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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. To add to the confusion, I just checked Best Buy. The have the CSO-300N1C for $199.99 (after $20 off) and they have the CSO-300N1C-1PKC for $329.99 (after $111.00 off). First time I have heard of the second one. Maybe it is the 300N1C that is being discontinued and replaced with the 1PKC? Quite the price differential. I may need to pay Best Buy a visit.
  2. I's expect more from Panasonic. Was it the combo?
  3. Well, I almost got off my duff to run to my local Canadian Tire store to buy a second one.
  4. https://www.cuisinart.com/shopping/appliances/toaster_ovens/cso-300n1 That is what is showing on the web site. I called them and the person I spoke to, well, she did not fill me with confidence. She did say the 300 was discontinued and replaced with the 300N1 (which I have), but, well, you ever talk to someone and they aren't really hearing what you are saying? She also said they are not discontinued.
  5. If it is a book on sous vide you are after, buy "Sous Vide for the Home Cook" by Douglas E. Baldwin. It is excellent.
  6. Aack! Are you saying they have quit making them? Or am I reading too much into your post?
  7. Welcome to the forum. I gather you are a cat lover?
  8. We too like TJ's mustard and I stock up whenever we go. We haven't been for quite a while and I just checked our supply. We are down to our last full jar. Time for another trip. I believe it was @rotuts who put me on to that. If there is an Italian grocer in Denver, check with them for salt-packed capers. That's where I buy mine.
  9. I found out something the other day which can sometimes be useful. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. When you click on a book link and it takes you to the amazon link, and you click on the "look inside" button, you often don't get an index. It you toggle to the hard copy version and then click on "look inside" you sometimes get a different preview which includes the index. It didn't work today for The Chinese Takeout Cookbook but it has worked for some others.
  10. The fridge we had at the house was a kitchenaid. In it's 12 years, the ice maker failed twice. We now have an LG which is almost 5 years old and so far, the ice maker works like a charm.
  11. I do mine at 140F for 3 hours followed by a fast sear. Pink all the way through.
  12. @Okanagancook Well, dang! Now you've got me craving onion rings. Our favourite burger place has the best onion rings, also panko'd (not in MW dictionary) really nice and crispy. They do nice and crunchy sweet potato fries too so we always get a half and half order.
  13. How "new" is it? I have owned more than a few of their books in the past. One day I did an index comparison and found a lot of duplication of recipes. Never bought another one of their books. If you don't have any of their other books it might be worth buying as their recipes are foolproof.
  14. Pardon my ignorance but what are those fingers used for?
  15. Re: garburators. They are not allowed in Ottawa so check with the city if you are thinking you want one. Ventilation to outside, a couple of separate circuits, and a window over the sink or prep area. Lots of cupboards. The condo we live in has a pantry, not a separate room pantry, but a pantry nonetheless. It had deep shelving which was a pain so we had drawers put in and converted the bottom cupboards to pull-outs. We also swapped one cupboard for pan drawers and added drawers to a couple of others. There was dead space between the cooktop and the cupboard beneath it and we had a wide drawer installed where we keep all our cooking utensils. The kitchen has a separate eating area with double doors opening to the dining area. There was enough space on either side of the doors in the kitchen to install two additional floor to ceiling cupboards, including a pull-out spice rack.
  16. I just measured mine. They are also a food long and about 4 1/4" wide. Two of these pieces weighed 2.472 kg.
  17. Thanks. Eye of round does not get a lot of love on this forum but I have corned it, cooked it SV and thinly sliced, makes for pretty good sandwiches.
  18. I picked up my beef short ribs today and my brine is cooling. Ruhlman says to brine for 5 days. Does brining short ribs change the brining time, does anyone know? Also, what I have is what I was lead to believe was the full cut, which they cut in half lengthwise for me. This brings me to two more questions. Should I cut the ribs and brine them as individual ribs? Also, they trimmed them fairly well but there are still some pockets of fat. Should I trim this off? Any advice appreciated.
  19. Yeah, I wondered where you were.
  20. @rotuts great idea on the bubble wrap. I have been throwing mine out but will save it from now on, at least enough of it for sv purposes.
  21. I was at the Superstore for something today and checked out the short ribs. They had them for $14.71 a POUND! That is for AA beef. Right near here there is s store called Farm Boy where I buy most of my stuff and that was my last stop of the day and that is where I ordered the short ribs. They were $8.99 a pound and are AAA beef. So better quality, lower price. Win, win. I also bought pickling spice and will follow Michael Ruhlman's recipe for corned beef from his Charcuterie book. Since I will have two strips of short ribs, I may sv one strip @133F and simply braise the other. I haven't decided yet. I've never corned short ribs before and I'm excited to see how they will turn out.
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