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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. This is what I got after 12 minutes at 167F. The whites were still runny and a lot of the white was left in the shell. Tried some more at 170, and 172. At 170 the whites were a bit firmer. At 172 only the yolk popped out and not surprisingly, was overcooked. I also tried one out of it's shell in a zip lock, after 8 minutes at 172 the whites were runny and the yolk was almost hard. I am trying one more for 15 minutes atc167F.
  2. How set were the whites? I here slimy whites.
  3. Recently, we were looking at "over the range" microwaves. One thing that struck me was the way the new ones open. They all seem to have pull down doors which may or may not be a issue for you, depending on where you put it. Our microwave is built in over the oven. When it comes time to replace it, that is a feature I will have to consider as I am not that tall and having to reach that extra distance to remove a hot plate of whatever will be a problem.
  4. I just lightly rubbed s strip steak with RB 40 fish sauce, put it in a jelly bag which in turn was put on a rack in the fridge. I'll give it a couple of days before I SV it. I think I will turn it over at the 24 hour mark in case it makes a difference. Thank you @rotuts for your help.
  5. @Toliver Thank you. As a newcomer to baking with sourdough I was happy to pick up the Sourdough book.
  6. ElsieD

    Breakfast 2019

    That's a great invite, those cups are lovely. Will Michael and Patrick be joining us? Oh wait, we don't live near each other! Salted caramel chocolate - how do you make this?
  7. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Weiner sauce?
  8. ElsieD

    Gran Gaggia

    Thank you all, you are very helpful. This machine is not like anything I am used to. I went back over the my neuighbour and she found the rest of the parts, picture below. It is an older machine but for the last 13 years of her husband's life he didn't use it and she never did. As you can see, I now have the instructional video which will explain how to use it. Should help a lot. @teonzo the water reservoir just has a lid that that fits over it. I don't think the lid has anything to do with the top knob.
  9. ElsieD

    Gran Gaggia

    This is a picture of the top knob.
  10. My next door neighbour came over today to tell me she is getting rid of some kitchen stuff and did I want any of it. I came back with this machine. I have never had a machine like this and can't find any information specific to this model. To tell the truth, I'm not even sure all the parts are there. There is no manual. Can anyone who currently has this machine or maybe had one in the past tell me something about it? Like what the buttons on the right hand front are for and the knob on top of the machine? Meanwhile, I'll keep searching the internet.
  11. @chord That looks amazing.
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    I do them in the Instant Pot all the time. They're great.
  13. Now, I realize a plate of oatmeal cookies is nothing to get excited about UNLESS you finally find the recipe that takes you back to when you were maybe 12 years old. On Saturday's, I had the job of making cookies. One I used to make was a very crisp, buttery, oatmeal cookie with coconut and sometimes finely chopped nuts. The recipe was in one of those little recipe booklets that came with, I think bags of flour. At any rate, I left home without the recipe and years passed. For the last couple of years I have tried various recipes in an attempt to duplicate this cookie but none came close. Then one day, I was at a thrift store and bought More Food That Really Schmecks by Edna Staebler. In it was a recipe for Super Simple Oatmeal Cookies which looked a lot like the one I used to make. And that's what we have here. The cookie that I remember from my childhood. The only commercial brand of oatmeal cookie that even comes close to this is a brand called Aunt Lizzies. They sell them around here but I don't know if they are sold anywhere else in Canada. Colour me happy.🙃
  14. My word, but there is some beautiful work being done. Thank you all for posting.
  15. Ahhhhhh... strawberries. As I look out all I see is snow covered ground. We are a long ways away. I too eat them daily once they arrive, until the local ones are done. I don't bother with the imported ones as it seems to me they are grown for size, not flavour.
  16. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    I said much the same thing earlier in this thread. If he didn't see my comment perhaps he will see yours. Without a basic description the pictures, while nice to look at, don't really mean much.
  17. I know you have other equipment for this but are you going to try to temper chocolate using the Control Freak?
  18. Although, it does help to have a Control Freak. How long have you had it and how do you like it?
  19. @Kerry Beal A woman who sure knows how to improvise!
  20. I agree. I don't use social media either, or at least not much, but I too use websites.
  21. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @mm84321 That meal looks lovely, but is there a chance that for future meals, you might give a brief description of them?
  22. ElsieD

    Breakfast 2019

    Toasted bacon bread?
  23. For those of us who don't know, what is PMCA?
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