot? Wouldn't the CSO on super steam give a similar result?
  16. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Rancho Gordo San Francisco beans. No meat necessary.
  17. This week's amazon prime now delivery was again strip steak rather than the dry aged ribeye I ordered. Amazon didn't charge me and they gave me a $10.00 credit on top of that. I don't see how they make a profit. It would seem so much easier to just send the ribeye I ordered. They sent ribeye once, I know they can do it if they want to.
  18. I think we have been through this before. A premise of today's WSJ article is that American prejudice against MSG is racial and xenophobic. Evidence for which is lacking. I can't believe it was Dr. Kwok's intent to deprecate Asian cuisine or Asians when he published his warning of MSG. Speaking for myself, back in the '60's I was a devotee of the little red container. Or sometimes not so little red container. But a couple experiences have made me cautious. Once in the 1980's a friend and I had lunch at a local Hunan restaurant. Within an hour we were both incapacitated by a headache, an unusual form of headache: it is as if your mind turns off. The sensation is exceedingly unpleasant. The rest of the day is ruined. By happenstance I noticed an empty hundred pound drum of MSG behind the restaurant. Another time I dined with my family at a Thai restaurant they favor. My dish was delicious but within an hour I had the same reaction. Quite horrible. Next day my son ate the leftovers of my dinner with the same result. He is convinced the problem could not have been MSG. Perhaps, but then what is it? The symptoms do not correspond to any known food poisoning. At least known by me. And I affirm the unpleasantness is real. And if not MSG, what then is the cause? I spoke once with a local Chinese restaurant owner who said there was no need to use MSG in Chinese cuisine and he did not use it. Had no adverse reaction to his food. If the cause of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome is indeed not MSG it would be best to identify the cause and exonerate MSG, rather than deny the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome symptoms exist.
  19. I wouldn't assume out of the bag that the seed chocolate was in proper temper.
  20. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Sorry, carry on. I was hoping what I saw was something more or less like this: https://pleasanthillgrain.com/haussler-alpha-mixer-heavy-duty-kitchen-dough-stand-mixer I was distracted by the chef.
  21. Our library sells used books of course, and the cookbooks fly off the shelves. (Some don't make it as far as the shelves.)
  22. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    @Duvel more information on the spiral mixer please.
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