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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. My word, but there is some beautiful work being done. Thank you all for posting.
  2. Ahhhhhh... strawberries. As I look out all I see is snow covered ground. We are a long ways away. I too eat them daily once they arrive, until the local ones are done. I don't bother with the imported ones as it seems to me they are grown for size, not flavour.
  3. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    I said much the same thing earlier in this thread. If he didn't see my comment perhaps he will see yours. Without a basic description the pictures, while nice to look at, don't really mean much.
  4. I know you have other equipment for this but are you going to try to temper chocolate using the Control Freak?
  5. Although, it does help to have a Control Freak. How long have you had it and how do you like it?
  6. @Kerry Beal A woman who sure knows how to improvise!
  7. I agree. I don't use social media either, or at least not much, but I too use websites.
  8. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    @mm84321 That meal looks lovely, but is there a chance that for future meals, you might give a brief description of them?
  9. ElsieD

    Breakfast 2019

    Toasted bacon bread?
  10. For those of us who don't know, what is PMCA?
  11. I'll eat them in whatever shape I can get them. They look yummy.
  12. I had heard about this too which is why I totally ignore Yelp.
  13. Yup, I do that too. I especially look at the negative ones because "they didn't have my brand of beer on tap" is no excuse for downgrading a restaurant. "My food arrived cold, under seasoned and no one cared" is a different story.
  14. I too think that generally it is the best. But, even restaurants that have been highly rated can let you down as happened to us last year in Newfoundland. A restaurant rated 4 .5 starts gave us the worst meal of our trip.
  15. ElsieD

    Dinner 2019

    Would you compare the taste of the steak to that of one cooked on a gas grill?
  16. https://firstbuild.com/products/indoor-smoker/?mc_cid=3031222701&mc_eid=079813e2dd
  17. Someone in a store called me dear once. I snapped back "I'm not your dear". The poor young lady fell all over herself apologizing. I felt terrible and wished I hadn't said anything as it was clear she didn't mean to offend me. But, she probably never called another older person that again and I have never taken exception to being called that again. We both learned something that day.
  18. Yes, it was stiffer than what I am used to. I guessed at the 50% hydration as i am not sure how much water I actually used.
  19. https://anovaculinary.com/anova-sous-vide-cologne/ The link to the video in case anyone is interested.
  20. This just arrived in my mailbox: I could only post it in two sections, sorry.
  21. @Katie Meadow We should get together. Based on your post, we'd have a grand time!
  22. That is a great article. I do not want to sit at a communal table, I want to sit in a comfortable chair, I want enough light to be able to read the menu and I want it to be able to have a conversation without shouting or having to wear a hearing aid (which I do not need as yet). As a "mature" person I also appreciate smaller portions.
  23. @Franci Did you use all-purpose or bread flour? And thank you for this.
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