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Everything posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. Well, bake steam 425F 10 minutes: Please ignore the tuna and potato. The asparagus was tasty, with satisfactory texture. But oh my that color was hard to get past. (Wine helped.)
  2. Thank you! I'll aim on the high side for 5.2. My reference thermometer is good to two decimal places. I don't have a suitable tulip glass so my usual Baccarat water goblet will have to do. I have washed it carefully.
  3. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Something new: asparagus steam baked in the CSO: Perfectly prepared but note the sulfurous demonic hue. Normally I boil my spears in a large pot of excess water which preserves the color. Typically tasty baked potato and lightly grilled tuna steak. I repent the years I tortured tuna before I learned what it could be. And before I acquired the tools and technology to make the apotheosis so.
  4. When I've had Duvel before it was at refrigerator temperature. Whatever Duvel is trying to be I don't think it is a light lager. According to Wikipedia Duvel is made from Scottish yeast. And in the immortal words of Michael Flanders: "One cannot drink stout."
  5. At what temperature should Duvel optimally be served? The ale, that is. Tell me and I'll tell you what I'll be drinking.
  6. Amazon came through. No scurvy for another week.
  7. Safari offers a disclaimer: "Please be aware that formula calculations may differ in Excel." It's not asparagus exactly but I've read people pilot airplanes from documents on their iPads. Be that as it may -- the asparagus is in the CSO pan, waiting for my baked potato. And my mai tai. Thanks!
  8. Interestingly Safari on my iPad opened the spreadsheet. But the time for asparagus is listed as "01"?
  9. Any suggestions for asparagus in the CSO? Other than steam for 10 to 12 minutes from the CSO instruction book. (Unfortunately I don't have a program to open the spreadsheet to see if there is something for asparagus.)
  10. Yesterday at Shoprite I was told their delivery was coming in last night. I woke up in withdrawal and hurried to Shoprite before work. No limes. I'm sure this is because of International Scurvy Awareness Day on 5/2. Scurvy is a dreadful way to die. Meanwhile I just placed an order with Amazon for ten limes, with delivery for tonight.
  11. For shopping I had no energy. Browsing Prime Now did not excite me. But I needed limes. One can endure most privations. But not limes. Besides, it was still a lovely afternoon and there is a Flood Watch in effect. I girded my loins, my boots, my backpack and set off for Shoprite. Shoprite had no limes.
  12. I have and recommend the ICE-100. My advice is to use only about 800 g of mix per batch and to spin for 15 minutes, 20 minutes maximum. I get better results with the ice cream paddle rather than with the gelato paddle. The gelato paddle is supposed to reduce overrun. Don't forget to run the machine for about 15 minutes to precool before adding the mix. See the other ice cream threads -- of which there are about four or five going at the moment.
  13. It was not always well received. I recall an ultimatum about the food coloring.
  14. Never. Green pasta sauce comes to mind. And in those days lard was twenty five cents a pound.
  15. I would love to see a cost/benefit analysis between Prime Now/WF DAS and RB40. My money (or in this case American tax payers' money) is on the DAS. Your tax dollars at work.
  16. When I was in collage and cooking for myself and others I used a lot of MSG and green food coloring.
  17. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Arrack and Sprite sounds a lot like Mississippi punch. @Shelby the arrack I use does not taste like coconut.
  18. This week's bread.* *I get to repeat myself. The horror was I almost ate it before I took the picture.
  19. I too bought Dough and I also purchased Crust. Each was $0.99. Crumb is more expensive so I passed.
  20. You are a genius! Tonight it took me only seconds! (Don't know yet if the success is repeatable.)
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