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Everything posted by lindag

  1. Slicing the cheese for my occasional grilled cheese sandwich has been a bit of a struggle lately. My wire slicer (shown) and my small knife don’t work very well. i found this slicer on Amazon and I'm pretty impressed with it. It's. A bit bigger than I expected and it reminds me of a guillotine. 😁 "
  2. The story about food poisoning in the 'Bali' thread reminded me of something that happened a few summers ago.... I will never again prepare a dish using fresh spinach without thoroughly washing it first. Three or four hours later I was in the bathroom trying to decide which was worse; the vomiting or the Hershey squirts! I was ill for quite a long time afterward.
  3. lindag

    Dinner 2018

    Indeed, I have been known to use the hottest days for bread-making...what else is there to do? God bless central air.
  4. lindag

    Dinner 2018

    @ElsieD, I halved the recipe and did use all of the dressing...it was not too much, probably because the pasta absorbed much of it. The salad was good but I'll use less of the PB next time.
  5. lindag

    Dinner 2018

    Last night's dinner was Ina Garten's Crunchy Noodle Salad. A nice choice for a hot evening. It was good except that I eye-balled the measurement of peanut butter and it was a little bit, well, heavy on the PB. Other than that it was good even though the pasta stuck together.
  6. Put together a Strawberry Rhubarb dump cake this morning...when it cools enough I'll have a piece for lunch. Also shown is my jar of Famous Dave's spicy pickle chips for a snack.
  7. lindag

    Dinner 2018

    Henry just being a dog....and a very handsome dog.
  8. I'm sure we've all managed to assume we have some staple on hand only to discover there's either none or not enough.
  9. I use both Living Cookbook and now Paprika because it works on my iPad and Windows tablet.
  10. lindag

    Dinner 2018

    Wow that looks so good!
  11. lindag

    Dinner 2018

    Temps today in the mid 90sF got me thinking about a Shrimp Louie for dinner. I always keep tiny cooked shrimp in the freezer for just such a day and I have some wonderful fresh beets that I just cooked in my iPot yesterday. Not authentic but too good to not use.
  12. I really like that little juicer...looks perfect for cocktails.
  13. Even without actually seeing him do this I am pretty grossed out.
  14. Interesting...my new diet is cocktail onions washed down with ice cold Absolut Peppar Vodka.
  15. I've never seen mushrooms in chili either.
  16. Can someone tell me where I can find this spreadsheet? My searches didn't find it.
  17. A friend was telling me yesterday about a cocktail she had while visiting in Leavenworth WA. It was a Spicy Watermelon Martini. It sounds like something I'd really enjoy but I've no idea how to make one. Any ideas?
  18. That case of :Canadian Club looks like a good start for your stay! Posted whilst enjoying my evening martini.
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